Acute tonsillitis in adults
Acute tonsillitis in adults is an inflammation of the tonsils (usually palatine). Inflammation is caused by viruses and bacteria (beta-hemolytic streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci), as well as hypothermia and lack of vitamins

Do you have a sore and sore throat, high fever, aching muscles and a splitting head? Most likely, this is acute tonsillitis (or the more familiar name for us is tonsillitis). Most often, the causative agent of acute tonsillitis in adults are viruses, streptococci (the most dangerous beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus), staphylococci, pneumococci, much less often – mycoplasmas and chlamydia. In most cases, infection occurs by airborne droplets, when communicating with a sick person or a carrier of the disease, while the incubation period lasts only a few hours (in some cases up to a week).

Also, acute tonsillitis in adults can occur due to other inflammatory processes in the pharynx: pharyngitis, rhinitis, rhinosinusitis and caries, as well as due to hypothermia, a general decrease in immunity, or a lack of vitamins.

Most often, people get sick with acute tonsillitis in the cold autumn-winter period and when living in dusty and gassed areas. If you often use public transport and can safely drink from someone else’s mug, you also risk getting infected.

— But even in the summer we have plenty of patients with tonsillitis. Imagine: you are sunbathing on the beach, and then hot plunge into cold water. Or how nice it is to eat ice cream or drink water from the refrigerator in the heat – and then wonder where the sore throat came from, – says otolaryngologist Petr Kirillov.

Symptoms of acute tonsillitis in adults

As a rule, acute tonsillitis in adults develops very quickly, with severe symptoms:

  • acute pain in the throat, aggravated by swallowing,
  • temperature increase up to 38-40 ° C,
  • chills, headache, muscle aches,
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes,
  • a feeling of weakness and weakness,
  • dry, paroxysmal cough.
  • with streptococcal tonsillitis, purulent plaque on the tonsils, the tonsils themselves are enlarged, loose, red.

Treatment of acute tonsillitis in adults

If you suspect that you have a sore throat, in no case do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor. Only timely diagnosis and competent treatment will help prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form, fraught with serious complications such as tonsil abscess, acute rheumatic fever, arthritis, heart and kidney disease, and even sepsis. First of all, the doctor must determine whether tonsillitis is viral or bacterial. With a viral form, local treatment, rest and a sparing diet are shown, but if it’s all about streptococcus or other harmful bacteria, you can’t do without antibiotics.

– The main rule in the treatment of acute tonsillitis – observe bed rest! Local treatment is also indicated: antiseptic aerosols and sprays with antibacterial and analgesic effects: Ingalipt, Stopangin, Geksoral, Tantum Verde, Septolete and Chlorhexidine. You can dissolve lozenges and lollipops that will relieve pain and soften the throat, says Petr Kirillov.

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The throat should be regularly gargled with anti-inflammatory solutions (a decoction of chamomile or sage is ideal), you can use table salt or baking soda (a teaspoon in a glass of warm water).

– With purulent sore throat there is a proven remedy – Lugol spray. Iodine is a unique antiseptic and antibacterial agent. You can make an iodine solution for gargling yourself: a teaspoon of soda and 5-10 drops of iodine in a glass of water, says the otolaryngologist.

If the temperature is too high, it is worth knocking it down with antipyretic drugs. Also, the doctor will prescribe immunomodulators to increase weakened immunity and resistance to infections.

During the acute period of the disease, a sparing diet must be observed. Eliminate from the diet all sour, spicy or salty foods, as well as rough, too hot or cold foods. It is better not to overload the weakened body with heavy food, and also avoid sweets, cigarettes and alcohol. But drinking plenty of water is simply necessary: ​​you can afford chicken broth (without spices and salt), kissels, fruit drinks and compotes without restrictions. Of course,

Surgical intervention, that is, the removal of the tonsils, is resorted to in extreme cases, when the disease has become chronic and form, enlarged tonsils interfere with breathing, and due to constant infection, there is a risk of developing rheumatism and heart disease.

What antibiotics can be used for acute tonsillitis?

If acute tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, such as streptococcus, then antibiotics are indispensable. Penicillin preparations have proven themselves well: Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Unazine, as well as cephalosporins: Suprax, Cefalexin. In case of allergy to these antibiotics, drugs of the macrolide group are used: Sumamed, Klacid, Vilprofen. Most importantly, remember that antibiotics can only be prescribed by a doctor and only after the necessary tests. It is he who will correct the treatment if the drugs cause allergies or are ineffective.

When taking antibiotics, be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions and do not change the dosage yourself. Watch what you drink with the medicine: juice and milk can reduce the effectiveness of the antibiotic.
Petr KirillovOtolaryngologist

Folk remedies

Folk remedies will also help get rid of many unpleasant symptoms of acute tonsillitis. For example, honey and propolis have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and emollient properties. If you are not allergic to these foods, add honey to warm tea or use propolis tincture as a mouthwash. A glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey will help alleviate pain and sore throat.

– For rinsing, you can use a saline-soda solution (in a glass of water, a teaspoon of baking soda and sea salt), which copes well with purulent plaque, or an iodine solution (5-10 drops of iodine in a glass of warm water), – says otolaryngologist Petr Kirillov.

Another popular folk remedy for the treatment of acute tonsillitis is ginger tea, carrot juice and rosehip broth – all these products have a pronounced antibacterial and tonic effect. Dry rose hips can be mixed in equal proportions with aloe juice and taken 50 ml 3-4 times a day. Inflamed tonsils can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil, which relieves pain and has a healing effect, but with a purulent form of sore throat, this method is contraindicated.

Prevention at home

In order not to get sick with acute tonsillitis, prevention should be carried out. In the autumn-winter period, avoid hypothermia, and in the summer – do not abuse ice drinks and swimming in cold water. If possible, try to avoid crowds, and often walk in the fresh air to avoid contact with a patient with SARS or tonsillitis. A healthy lifestyle, hardening, a balanced diet (as much fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs as possible, as little as possible – fried, smoked, salty and spicy foods) and regular intake of vitamins – this will help you prevent not only acute pharyngitis, but also many others. diseases of the respiratory system. Since tonsillitis can cause other inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, be attentive to your health and treat pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, caries and gastrointestinal diseases in a timely manner.

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