ADHD does exist, however

This is not an educational failure for parents of naughty children, as many teachers and even psychologists claim. The results of Dutch research leave no doubt: the brain of ADHD sufferers is slightly smaller, has a different structure and may develop more slowly. – Every psychiatrist knows that ADHD is a disease. However, this research is very important, especially since the Dutch did it on a very large group of people, and it is not easy – prof. Piotr Gałecki, a national consultant in the field of psychiatry, comments on the report of the prestigious journal “The Lancet Psychiatry”.

The tests were conducted at Radboud University in the Netherlands. 1713 people with ADHD and 1529 healthy people took part in them. What is extremely important – there were both young children and adults among them – the youngest participant was four years old, and the oldest 63. All brains were examined using magnetic resonance imaging.

– It is extremely valuable that we managed to conduct research on such a large group of patients with ADHD, because, contrary to appearances, it is not a common disease – adds prof. Piotr Gałecki. The researchers measured the total brain volume of each person and analyzed the structure of the seven areas associated with the disorder. ADHD patients had slightly smaller brains. The differences were especially noticeable in the amygdala responsible for emotions. Doctors emphasize that although the discrepancies were small, the results of the study are key to identifying changes in this disease. They show delays in the development of many brain areas typical of ADHD. The differences observed during the study were most pronounced in children, but also noticeable in adult patients with this disease.

Hyperactive or naughty?

ADHD is most often diagnosed in children who are hyperactive, impulsive, unable to focus and attention, which causes educational problems and difficulties with learning at school. Some, however, question the existence of this disease. Former Deputy Health Minister Bolesław Piecha said at one of the sessions of the parliamentary health committee that his father cured his ADHD with a few spanks.

Dutch scientists hope that their discovery will help to stop stigmatizing children with ADHD and sticking them to the label of “badly behaved bullies”. The mother of a ten-year-old Wojtek from Warsaw, diagnosed with ADHD by a child psychiatrist, says that at the school where her son studies, even some teachers did not treat the information about the child’s illness seriously. Some suggested that it was the result of a lack of discipline and stress-free upbringing – he says. Meanwhile, the treatment applied is paying off. Wojtek has improved his grades and is less excitable.

Psychiatrists without a doubt

– Every psychiatrist knows that ADHD is a disease – says prof. Piotr Gałecki. – Such studies are very important, however, especially since the Dutch conducted them on a very large group, which is not easy at all, because ADHD, contrary to appearances, is not a common disease – emphasizes the specialist.

“Many people believe that certain behaviors can be controlled by willpower,” he adds. Often, parents of children with ADHD hear that their children lack discipline. Meanwhile, the frontal lobes responsible for our social relations and socialization are not able to stop behaviors resulting from disorders of the amygdala, e.g. because they evolved later and are younger than these older brain structures. I hope that the research proving that there are differences in the structure of the brain in ADHD patients will contribute to greater awareness of this disease – says the psychiatrist.

It heals

Children’s psychiatrist Dr. Monika Szewczuk-Bogusławska believes that for many years scientists have been looking for the causes that lead to the development of ADHD. “The results of subsequent neuroimaging studies assessing functional deficits and abnormalities within various brain structures confirm the biological basis of this disease,” he says. The doctor emphasizes that ADHD is diagnosed very precisely on the basis of detailed criteria included in the Classification of Mental Disorders.

– Depending on the severity of the symptoms, different methods are used in treatment: psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, other methods, eg eeg-biofeedback. However, it should be remembered that the choice of the method should be made by a doctor, preferably a specialist child psychiatrist, underlines.

And prof. Piotr Gałecki says one more, very important thing about the results of the Dutch research: “They are very important also because they argue that people with mental disorders must not be stigmatized”.

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