Adam’s apple tincture for joints

Adam’s apple tincture is a medicinal product made from alcohol and the fruit of the maclura tree, which can also be found under the name of Chinese orange or god’s tree. It can be found in Russia, namely in the Krasnodar Territory, as well as in the Caucasus. Despite the fact that the fruits of this tree cannot be eaten, they are deservedly popular and in considerable demand. All this is due to the healing properties of maclura. After all, the fruit has not only immunomodulatory, but also an antioxidant effect.

The fruit itself looks like a ball with a rough surface and a green color. Inside you can find orange pulp.

The tincture of this fruit is widely used to treat joints, and more specifically, in the following diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis.

  • Gout.

  • Radiculitis.

  • Polyarthritis.

Naturally, the beneficial properties of the tincture do not end there and it is used to treat mastopathy, various skin diseases, oncology and to treat hernia.

Useful properties of tincture “Adam’s apple”

The medicinal properties of the tincture are due to its active substances.

To be more precise, maclura fruit juice contains the following components:

  • Sterols are substances that are used to make vitamins.

  • Bile acids, which are used in medicine to reduce toxic compounds that affect the body.

  • Saponins are used as tonics and help other substances to be better absorbed.

  • Fatty acids necessary for the human body.

  • Citric acids and pectin substances.

  • Flavonoid compounds that help prolong life, accelerate cell metabolism, inhibit their malignant growth, and many other beneficial processes.

With such a set of useful substances that make up the fruit, it is natural that humanity could not leave it unattended. For the treatment of joints, it is precisely the tincture of alcohol that is used externally.

How to make Adam’s Apple tincture

There are several ways to prepare a tincture that will positively affect the functioning of the joints and treat a wide variety of diseases. You can try to cook any of these recipes and choose the most suitable for each specific case.

Recipe 1. It is necessary to take the fruit and rub it in any way possible. If desired, you can even twist in a meat grinder. After that, the resulting mass must be poured with a bottle of vodka and placed in a warm, but always dark place for two weeks.

Recipe 2. This is a longer way to make the medicine. To prepare a healing tincture, you need to take at least 10 fruits, but you should not grind them too much, just cut them. After that, you need to put the resulting pieces in a glass jar and pour vodka so that the volume of the fruit is equal to the volume of the liquid. Such a mixture is insisted for quite a long time, the longer the better, but you can use it for the first time after a couple of months.

Recipe 3. To prepare the tincture, the fruit is finely chopped with a grater or meat grinder. Next, the mess is poured with a bottle of vodka and infused for two weeks, but it is necessary to shake the bottle thoroughly every day. After the specified period, the entire thick mass must be separated from the liquid and only the latter should be used for treatment.

It is worth noting that the longer the remedy is prepared, the higher its healing effect will be. If it is possible to wait, then you can insist the fruit throughout the year. “Adam’s apple” will be usable for another 10 years.

For the preparation of the drug, you should choose the fruits of yellow color. If it is possible to track the date of their collection, then it is better to give preference to those “apples” that were picked in October or November. The color of the tincture, made according to all the rules, is similar to the color of strong tea. It is this medicine that will fully possess all the healing properties. During storage, the intake of air should be limited so that it does not oxidize.

You should not throw away the fruits on which the tincture was made, they can be passed through a meat grinder and applied in the form of gruel to sore spots. If you beat the cake with a blender and add olive oil to it, you get a full-fledged healing ointment.

If there is no desire to engage in independent production of tincture, then it can always be purchased ready-made. You can do this in the online store. The fruits themselves are freely available on the markets of the Krasnodar Territory and the Caucasus.

How to take Adam’s apple tincture?

  • For the treatment of joints tincture is used externally, in the form of lotions and compresses. Before starting treatment, it is worth considering that the course will be quite long and will be at least a year.

  • When salts are deposited, sciatica, gout or polyarthritis, you should rub the sore spot and then insulate it additionally. Leave such a compress to act for 10 minutes. The procedure should be repeated up to three times a day. In this case, the results of treatment will be noticeable in the near future. The main thing is not to take breaks during tincture therapy.

  • With osteochondrosis it is recommended to pour a certain amount of tincture on a cotton swab and rub it into the skin over sore joints until redness appears and the patient feels warm. After that, you should cover yourself with a blanket and go to bed. Therefore, it is more expedient to use the tincture at night in this way. Do not forget to wash your hands after the joints have been treated.

During treatment with “Adam’s Apple” it is worth refraining from drinking alcohol-containing liquids, antibiotics and other tinctures, as this can lead to additional problems not only with the joints, but also with the body as a whole.

To enhance the effect, you can take a healing agent inside, but this should be done carefully and only after consulting a doctor. It should be borne in mind that the fruit of the Chinese orange is poisonous and can be harmful to health.

A course of treatment 1 month, you need to repeat it twice a year. Start taking with a small amount – 3 drops. It is best to do this during breakfast, along with food. A similar dosage is used during the first week of treatment. The next week of treatment with tincture increases the frequency of admission. “Adam’s apple” is also drunk three drops, but 2 times a day, diluted in a tablespoon of water. The medicine should be taken before meals. In the third week, the dosage is kept, but the frequency of administration is increased up to 3 times. The fourth week, take 4 drops, also three times a day. In different sources you can find different dosing options. But you should not take too much “Adam’s apple” inside, you should not drink more than seven drops at a time. Although some experts recommend bringing the dosage even up to 30 drops. But such a volume is not suitable for every organism. The minimum break between courses is three months.

It is worth noting that taking the tincture inside not only contributes to the speedy recovery of diseased joints, but also increases the overall tone of the body, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and also makes people resistant to stress. It should be borne in mind that there are several contraindications to the use of tincture. It should not be taken orally if the patient suffers from diabetes. External use during pregnancy and lactation is also prohibited. Cannot be used in childhood.

[Video] Benefits of Adam’s Apple + Tincture Recipe:

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