Acupuncture bracelet for motion sickness and nausea

Dizziness, discomfort in the stomach, pale skin, nausea … During travel, these symptoms can occur regardless of gender and age. To get rid of these annoying ailments, the recently appeared in Russia effective and safe remedy – an acupuncture bracelet to suppress motion sickness and nausea, TravelDream.

Anti-motion sickness bracelet

The TravelDream acupuncture bracelet effectively relieves motion sickness and nausea that occur during: seasickness, air travel, travel by car, train, riding attractions, during pregnancy.

The effectiveness of the bracelet is based on the non-drug method of Chinese medicine – acupressure (acupressure). The action of acupressure consists in moderate pressure on special points that are distributed throughout the body and are a kind of active sites in the system of interaction “skin – nervous system – internal organs”.

According to Eastern teachings, the pericardial acupuncture point P6, located in the wrist, is responsible for harmonizing digestion, stomach function, regulation of blood flow and peace of mind.

The bracelet provides a constant, targeted effect on the P6 point of the pericardium, helping to prevent motion sickness and nausea.

The wristband begins to have an effect 2-5 minutes after fixation on the wrist, but the best result can be achieved with the use of the wristband just before the start of the trip, before the feeling of nausea appears. If you experience severe nausea, press the plastic ball with your finger to ensure that the symptoms of nausea are quickly suppressed.

The bracelet does not contain drugs, does not cause drowsiness and has no side effects.

The TravelDream acupuncture bracelet is presented in three types: universal, for children from 3 years old and for pregnant women.

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