Acute abdomen in adults
Acute abdomen in adults is a dangerous syndrome. Improperly rendered first aid can lead to disastrous consequences. Let’s figure out what to do with severe pain in the abdomen, so as not to harm

Acute abdomen syndrome develops when the abdominal organs are affected. There is pain, the anterior wall of the abdomen tightens and becomes hard. This pathology is not just pain. She talks about dangerous processes in the abdominal cavity that can threaten life.

What is an acute abdomen

Internal organs are covered with peritoneum. With inflammation of any organ, irritation of the peritoneum also occurs. It causes spasm of the abdominal muscles. Pain in an acute abdomen is a compensatory reaction.

At the same time, pain in one place can lead to sensations of soreness in a completely different one. This is called irradiation of pain. The most famous example is pain in the arm, although at that moment the person is having a heart attack.

An acute abdomen is possible at any age, both in children and adults.

The concept of “acute abdomen” was introduced back in 1940 by G. Mondor, who wrote a book on the diagnosis of emergency conditions. Mondor called such pathological processes “a catastrophe in the abdominal cavity.” After the publication of the work, surgeons began to study all possible ways of diagnosing and treating acute abdomen syndrome, its causes. It became known why it is necessary to respond to severe abdominal pain as quickly as possible. You can not wait, “suddenly it will pass.”

Acute abdomen syndrome is a manifestation of inflammation of the abdominal organs. A variety of diseases can manifest in similar ways, so acute abdominal pain is an insidious sign. This always requires urgent diagnosis to rule out deadly conditions.

Causes of an acute abdomen in adults

The syndrome is mainly caused by inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity. The intestines, gallbladder, pancreas can become inflamed.

Bleeding also provokes an acute abdomen. For example, an ulcer that has reached the stage of perforation – the formation of a through hole in the wall of the stomach or intestines, rupture of the spleen, ovary and other organs. An ectopic pregnancy also leads to severe bleeding.

Equally important is the normal blood supply to all organs. If the vessels of the peritoneum are spasmodic, blocked by blood clots or air bubbles, the organs begin to experience oxygen starvation. This causes pain, and the retention of metabolic products causes inflammation.

Also a common cause is infection, poisoning, abdominal trauma, tumors. Less commonly, they are accompanied by signs of an acute abdomen of kidney disease, female and male internal genital organs.

Symptoms of an acute abdomen in adults

An acute abdomen is different from normal abdominal pain during menstruation, for example. With an acute abdomen, the pain begins quite abruptly. At the same time, the front wall of the abdomen tenses up and becomes “stone”. The peristalsis of the digestive tract is upset. It can cause diarrhea, constipation, flatulence.

Other signs will differ depending on the disease that caused the acute abdomen syndrome. Usually the pain is dagger, sharp, gradually increasing. Sometimes there is temporary relief, vomiting, nausea are possible. Often fever, palpitations.

If there is heavy bleeding in the abdominal cavity or the outflow of gastric contents, the abdominal muscles become stronger. There may be a symptom of “roly-up”. In this case, the pain is noticeably reduced in a sitting position. If you quickly move from a lying position to a sitting position, dizziness develops and loss of consciousness is possible.

With acute abdomen syndrome, at some point there is pallor, chills, cold sweat. But these signs may appear quite late. In the most advanced cases, shock is possible: apathy, lethargy, the skin becomes earthy, the face becomes sharp.

Treatment of acute abdomen in adults

Successful treatment depends on finding the cause quickly. It is important to call a doctor as soon as possible. In order not to aggravate the situation, you can not warm your stomach, take drugs, no matter how painful it is. Painkillers will distort the picture of pain, and it will be more difficult to understand what is happening. This is dangerous because every minute can count. Also, you can not eat and drink, put an enema.

The main treatment is surgical and is rarely avoided. After an emergency diagnosis, the patient is operated on. During the operation, the method of treatment is finally determined. Correct diagnosis is very important. It is necessary to exclude a pathology that only looks like an acute abdomen, but is not. It is dangerous for patients with chronic severe diseases to undergo emergency operations – this can worsen their condition or lead to death. For example, it is especially dangerous for myocardial infarction, renal or hepatic colic.


The doctor collects an anamnesis, interviews the patient. It is necessary to remember exactly how and when the pains began, how they changed. Was there vomiting, diarrhea or other phenomena, as it happened. In women, gynecological data are additionally specified – what diseases were there, the cycle, etc.

Next, the patient is examined, pressure, pulse are checked, the abdomen is palpated. It is painful, so the pressure is as careful as possible. The presence of the Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom is checked – in case of acute inflammation, the patient always has increased pain if you press on the stomach and abruptly remove the hand.

Additionally, a rectal examination is possible, especially often used in children. All women undergo a vaginal examination to exclude diseases of the reproductive system.

Important! With a syndrome of an acute abdomen hospitalization is shown. In the hospital, they take blood tests, do an x-ray of the abdominal cavity, ultrasound.
Inna MazkoGastroenterologist, therapist

The latter method is best suited specifically for identifying problems with the reproductive organs. Colonoscopy is sometimes used – examination through the intestines with a flexible colonoscope, as well as gastroscopy through the esophagus.

Sometimes it is still not possible to establish the cause of pain and inflammation. In such severe cases, an operation is performed for the purpose of diagnosis – through minimal holes. Sometimes a complete opening of the abdominal cavity is required.

Modern treatments

An ambulance should be called as soon as possible. Calm the person, lay on his back and apply cold to the stomach. This will reduce possible bleeding or inflammation.

Further, the patient is hospitalized either in the hospital, or immediately in intensive care, if the condition is critical. First, anti-shock therapy is carried out, otherwise there is a risk of death, and only then further treatment.

With the help of diagnostics, they find out what is the cause of the acute abdomen, and an urgent operation is performed. This usually happens within 2 to 3 hours after hospitalization. In case the patient is already in agony, the operation is carried out immediately.

Specific actions and methods of treatment are determined already on the surgical table – they eliminate bleeding, remove dead tissue, and restore the integrity of damaged organs. The patient must take antibiotics, the sutures are treated with antiseptics – all to eliminate infection and inflammation.

Prevention of acute abdomen in adults at home

Prevention lies precisely in the prevention of diseases, and not the most acute abdomen. Because it is only a manifestation of disease.

You can reduce the risk of such a dangerous syndrome with the help of proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, and weight control. It is important to monitor the condition of the organs if they are already affected. For example, with chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, you need to be examined on time and take prescribed drugs.

If an acute abdomen does develop, then the prognosis is rather ambiguous. Recovery is greatly influenced by the speed of contacting a doctor, a person’s condition, and age. Children and older people tolerate this condition worse.

Popular questions and answers

Often, with abdominal pain, people prefer to take painkillers and coal, wait until it “goes by itself.” Unfortunately, in the case of an acute abdomen, this is too dangerous. With severe pain in the abdomen, it is better to play it safe and call an ambulance. More information about all the complications of acute abdomen syndrome will tell gastroenterologist Inna Mazko.

What are the complications of an acute abdomen?

The most common causes of an acute abdomen are:

● appendicitis;

● intestinal obstruction;

● acute pancreatitis;

● perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer;

● rupture of an ovarian cyst;

● ectopic pregnancy.

Complications of these diseases are: bleeding, sepsis, shock, abscesses (suppurations) in the abdominal cavity, purulent peritonitis, etc.

When to call a doctor at home with an acute abdomen?

With severe pain in the abdomen, it is always necessary to call an ambulance team or a doctor at home as soon as possible.

Is surgery inevitable for an acute abdomen?

Symptoms of an acute abdomen indicate a big trouble in the abdominal cavity and almost always require urgent surgical care.

Can I take painkillers while waiting for an ambulance?

Painkillers for an acute abdomen should not be taken while waiting for an ambulance! This can “erase” the picture of the disease and make it difficult to make a diagnosis. When the doctor determines the diagnosis in the hospital, the patient will be anesthetized.

At the stage of waiting for an ambulance, it is permissible to take only an antispasmodic drug.

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