In this publication, we will consider how a decimal fraction can be added to another fraction (decimal and ordinary) or a whole natural number. We will also analyze examples for a better understanding of the material presented.
Decimal Addition Rule
The sum of decimal fractions is found by adding them in a column. The procedure is as follows:
1. We write the digits of the same name under each other: tenths under tenths, hundredths under hundredths, thousandths under thousandths, etc.
Note: If necessary (if the number of digits after the decimal point for the summed fractions is different), at the end of the “shorter” fraction with fewer decimal places, add zeros to align it with the longer one. According to , this will in no way affect its value. When the process is brought to automatism, zeros can simply be kept in mind.
2. Decimal separators (commas) must also be strictly one under the other.
Examples of incorrect notation of terms:
Examples of the correct notation of terms:
3. We add fractions as if we are dealing with whole natural numbers. Those. do not pay attention to commas.
4. In the result obtained, we put the comma exactly where it stood in the summed fractions.
The sum of a decimal fraction and a whole natural number
If you want to add a whole natural number to a decimal fraction, then at the end of the latter we put a comma, after which we add as many zeros as there are digits in the fractional part of the decimal fraction. Then we calculate the sum of the terms.
Adding decimal and common fractions
To find the sum of decimal and common fractions, the last . Then we do the addition.
You can do the opposite – decimal fraction. In this case already.
Let’s find the sum of the decimals discussed above:
Note: if the sum of tenths in the fractional part of the result is greater than 10, then we keep the unit in mind and transfer it to the integer part.
And finally, we calculate the sum of a decimal fraction and an integer: