Acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx are caused by viruses or bacteria. Inflammation may only affect the larynx itself or be associated with similar processes in the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms depend on the cause of the disease and the area in which the inflammation has developed. In treatment, it is important to take care of the appropriate humidity of the rooms in which we are staying, i.e. 40-60% at the temperature of approx. 21-22’C.
Acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx
Laryngitis is not the only disease that may affect her. There are also vocal nodules, polyps, laryngeal edema, and tumors. Inflammatory changes can attack not only the laryngeal mucosa or other tissues as well. Depending on the cause that influences the development of the disease and the area in which the inflammatory process takes place, as well as the patient’s age and general condition, typical symptoms appear. Unfortunately, diagnosis of laryngeal ailments is sometimes too late because the symptoms initially resemble a cold, which is why patients are dismissive of it.
Consult an internist for worrying symptoms. You can use the e-visit option, during which you will receive an e-Prescription, e-Testing Referral and e-Release. Make an appointment with the selected specialist online and discuss the test results and further steps.
Symptoms of acute laryngitis
Acute laryngeal diseases usually have the same symptoms:
- the main symptom is hoarseness, altered voice timbre or silence
- feeling of an obstacle in the throat,
- low-grade fever or slightly elevated temperature,
- cough,
- stuffy nose
- dry mouth
- tickling in the throat
- pain,
- change in the sound of the voice (it can also result from a disturbed hormonal balance, e.g. hypothyroidism),
- trouble swallowing.
It is worth mentioning that symptoms such as burning, pain and a feeling of obstruction in the throat may also indicate gastroesophageal reflux. It is formed as stomach contents return to the lower esophagus and pharynx, thereby irritating the laryngeal mucosa. In such a situation, it is worth consulting a gastroenterologist. In addition, hoarseness or cough may result from neurological abnormalities or severe stress. A visit to a psychiatrist or neurologist is advisable.
In inflammation of the larynx, pharynx and vocal cords, it is worth using the healing power of herbs. Try FOR THROAT – a fix tea with chamomile, linden, lungwort, quince, thyme, apple, lemongrass, mullein, B vitamins and vitamin C.
How does the larynx work?
The air we exhale from the lungs causes the vocal folds (vocal cords) on either side of the lungs to move, and this is how the sound is produced. At the beginning of the exhalation, the folds stick together, closing the gap of the glottis between them. Under the pressure of exhaled air, they begin to expand and then return to their previous position. Sound is produced when the strings are opened and shortened many times. The laryngeal tone, however, is quite weak, but as it passes through the throat, nose and mouth, it acquires the correct strength and color. We speak with a healthy voice when the vocal cords are close to each other (not closed) and vibrate symmetrically.
Acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx – causes
The most common cause of the disease is a virus that causes both acute rhinitis and pharyngitis.
What are the most common acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx?
1. Laryngitis. It is most often caused by viruses (sometimes bacteria) and is often associated with infections of the upper respiratory tract. Inflammation can affect the vocal cords themselves, but it can affect other parts of the larynx as well.
- symptoms: high fever, stuffy nose, cough, hoarseness, purulent discharge (if there is a bacterial infection);
- treatment: it is important to humidify the air and drink plenty of fluids. In addition, patients should save their voice and obtain adequate syrups and lozenges to relieve pain. In case of inflammation caused by bacteria – you will need to take an antibiotic.
2. Swelling of the larynx. The condition is usually allergic, although it may be caused by inflammation or trauma to the larynx.
- symptoms: shortness of breath, hoarseness, voice change;
- treatment: when the cause of the ailment is an allergy (which, incidentally, is very dangerous and may cause suffocation) – the patient should be given intravenous steroids and antihistamines. On the other hand, swelling caused by inflammation is relieved with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents. A tracheotomy may be necessary in patients who develop dyspnoea obstructing breathing. This procedure involves cutting the tracheal cartilage and inserting a tube into it that allows you to breathe.
3. Chronic laryngitis. It can appear as a result of straining the voice (e.g. in teachers), smoking, staying in polluted air for a long time or drinking a lot of alcohol. Chronic inflammation of the larynx should not be ignored as it can lead to precancerous conditions.
- symptoms: scratchy throat, burning, grunting and hoarseness that increases with prolonged talking and smoking. There are also some loss of voice;
- treatment: first of all, it is important to eliminate the cause of the disease, that is: reduce smoking, operate on the crooked nasal septum, save your voice. Expectorant syrups and measures to prevent laryngeal dryness are recommended. Inhalations with the addition of essential oils (e.g. eucalyptus oil) also have a therapeutic effect. If the patient has such an opportunity – climatic treatment in the mountains or at the seaside gives good results.
4. Polyps of the larynx. They are benign lumps located on the larynx that can form on one or both of the vocal folds. The cause of this ailment is most often voice strain or smoking.
- symptoms: shortness of breath (if the polyp becomes caught in the glottis) and hoarseness leading to complete loss of voice;
- treatment: first of all, you should save your voice and use inhalations. Large polyps and pedunculated polyps are removed using a laryngoscope.
5. Papillomas. They usually appear on the vocal cords and are caused by a virus.
- symptoms: shortness of breath and hoarseness;
- treatment: depends on whether the disease develops aggressively and on the age of the patient, e.g. autogenous vaccines are administered to children, the role of which is to strengthen the immune system and antiviral vaccines. In adult patients, however, papillomas are removed microsurgically (but they like to grow back). Some papillomas can become malignant, so patients should be under constant medical care.
6. Vocal lumps. Ailment otherwise referred to as song nodules. They are small growths located on both vocal folds and caused by chronic inflammation and strains of the vocal cords, e.g. by female singers.
- symptoms: obstruction in the larynx and hoarseness;
- treatment: the main recommendation is to limit speaking and invest in appropriate rehabilitation. In addition, it is important to remove all factors that may irritate the larynx from the environment. If ignored and left untreated, the nodules may harden, and then they must be removed with a laryngoscope.
7. Granulomas. They are inflammatory lesions that usually arise due to chronic cough, heavy vocal effort or gastroesophageal reflux.
8. Cancer of the larynx. It is most common in men over 55, mostly smokers. Detecting cancer early has a better prognosis in more than 90% of cases.
- Symptoms: inconspicuous hoarseness gradually increases and begins to change the timbre of the voice, additionally the patient often clears his throat and feels pain when swallowing. In patients with advanced cancer, shortness of breath may be worsened, enlarged lymph nodes and even blood in the saliva may appear. Despite anti-inflammatory treatment, these symptoms persist;
- treatment: depending on how advanced the disease is, it will either be radiation or surgery that removes only the lesions or the entire larynx. Removal of the entire larynx requires a permanent tracheotomy tube that allows the patient to breathe. In addition, rehabilitation is needed by a speech therapist and phoniatrist.
9. Leukoplakia – it is a white keratosis characterized by the formation of gray-white lesions on the laryngeal mucosa (especially on the vocal folds). The ailment usually appears in people who smoke and abuse alcohol. It can occur with edema, granulomas, papillomas, or polyps.
Prophylaxis in acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx
In the prevention of laryngeal diseases, you should follow a few tips:
- limit alcohol consumption,
- try to eat less spicy and spicy spices,
- try to drink at least 2,5 liters of fluids a day to moisturize the mucous membranes, including the throat and larynx,
- in relieving hoarseness due to colds, it is recommended to drink still water and a solution of Eman’s salt,
- spare the vocal cords (do not shout or whisper),
- try to breathe through the nose, and if this is impossible due to the curve of the nasal septum – undergo surgery to repair it,
- remember to humidify the air in the rooms where you are,
- avoid air conditioning,
- learn diaphragm breathing, which puts less strain on the vocal cords.
The marshmallow root, which has a soothing effect, is helpful in the treatment of laryngitis. Acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx may require decisive action, including ultrasound of the neck and salivary glands. The survey is available on Medonet Market.
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