Adaptation is adaptation to changing external and internal conditions.
Biological adaptation
Biological adaptation is genetic and phenotypic adaptation.
Genetic adaptation requires many generations to complete. It is generally accepted among ethologists that species-typical behavior is the end product of evolutionary processes; every physical and behavioral characteristic of a species is both a result and at the same time a contribution to its adaptive radiation.
Phenotypic adaptation sometimes takes only a few seconds and takes place throughout the life of an individual. The results of phenotypic adaptation are not passed on to offspring, although the ability for such adaptation is inherited. The change in the individual is caused by the action of a prolonged but non-toxic, non-traumatic and non-fatiguing stimulus, or by the cessation of the action and the absence of the habitual stimulus, as in weightlessness.
Life and psychological adaptation
The weakened and lazy tend to adapt more often. Strong and energetic tend not to adapt more often, but to learn new things. Let them adapt to us, not we to them.