Adenoma – what is it and how is it manifested? The six most common types of adenoma

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An adenoma is a tumor that forms from epithelial structures. It can secrete hormones and put pressure on tissue fragments. In what places is it created? How to recognize and diagnose it? Here is some useful information at a glance.

What is an adenoma?

Adenoma is benign tumorwhich can arise within the epithelial tissue of the glands of both internal and external secretion. It most often develops around internal organs. The reasons for its formation have not been clearly indicated. The abnormal growth of the epithelium is presumed to be of genetic origin.

Adenoma may show hormonal activity, i.e. produce hormones that affect the functioning of the entire body and lead to various disorders, e.g. excessive weight gain. Hormonally active adenoma it mostly produces prolactin, growth hormone or ACTH (corticotropic hormone).

Adenoma and adenocarcinoma

Adenoma should not be confused with adenocarcinoma, ie adenocarcinoma. The latter type of tumor is a malignant neoplasm – one of the most frequently diagnosed. It happens that adenocarcinoma is formed as a result of malignant disease of an untreated adenoma. It can only be completely cured with early detection.

Types and symptoms of adenoma

Adenoma comes in different forms – depending on where it develops. Its location influences the ailments caused by the tumor. It happens, however, that the tumor does not show any symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose.

  1. Pituitary adenoma – is a tumor located in the cavity of the sphenoid bone, which is called the Turkish saddle. It takes the form of neutrophilic, basophilic or eosinophilic. Neutrophil adenoma causes a number of hormonal disturbances, such as uncontrolled weight gain and loss of sexual function. Basophil adenoma contributes to Cushing’s disease. Its main symptoms are obesity, stretch marks, acne and seborrhea, and in women – hirsutism and menstrual disorders. On the other hand, eosinophilic adenoma leads to growth disorders: acromegaly and gigantism.
  2. Adenoma of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands occurs mostly in women. It is felt under the fingers when the neck is touched. It can be an autonomic (single) or disseminated adenoma. It causes compression of the laryngeal nerve, resulting in hoarseness and a change in the timbre of the voice. It also makes it difficult to swallow food and causes shortness of breath. Adenoma of the thyroid gland or parathyroid gland is one of the most common causes of hyperthyroidism.
  3. An adrenal adenoma is a proliferative change in the cortex or, less commonly, the core of one of the adrenal glands. A hormonally active tumor can cause Cushing’s syndrome and Conn’s syndrome, which is related to water retention. Adenoma that produces excess aldosterone lowers the levels of magnesium and potassium, and increases the level of sodium. Thus, it disturbs the electrolyte balance and leads to a serious weakening of muscle strength. It can also cause fertility problems and urinary incontinence.
  4. Liver adenoma is formed from hepatocytes, most often as a result of taking anabolic steroids or estrogens, e.g. in contraceptive pills. May cause compression of the bile ducts and induce mild jaundice and hepatic colic after meals. The adenoma located in this place increases the hepatic indexes, especially the bilirubin level. In 25 percent In cases, the tumor is bleeding into the abdominal cavity. Rupture of hepatic adenoma carries the risk of hypovolemic shock and peritonitis.
  5. Colorectal adenoma is a tubular, villi, or tubulo-villi tumor. The most commonly diagnosed type is the tubular variety, which does not tend to turn into a malignant tumor (the probability of malignancy is 5%). Colorectal adenoma usually develops around the sigmoid colon or rectum. It can manifest as bleeding and mucus discharge.
  6. Prostate adenoma, also known as prostate or prostate adenoma, is a problem that affects more than half of men over 60. With age, the risk of developing a tumor increases significantly. The growth causes a variety of disorders related to the filling and emptying of the bladder, e.g. pollakiuria, constant feeling of pressure or haematuria. In extreme cases, prostate adenoma may lead to renal failure.

Adenoma – diagnosis and treatment

Multiplicity adenoma varieties causes that dozens of different diagnostic methods are used to detect it. There is also no single method of treatment. The diagnosis of the tumor is possible, among others, by hormonal tests, ultrasound, computed tomography, colonoscopy, biopsy and scintigraphy (isotope examination).

In the case of detect hormonally active adenoma it is necessary to start pharmacological treatment that allows you to normalize the body’s hormonal balance. When your hormone levels return to normal, you can remove the adenoma minimally invasive treatment methods with the use of laser or thermal energy (e.g. microwave hyperthermia, needle ablation). Larger adenomas are surgically excised.

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