Acute stoppage of urine output

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Acute urinary retention is a complication that is characteristic of some ailments. Urinary retention is often associated with bladder stones and prostatic hyperplasia. Then the stone in the bladder causes obstruction of the urethra. In all cases of acute urinary retention, the patient should be immediately transported to the hospital.

Acute urinary retention – description of the disease

Acute urinary retention (retention) is when it is not possible to empty the bladder (voiding). It is a characteristic complication of some diseases. Urinary retention is often confused with anuria, although they are two completely different diseases. The causes of acute urinary retention can be divided into psychogenic, neurological, pharmacological and obstructive. Sudden urinary retention is most often caused by an enlarged prostate and urolithiasis, if a stone in the bladder causes obstruction of the urethra.

What is urine?

Few people realize how important it is for the human body to urinate. The cells that function in our body lead to the formation of a toxic substance which is ammonia. As a product of protein metabolism, ammonia can be very dangerous for our body, fortunately the liver has properties that turn it into urea. However, even urea cannot accumulate in our body without any consequences. It also has toxic properties (at a concentration of 100 mg / dl), so the kidneys work 24 hours a day, filtering the blood and thus removing toxic substances (including urea). The product of the work of the kidneys is urine. Therefore, our urinary system is responsible for cleansing our body and its proper functioning.

Check how ammonia poisoning manifests itself

Acute urinary retention – causes of formation

As mentioned above, the causes of acute urinary retention can be very different:

  1. mechanical – (e.g. mechanical pressure on the urinary tract and the bladder, making it impossible to urinate);
  2. neurological – the brain, due to various diseases, e.g. tumors or spine injuries, may stop controlling the process of emptying the bladder;
  3. the patient’s emotional states: hysteria, fear;
  4. urinary tract infection;
  5. pharmacological – there are a certain group of drugs that may also disturb normal urination, e.g. antidepressants,
  6. narcotic analgesics, adrenergic agonists, antihistamines;
  7. tumors of the lower urinary tract;
  8. operations under general anesthesia,
  9. prostate hyperplasia in men;
  10. urethral injuries;
  11. the presence of stones in the bladder neck or urethra;
  12. injuries of the pelvis and lower limbs.

Acute urinary retention can occur at any time, regardless of the size of the prostate or the symptoms of the lower urinary tract. In men, causes of urinary retention also include narrowing of the urethra and the presence of clots or foreign bodies in the bladder. Urinary retention is much less common in women due to a different anatomical structure (women have a shorter and wider urethra). However, among the possible factors that increase the risk of acute arrest, urine output in women is distinguished:

  1. genital herpes;
  2. neurological disorders that negatively affect the work of the detrusor muscle;
  3. perineal inflammation.

Acute urinary excretion disorder – symptoms

The task of the urethra, in addition to draining urine, is also to excrete semen. In the elderly, prostate enlargement is quite common, and sometimes it is so large that it significantly reduces urination. As a result of inflammation and swelling of the prostate, the urine outflow may be completely closed, as the prostate gland becomes very large. Then the bladder overflows and the patient feels a strong need to urinate, but it is impossible. If this condition persists until the bladder is filled to about two liters, it leads to post-renal failure of the kidneys. They are not able to cleanse the body of toxins and unnecessary water.

Patients with acute urinary retention complain of:

  1. general weakness
  2. bad mood,
  3. excessive sweating
  4. disturbances of consciousness,
  5. sometimes loss of consciousness.

Note: A patient suspected of having acute urinary retention should be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. This is very important because the disease can, in extreme cases, end in the patient’s death.

How To Treat Acute Urinary Retention?

The method of treating acute retention urine output depends on the severity of the condition. In a certain group of patients it is enough to administer preparations that reduce the volume of the prostate, but in cases of complete urinary retention it is necessary to empty the bladder as soon as possible and provide a place for the kidneys to function. For this purpose, the following are used:

  1. Foley catheter – a rubber tube that is inserted through the urethra into the bladder to open the closed lumen of the urethra;
  2. suprapubic puncture – this is a more invasive method that involves inserting a needle in the place above the symphysis pubis so that it reaches the bladder; puncture allows you to empty the bladder and improve the patient’s condition.

In turn, the problem of an enlarged prostate is solved with the help of a surgical procedure. However, more often a less invasive method is recommended – transurethral electroresection, which allows the removal of the inner part of the prostate from the urethra.

IMPORTANT: Patients with any problems urinating should see a urologist. Due to this, it is possible to prevent the development of acute urinary retention.

Complications of acute urinary retention

This problem should not be ignored as it is dangerous to stop urinating. The lack of appropriate medical attention can damage both the urethra and the bladder. If the bladder is too full and stretched, it may rupture. In addition, the kidneys are at risk of infection and disorders.

To prevent relapse, the cause of the urinary retention should be eliminated, not just empty the bladder. Recurrent urinary retention consequently leads to chronic scarring changes in the kidneys. In men, urinary retention may result in the development of acute inflammation of the testicles, epididymis and prostate gland.

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