Addiction treatment – alcohol (alcoholism), drugs, stimulants. How to deal with yourself and the world?

The constantly rushing world becomes an ever greater challenge for many of us. Not all of us are immune to long-term stress and life in constant tension. Health problems of loved ones, financial and employment-related problems, and in the case of children and adolescents the willingness to be accepted by the group – all this can become a direct or indirect cause of addiction. Both specialists and family help are needed then. The support of loved ones is a factor that significantly influences overcoming addiction. In addition, a number of therapies are used depending on the type and degree of addiction, as well as other external and internal factors.

In Poland, mainly psychological, behavioral and reprogramming methods are used, which are aimed at teaching the patient other ways of dealing with the world and oneself. In such therapy, the most important thing is the existence of a set of rules that the addict has to follow and the presence of feedback, thanks to which the patient can orientate himself sensibly in his situation. This type of re-education gives the best results in the case of group therapy.

Detoxification methods are used less frequently, mainly because they only work when physically addicted. Then the addict is isolated by giving him appropriate drugs that will strengthen his body in the fight against the withdrawal syndrome.

Treatment of addiction to alcoholism

Alcoholism is perhaps one of the oldest types of addiction faced by humans, although it was not recognized as a disease until the XNUMXth century by Swedish physician Magnus Huss. This addiction is characterized by a strong urge to drink alcohol while losing control of the drinking process. There are also a number of changes in the patient’s behavior, such as a lack of interest in other pleasures or activities. Alcoholics have altered alcohol tolerance, sometimes increased (then they need to drink more to get drunk) and sometimes decreased (then they get drunk on smaller doses). Over time, various symptoms associated with the absence of alcohol appear: muscle tremors, irritable mood or dilated pupils.

Treatment of alcoholism combines psychological and detoxicological methods. The addicted person receives recommendations on how to handle alcohol and emergency situations. A big problem is the fact that alcohol is present during fun or important holidays. The point, however, is to recognize the moment when moderation is lost, and rest or play turns into obsessions. In the event of signs of disease, consult a doctor who may refer us to specialists. It is also worth reading the information on the websites of associations fighting against alcoholism.

Drug addiction treatment

The second of perhaps the oldest types of addiction faced by mankind relates to a range of stimulants that are collectively referred to today as drugs. Despite the association of this problem mainly with adolescents, it affects adults equally (similarly to Internet addiction). The mechanism of addiction works like in the case of alcoholism: with time there is a physical urge to reach for intoxicating substances, often in higher and stronger doses. Here, too, there is a reluctance to formerly preferred forms of entertainment and interests. In the case of drug addiction, the physical symptoms will vary depending on the drugs used, although those related to drug craving are similar: fatigue, lack of concentration, apathy, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, insomnia appear. In the case of treatment, the participation of family and relatives is necessary, psychological therapy compiled with detoxification and dealing with the damage that drugs have already caused in the body.

Coping with everyday life without drugs is so much easier for a former drug addict that there is no social consent to drugs, unlike alcohol. Peer groups or friends may turn out to be a problem, often being the source of drug addiction. For teenagers, it is a good idea to change places of study, adults may consider changing jobs or places of residence – if possible, it helps to cut off the danger of returning to stimulants and makes it easier to make and maintain new relationships in which drugs will not play any role.

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