Addiction to video and computer games is a mental illness

Addiction to video and computer games is an increasingly common social problem. It is an addiction that affects not only children but also adults. The World Health Organization is raising an alarm and wants to put video game addiction on the list of mental diseases.

With each passing year, video and computer games are becoming more modern, more complex, and thus more addictive. It is not surprising that young people are more and more willing to spend their time playing. However, we often forget that what can be pleasant and evoke a lot of positive emotions in us, can very quickly become an addiction that is difficult to control. Unfortunately, there is an increasing number of cases that are truly at risk of addiction or already present all the symptoms of addiction. This should not be taken lightly, because addiction to console or computer games is as dangerous as drug or alcohol addiction.

Poles love to spend time in virtual reality

The statistics leave no doubt. The situation in Poland, taking into account the number of people who spend their time playing video and computer games, does not look good. We have almost 16 million players and our country is ranked 2nd in Europe and 23rd in the world. It is estimated that about 15 percent of this group. is addicted to games and the internet. According to research carried out by CD Projekt, Poles spend on average 21 hours a week playing games, especially younger people.

That is why the World Health Organization (WHO) is paying attention to this threat and wants to put video game addiction on the list of mental diseases. It is to be on the list from the new year.

– Entering game addictions on the official list of diseases is the right decision. In fact, it has been said for years that compulsive gaming can have as dramatic consequences as any other “official” behavioral addiction, i.e. addiction to activities – says Katarzyna Kucewicz, a psychologist in an interview with MedTvoiLokony.

– This type of addiction has a similar dynamics to substance addiction – it is also about relieving tension with compulsions – we can compulsively drink, have sex, buy or play. The effects of gaming can be such as those of substance addiction: social withdrawal, neglect of other life activities, inability to deal with even the slightest trouble in any way other than playing. I think that this decision is caused by one more important factor – nowadays, more and more games are paid, so gambling is starting to resemble gambling – adds the psychologist.

Having a video game addiction on the mental illness list is very important in determining our health. – Entering such an addiction on the list of diseases gives it a rank, seriousness, but also builds a larger network of help – groups, psychotherapies, family support centers. It should be remembered that a person is addicted and a co-addict, that is, his whole family is equally suffering and requiring support – emphasizes Kucewicz.

How to recognize when you are addicted

Addiction to games is diagnosed when a person feels real damage due to gambling – neglects professional duties, gives up other pleasures. In addition, when he cannot play, he feels irritated and tries to arrange his day in such a way that he can play at least a few hours a day. And when he promises himself to be done with it – he can take a day or two and goes back to playing. Often after such marathons in front of the computer fatigue, weakness and guilt appear. In order to reduce mental discomfort, an addict instead of helping himself to help himself reacts by playing on. Such a spiral is a characteristic behavior of people addicted to activities – including games – emphasizes the psychologist.

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