Adjika with a horse, we are varki 

One of the options for homemade preparations is adjika with horseradish and tomatoes without cooking. Its preparation takes a minimum of time, since it is enough to prepare the ingredients according to the recipe and grind them. The preservation of the sauce is provided by horseradish, which does not allow germs to spread.

How to cook adjika

The easiest way to prepare adjika is to chop the tomatoes, add garlic, horseradish root and salt. With this option, there is no need to cook vegetables. Garlic and horseradish act as preservatives here and do not allow the sauce to deteriorate throughout the winter.

Cooking the sauce without cooking allows you to save the vitamins and minerals contained in vegetables. During heat treatment, most of them are lost. Adjika gets a more piquant taste by adding carrots, bell peppers and apples.

Advice! Adding vinegar will help prolong the shelf life of the sauce.

Adjika with a horse, we are varki 

To get homemade preparations, you will need a meat grinder or blender. With their help, vegetables are chopped, and the finished dish acquires a porridge-like consistency.

horseradish preparation

The greatest difficulty during the preparation of adjika is the processing of horseradish. This component is hard, it is difficult to clean and grind. Therefore, the horseradish root is pre-soaked in cold water, and then washed with a brush. You can remove the top layer using a vegetable peeler.

The second problem with horseradish recipes is the pungent odor. Also, this ingredient irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. If possible, it is recommended to carry out all operations with it in the open air.

Advice! Before scrolling the horseradish through a meat grinder, they put a plastic bag on it.

Adjika with a horse, we are varki 

Salt water will help get rid of the smell from the skin. Since horseradish clogs the meat grinder, it is crushed after all other products. Otherwise, you will have to wash the meat grinder before processing tomatoes and other vegetables.

Traditional recipe

The simplest version of adjika involves the use of tomatoes without cooking with horseradish and garlic. The classic version of horseradish is prepared using the following technology:

  1. Tomatoes (3 kg) are placed in boiling water for a few minutes, then they are taken out and peeled.
  2. Peeled horseradish root (0,3 kg) is divided into several parts.
  3. Garlic (0,5 kg) is peeled.
  4. All components are scrolled through a meat grinder.
  5. The vegetable mixture is thoroughly mixed, salt (30 g) and sugar (60 g) are added.
  6. The resulting mass is laid out in jars for canning.

Adjika with a horse, we are varki 

Adjika with pepper and horseradish

When adding pepper, the taste of the sauce softens a little, although it does not lose its sharpness:

  1. Tomatoes (0,5 kg) are cut into 4 parts.
  2. Bulgarian pepper (0,5 kg) must be cut into several pieces, cleaned of seeds and stalks.
  3. Hot pepper (0,2 kg) can be left whole, just cut off the tails. Due to its seeds, the sauce will turn out especially hot.
  4. Horseradish root (80 g) is peeled and cut into pieces up to 5 cm long.
  5. Garlic (0,1 kg) is peeled.
  6. The prepared ingredients are turned through a meat grinder and mixed thoroughly.
  7. Salt (2 tablespoons each) and sugar (2 tablespoons each) are added to the vegetable mass.
  8. Adjika is left to infuse for 2-3 hours.
  9. The finished product is laid out in jars, which are pre-sterilized. If the jars are closed with nylon lids, then they can only be stored in the refrigerator.

Adjika with a horse, we are varki 

Adjika with ginger and horseradish

After adding ginger, the sauce acquires a piquant flavor. It turns out such adjika without cooking, subject to the following process:

  1. Ripe fleshy tomatoes (1 kg) are dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then they are taken out and skinned. The pulp is cut into large pieces.
  2. Sweet pepper (1 pc.) Cut in half, removing seeds and stalks.
  3. Carrots (1 pc.) Peel and cut into large pieces.
  4. One onion and a head of garlic must be peeled, the onion should be cut into several parts.
  5. Ginger root (50 g) and horseradish (100 g) are also prepared.
  6. Prepared ingredients are ground in a food processor or blender.
  7. Separately, you need to chop one bunch of fresh parsley and cilantro.
  8. Greens are added to the vegetable mass, after which it is thoroughly mixed.
  9. Adjika is left for 2 hours to infuse.
  10. Before putting the sauce in jars, you can squeeze the juice from half a lemon into it.

Adjika with a horse, we are varki 

Adjika with green tomatoes and horseradish

In the absence of ripe tomatoes, they will be successfully replaced by not yet ripened vegetables. For homemade preparations, only green tomatoes are chosen that have not begun to turn yellow or blush.

Green tomato sauce is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Tomatoes in the amount of 5 kg are cut into several parts. You can leave the skin on them, as it will not affect the quality of the sauce.
  2. The next step is the preparation of horseradish and garlic, which require 0,2 kg each.
  3. Tomatoes, hot peppers (6 pcs.), horseradish and garlic are passed through a meat grinder.
  4. The resulting mass is mixed, vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) and a glass of salt are added.
  5. The finished sauce is laid out in jars.

Adjika with a horse, we are varki 

Adjika with horseradish and beets

You can add beets to traditional adjika with horseradish, then its taste will become deeper. The sauce is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. First, beets (1 kg) are prepared, which must be peeled and cut into large vegetables into several parts.
  2. Then 0,2 kg of garlic and 0,4 kg of horseradish are peeled.
  3. The components are scrolled through a meat grinder and salt is added to taste.
  4. The vegetable mass is thoroughly mixed to dissolve the salt.
  5. Peppers will help add spice.
  6. Ready adjika is laid out in jars. When the sauce is served, you can add some chopped walnuts to it.

Adjika with greens and horseradish

Fresh greens are used as an addition to ready-made adjika. However, for the winter, you can prepare a sauce that already contains dill and parsley. Since the components are not subjected to heat treatment during the cooking process, the greens will retain their beneficial properties. Such blanks are stored only in the refrigerator.

Adjika with a horse, we are varki 

The following recipe will help prepare the sauce with herbs:

  1. Tomatoes (2 kg) cut into several pieces.
  2. Bulgarian pepper (10 pieces) must be cut, then the seeds and stalks should be removed.
  3. Similar actions are performed with hot peppers. For the sauce, it is taken in the amount of 10 pcs.
  4. Then garlic is prepared (8 pcs.), Which is peeled and horseradish (100 g).
  5. The ingredients prepared in this way are passed through a meat grinder.
  6. Separately chop dill (0,2 kg) and parsley (0,4 kg).
  7. The greens are placed in the vegetable mass, salt (30 g) is added.
  8. The sauce is laid out in jars for the winter.

Adjika with a horse, we are varki 


To get spicy adjika, it is not at all necessary to cook vegetables. It is enough to prepare the components, if necessary, clean them and grind them. More spicy is adjika, where, in addition to horseradish, there is hot pepper or ginger. If you want to soften the taste, then add sweet peppers, carrots or beets. To prepare the sauce, you need a meat grinder or blender. You need to store raw adjika in the refrigerator, especially if it contains fresh herbs.

Raw adjika according to our family recipe, which can be stored all winter. A storehouse of vitamins.

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