Adam’s apple tincture: 3 recipes at home

The exotic fruit maklura (aka false orange or the gift of the god’s tree) is not in vain called the Adam’s apple. Among its useful properties is the treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system.

However, this is only a small part in the spectrum of its application: tincture of an unusual fruit is used to treat joints, fight against osteochondrosis, overweight, cardiovascular, skin, gastric, gynecological pathologies, eliminate cough, malignant and benign formations, stroke consequences.

12 tips before starting

  1. Important! Before using the tincture, consult with your doctor.

  2. The fruits are harvested after they reach maturity, as evidenced by the yellowish tint of the skin.

  3. It is necessary to harvest raw materials no earlier than October, not forgetting about the thorns on the trees.

  4. Before grinding, the Adam’s apple is thoroughly washed with a brush in running water.

  5. When working with the fetus, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves and old clothes, use easy-to-clean glass or ceramic dishes, as maclura emits caustic milky juice, which is difficult to remove.

  6. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

  7. For infusion use sterilized glass jars.

  8. The finished tincture should have a dark orange color, like strong tea.

  9. After straining, crushed fruits can be used to prepare an ointment based on olive oil.

  10. While taking the remedy, they carefully monitor their well-being, since the fetus contains toxic compounds and can cause allergic reactions.

  11. Do not drink tincture for patients with diabetes mellitus, children and pregnant women, people with severe heart and kidney pathologies.

  12. During treatment, it is recommended to support the liver with proper nutrition, avoiding alcohol and taking antibiotics.

Maclura tincture recipe for internal use

You can insist the fruit without cutting, which will increase the shelf life of the medicine. In autoimmune diseases, the tincture is taken three times a day before meals, starting with 2-3 drops, gradually increasing the dosage.

Before use, the product is diluted with water. After reaching a dose of 30 drops, the intake volume is gradually reduced. Treatment is continued for up to six months or more, periodically making two-week breaks.

To combat female diseases and joint pain, drink 2-3 drops 3-5 times a day, diluting the infusion in a tablespoon of water.


  1. Adam’s apple – ½ kg

  2. Vodka – ½ l

Method of preparation

  1. Cut the washed fruit into small cubes, put in a jar.

  2. Pour the solid mass with vodka “up to the shoulders”.

  3. Close the vessel tightly with a lid, send to a dark place.

  4. After 2 months of exposure, the medicine can be used, but continue to infuse for at least six months, shaking occasionally.

  5. After about a year, the infusion is filtered, after which it is stored in the refrigerator.

Adam’s apple tincture recipe for external use

The resulting product is used for rubbing, lotions and compresses for skin rashes, boils, arthritis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, heel spurs, gout, and other dermatological and articular problems. To speed up the infusion, the fruit is not cut, but crushed with a grater.


  1. Adam’s apple – ½ kg

  2. Alcohol 70% – ½ l

Method of preparation

  1. Cut the fruit into cubes, pour into a glass container.

  2. Pour the raw material with alcohol, tightly seal the vessel.

  3. Keep the infusion in the dark for at least 10 days, periodically turning the jar over.

Recipe for Adam’s apple tincture with golden mustache

Used to enhance the healing properties for severe pain in the joints. You can include false orange leaves in the recipe.


  1. Chopped maclura fruits – ¼ of the can

  2. Chopped golden mustache shoots – ¼ can

  3. Vodka – by the amount of raw materials

Method of preparation

  1. Mix the plant mass, pour into a glass container.

  2. Pour medicinal raw materials with alcohol, close the jar tightly.

  3. Send to a dark place for a month, apply for rubbing.

Relevance: 15.12.2019

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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