Adaptation disorders – what they are, how to deal with them

Adaptation disorders are a type of emotional disorders that appear at times of high stress, new, unexpected life situations or in the face of failures and unpleasant events. Adaptation disorders are sometimes confused with depression due to symptoms, but they are not caused by disorders of the brain and nervous system, but are a natural symptom of sensitivity to events in life. In the event of sudden changes in life, a person has the full right to feel lost, fear new challenges, responsibilities and situations in which he must try to find himself in order to maintain a job, relationship or life stability.

The reason for the occurrence adaptive disorders it can be a sudden illness or accident of a loved one, as well as much “smaller” problems – all difficulties, depending on the sensitivity of a given person, can be both a great tragedy and a learning and experience in life. Much depends on mental stability, personality strength and self-confidence, but again, a lot depends on the circumstances and the nature of the problem. The well-being and self-confidence may also be adversely affected by a change in social status due to the loss of a job or the possibility to perform it, financial problems, dismissal from the position, loss of savings, the need to suddenly change life plans. Other negative experiences, such as divorce, breakup, breakdown of friendship can also cause problems with finding oneself in new life circumstances, especially if we have had the support of a loved one so far. Moving to a new place, changing the country of residence, environment, official language or moving adult children out of the family home may be a reason for adaptive disorders in both young people and their parents. Any changes in life and disturbance of the current comfort zone may cause symptoms adaptive disorders.

Adaptation disorders they are a natural reaction to difficult, new circumstances. There are fears, anxiety, decreased motivation, organizational difficulties, depressed mood, attempts to “sleep through problems”, weakening of the body. Sleep problems and a lack of appetite may occur.

Adaptation disorders They may already occur in children and adolescents, but in this case, symptoms of aggression and antisocial behavior often appear. There are problems with peers, lower academic performance, and even truancy and theft. Due to high stress and difficulties in finding oneself in new situations, wetting, finger sucking and uncontrolled crying may occur. symptoms these are the manifestation regression, that is, a backward development in a way.

How to deal with adjustment disorders?

Adaptation disorders cause a decrease in activity and motivation to act. They are sometimes called, somewhat exaggeratedly, “fall depression” because of the symptoms adaptive disorders they occur statistically more often in months when the weather is not good for you. The end of the year is also favorable for summaries, reflections on life, the conclusions of which are not always positive and edifying. What can we do to feel better?

A healthy, regular lifestyle, a nutritious and nutritious diet and supplementation with minerals and vitamins (especially magnesium, vitamin D and B vitamins) can definitely improve our well-being and increase the motivation to live and act. Physical activity improves mood and increases blood pressure, and its regularity allows you to focus on positive results, which helps to develop positive habits and easier to overcome drops in life energy and obstacles that appear on our way. Motivational trainings and finding a passion to which we can devote our energy, receiving positive effects, will certainly help in maintaining mental well-being and coping with the fear of adversity. Talking and spending time with loved ones are also a great remedy for low mood.

Treatment of adaptive disorders

Adaptation disorders they usually pass with time and as we adapt to the new conditions in which we operate. If symptoms adaptive disorders for a long time make it difficult to operate, they can start to affect the quality of work, and even its maintenance, family, financial and psychological situation. In that case it is necessary psychological consultation or psychiatric, aimed at diagnosis and initiation of appropriate therapy, often supported by appropriately selected pharmacological agents that have an anxiolytic and mood-improving effect. Supportive psychological therapy will help prevent relapses adaptive disorders after discontinuation of medications.

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