Adopt a child

Evening Moscow, underground passage, there is a woman with a child in her arms, and next to her three more childrendirty, hungry… You can’t help but wonder: “Why does someone have children, many children, but there is no possibility or desire to care for them these people sometimes even abandon his child, and someone dreams of children, but, unfortunately, he does not give such possibility…”. The problems associated with the adoption of children, says psychologist Natalia Poletaeva.

Усыновить ребенка

Indeed, statistics shock us with the number of” rejected ” children, even to the point that some hospitals have equipped special rooms for the anonymous reception of children. Everyday troubles, numerous disasters and natural disasters deprive children of their parents, they are left alone… But maybe God leaves other people the opportunity to care for those who have been taken away from their mother’s affection and care?


I have always admired people who adopted a child! Of course, this is not a simple decision and not a simple procedure, but it is so brave, so noble, so sincere! Moreover, this step is decided not only by those families who do not have the opportunity to have their own children, but also by those who already have their own children, and there is so much warmth that they are ready to take someone else to raise.

To make such a decision is not easy, there are a lot of questions: how will I raise him? Will it work or not? Will we be able to become truly family? Will he love me? The most important thing here is not to be afraid! The adoption process (as well as pregnancy) is not fast, and you have time to prepare! In addition to solving problems with paperwork, you can attend special classes to prepare parents for raising a child. Psychologists will answer your questions, help you dispel doubts and teach you to understand the child, so that it is easier for you to raise him.

The process of adaptation of a child in a foster family depends largely on the age: the younger the baby, the easier it is for him to get used to his parents, and the family concerns of the parents will be mainly related to the care of the child. The older the child, the more difficult it is for him to adapt to new conditions, but at the same time it is easier for parents to engage with him, to find a common language. In fact, the most important thing is desire and love. The child will feel your concern and respond in return.

Friends, family, friends, colleaguesthere are many people around us, but who of them truly, sincerely loves, appreciates and understands you? Only a child is capable of sincere feelings, only in his eyes you will read the words of love, only in his arms you will feel real tenderness. After all, it is so important to feel that someone needs you. Once a man told me that to be happy for him is to be needed by someone! Believe me, millions of single children need you, they really need you…


P.S. Dear friends, if you are concerned about the problems of adoption, if you are ready to help children find a foster family, take part in the projects of the “Change One Life” foundation . If you want to adopt a child yourself, then on the same site you will find video questionnaires of children who are looking for parents, as well as the necessary legal information.


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