Adhesive plaster

Adhesive plaster is a thin fabric strip on which an adhesive mass is applied. It adheres tightly and stays firmly on the skin. Today, there are many types of adhesive plaster, which is used in various branches of medicine. Their difference is in purpose, size and price. Such a thing should be in every person’s first aid kit, because it has many advantages.

Appearance is known to almost everyone. This is a small roll that can be used in many different ways. The adhesive plaster has a woven base, it is used as a material for dressings, after operations, for fixing tampons, probes and other medical equipment. Fixing strips are needed after various cosmetic surgeries. This ensures that the wounds after healing do not leave scars, and their edges grow together into one thin thread. It can differ only in purpose, size, sterility. The cost of adhesive plaster also depends on the manufacturer and on the application. The product can be made of silk, non-woven material, textile fabric, as well as film. The base of the adhesive plaster is universal and moisture resistant, the skin does not get wet under it, so you can wear it for several days.

Most often, the medical plaster has a light shade, and the back side is covered with a special adhesive mass. It has a special property – it softens upon contact with the skin and adheres firmly to it.

The adhesive plaster is produced in the form of a small coil or canvas of different sizes in individual packaging. The latter most often include medicinal substances, so they have a therapeutic effect.

The tape itself consists of rubber, natural oils and fat-like substances: paraffin or wax. Also, the composition may include various antioxidants and drugs.

Types of adhesive plaster

This product can be divided into several types. The function of a conventional patch made of a dense fabric base is to fix the dressings. Bactericidal is an integral part of every person’s first aid kit. In this case, the bactericidal component can be brilliant or green synthomycin, furatsilin, and also chlorhexidine.

An anti-corn plaster is used for dry corns and corns. Most often, it contains salicylic acid, which has a softening effect. The composition of the antifungal adhesive plaster includes the drug ketoconazole, emollients and an antiseptic. Ketoconazole is prescribed for fungal infections.

There is also pepper paste. It is made on the basis of capsicum extract. The main function of this product is to stimulate blood circulation. Thanks to him, the intensity of pain decreases, tissue trophism improves.

Pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory patches contain some non-steroid drugs and are used for neuralgia, bruises, and sprains.

The anti-nicotine patch makes it less painful for a person to quit smoking. The result of this method really is, and it is fully justified. Hormonal patches contain female sex hormones. They are used as a contraceptive or for the purpose of hormone therapy. It is impossible to use them without consulting a doctor, since in any case it is a hormonal drug, which may have enough contraindications.

In addition, there is also a band-aid with nitroglycerin. A person who has heart problems should have such a thing in his first aid kit. It helps to cope with angina pectoris, has a vasodilating effect and is used for pain in the heart.

Mode of application

The adhesive tape is very easy to use. If it is a patch in a coil, then you need to cut off a piece of the required size. If the patch is ready, then you just need to remove the protective film. After that, it must be glued to the damaged area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe body, but before that, the skin must be wiped with warm water and wiped off. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the skin should be without folds and there should not be a lot of hair in the place where the patch is glued.

Before using the pepper patch, degreasing the skin with an alcohol-containing solution is recommended. Then the skin must be dried and the product applied.

The hormonal patch is glued to certain areas of the body: shoulder, shoulder blade, abdomen, buttocks. It is worth noting that it is not noticeable under clothing, so it will not cause inconvenience and discomfort to a person.

Despite the mass of useful properties, the adhesive plaster has contraindications. First of all, we are talking about individual intolerance. It is important to remember that an allergy can also occur to a regular adhesive plaster without impregnations and additives.

It is also not recommended to use the patch for various infections and colds, in the presence of wounds, burns and dermatological diseases. It is important to understand that pregnant women should not use hormonal patches and those that include salicylic acid. You also need to be careful not to damage moles and birthmarks.

Band-Aid Benefits

Medical adhesive tape has many advantages. It is easy to apply. In addition, there are no unpleasant sensations during use. With its help, point delivery of the active substance of the drug is possible. In addition, the drug constantly enters the bloodstream, thereby maintaining its required concentration. If there is a need, it is easy to remove it and the action will stop instantly. Also, when using such a patch, there are no side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

Adhesive plaster is a universal thing that should be purchased by every person. Before use, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the information about the selected product so as not to encounter any troubles and undesirable consequences.

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