Acupressure mat – home remedy for pain and stress Partner presentation

Akumata, that is acupressure mat conquers the hearts of Poles. Thousands of positive opinions appearing in social media encourage deeper reflection on the effectiveness of acupressure. How does akumata work? When is it worth reaching for it and does it really allow you to get rid of pain? Is home massage able to replace painkillers and visits to specialists? Get to know the opinion of physiotherapists.

Medical properties of acupressure mat

Acupressure is a method derived from ancient China and has been known in medicine for over 7 years. This technique is based on applying pressure to specific points on the body in order to reduce pain. The spiked mat is the modern face of acupressure. It works well both among manual workers and people who spend a lot of time in a sitting position, e.g. in the office.

The acupressure mat is a multi-purpose product, most often helpful in backache problems. The use of the mat improves blood circulation, allows you to relax tense places and oxygenate the body better. Akumata helps to relieve stress, chronic fatigue and overload pain in a natural way. It is used both in physiotherapy offices and in the privacy of your home.

Acupressure massage causes a pleasant feeling of warmth, increases the level of endorphins and has a very relaxing effect. Regular sessions allow us to partially or completely free our body from minor pains, as well as improve well-being and strengthen the nervous and respiratory systems.

The store offers only certified medical acupressure mats, recommended by physiotherapists.

How does an acupressure mat work?

Akumata is for everyone and there is a way to use it very simple. No user manual is needed for the acupressure mat therapy. Usage is intuitive. Just lie down on the mat and enjoy the benefits of massage. However, there are some tips to help make your acupressure session more effective.

The duration of the massage on the mat

It is assumed that the therapy session should last above . It is after this time that we feel the full benefits of the spines on our body. The upper limit depends on subjective feelings. The massage can last 40 minutes, with the possibility of extending it up to 1-2 hours.

The first contact with the mat may be relatively painful. Initial sessions may be shorter. With each subsequent use, the discomfort will decrease and the duration of the session should increase.

Suitable substrate

During acupressure massage, we should take care of soft surface under the mat (the session is best done on a bed, mattress or a soft carpet). Thanks to this, we will ensure a better fit of the mat to the curves of the spine.

Most acupressure mats have a shock-absorbing filling. The insert in the mat is most often made of foam or coconut fiber. The foam is more flexible and shock-absorbing, while coconut is intended for lovers of ecological solutions.

Body mat application

The mat should be applied directly to the body and skin surface. In the case of too much pain, during the first use, the mat can be used through a thin material, e.g. through a T-shirt.

Acupressure mat with pillow

In the store we find very popular acupressure mat sets with pillow. The acupressure pillow is a perfect complement – it allows you to precisely affect the nape, neck, but also feet or the lumbar spine. The cushion can be used together with the mat, but it is also very popular to use both products separately.

Massage in a sitting position

The mat or acupressure pillow can also be used in a sitting position, e.g. during office work or while traveling. Most mats come with a handy cover that makes it easy to store and transport the mat.

The benefits of using akumata

Regular use of the acupressure mat brings many positive effects. The mat helps to deal with ailments such as:

  1. back and spine pains,
  2. chronic headaches and migraines,
  3. insomnia and poor sleep quality,
  4. problems with poor blood circulation,
  5. synchronous stress,
  6. neurosis and depression,
  7. sciatica,
  8. degenerative changes in the spine,
  9. problems with muscle tone.

Akumata not only has a therapeutic effect, but also simply relaxing – it reduces fatigue, relaxes the body and improves overall well-being.

Lyapko – health mats with metal spikes

Most of the acupressure mats available on the market have studs with spikes made of hypoallergenic ABS plastic. The exception is Lyapko mats (called multi-needle applicators) with 5 metal alloy spikes and a medical rubber base.

Lyapko products are most popular in physiotherapy offices. Mats with metal spikes are used to restore mobility after injuries.

Multi-needle applicators, designed by the Ukrainian doctor Nikolay Lyapko, are available in various variants. We distinguish between universal mats for back massage and smaller applicators, adjusted to specific body parts.

Lyapko Akumats are easy to disinfect, thanks to which one mat can be used by many people at the same time. Increasingly, multi-needle applicators are used not only by patients of rehabilitation clinics, but also by people looking for relaxation and stress relief during an acupressure session.

Which mat to choose?

There are several factors to consider when choosing an acupressure mat for yourself. It is important that the mat is medically certified and is made of hypoallergenic materials.

When choosing akumata, you should also be guided experience in using the mat, the level of pain resistance as well as the size of the mat and the place on the body that we want to affect.

Acupressure mat for beginners

The best choice to start your adventure with acupressure will be ABS spike mat. It is worth choosing a set with a pillow that will allow for a comprehensive body massage. The 4FIZJO acupressure mat is the most often chosen for the start

The 4FIZJO mat is a Polish medical product made of natural cotton, available in several color options. Akumata is also available in a longer version – it allows you to massage the back and legs at the same time.

Other acupressure mats that are perfect for beginners include:

  1. Tape Reel Screen
  2. All4fit Long Mat
  3. Mata ASFiO

Acupressure mat for advanced and pain resistant

For people who have already had contact with acupressure and for those who need stronger stimuli, we recommend a choice Akumaty Applicator and the aforementioned multi-needle applicators Lyapko.

Eyes Ilicator is a Czech product, available on the Polish market for many years. It has specially designed spikes for a more intense massage. The applicators are available in the office version (spikes mounted on medical foil) and for home use (cotton and linen mats).

Special multi-needle applicators

An alternative and supplement to classic acupressure mats are special multi-needle applicators. The most popular product is a roller with spikes Lyapko, intended for body and face massage. Due to its properties, the multi-needle roller is also used in cosmetology. It allows for reduction of wrinkles, makes the skin elastic and helps in the fight against cellulite.

Other frequently selected special applicators are an acupressure knee bandage, a multi-needle ball, or therapeutic slippers with needles.

Ecological acupressure mats

At the Akumata Store, also ecology enthusiasts will find something for themselves. Ecological mats, made of coconut fiber, buckwheat hulls and flax, are a very attractive alternative to standard mats.

Particular attention should be paid to akumatę FlowerMat from ALL4FIT, or ECOMAT marks 4PHYSIO.

How much does an acupressure mat cost?

Akumat prices are very divergent. Is it worth spending a fortune on an acupressure mat? From a therapeutic point of view, there is no such need. Most mats have a similar relaxing effect. The differences in prices result from the brand, materials used in the production and the design of the mat. Therefore, there is no need to overpay. It is worth trusting specialists and betting on registered medical products. Each acupressure mat on the store is tested and recommended by Polish physiotherapists.

Acupressure mat – contraindications

The acupressure mat is a very universal product and can be used by everyone. However, there are a few exceptions when consulting your GP or physical therapist about the use of akumata.

The mat should not be used in the case of fresh wounds, acute inflammations, skin diseases and problems, blood clotting disorders and taking anticoagulants.

We recommend using the mat in the case of cancer and during pregnancy only after prior contact with the attending physician. – the largest shop with acupreus mats website offers a wide selection of acupressure mats registered as medical products. It is worth remembering that akumata will not replace a visit to a specialist and will not solve all health problems, but it will certainly be an effective supplement to therapy and a home way to relax after a hard day.

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