Acupressure. Chinese technology video

Acupressure. Chinese technology video

Acupressure massage (zhen-chiu therapy) was invented in ancient China several thousand years ago. Modern medicine successfully uses this type of massage in the treatment of various diseases and pathologies, combining it with the traditional therapeutic approach.

The technique of Chinese acupressure is the pressure of a finger pad or nail on biologically active (acupressure) points through which the body’s bioelectric impulses pass. These points act as a connection between the meridians of the body, conducting the vital energy of a person; when pressed on them, a certain amount of endorphins are released, blocking pain and increasing blood flow to the desired place.

The result of a competent acupressure is relaxation of tense muscles, after which the saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen increases, the metabolism is accelerated and the elimination of toxins from the body

Indications for acupressure

Acupressure massage is indicated for the treatment of arthritis, headache, a number of joint diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, myositis, hypertension, constipation and sciatica. In addition, acupuncture helps with insomnia, memory impairment, decreased performance, obesity, stress and premature aging, and also relieves a stuffy nose.

Also, Chinese massage can be prescribed for children. A child who systematically receives the correct acupressure begins to learn better, as his performance and concentration increase significantly.

This type of massage is especially useful for athletes. Its use before and after training helps to avoid injuries, improve the general condition of the body and, therefore, to obtain maximum athletic performance.

In case of strokes, the classic general acupressure massage strengthens the circulatory system and improves the conduction of nerve impulses to the damaged area of ​​the brain

In cosmetology, Chinese acupressure massage improves the skin of the face, restoring its youth, attractiveness and freshness. Finger massage helps to relax the facial muscles, and the epidermis becomes elastic and elastic, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the face and neck. It is also used as an auxiliary procedure in the process of losing weight.

Contraindications to acupressure

Like any physiological effect, Chinese acupressure is prohibited in the presence of the following diseases:

  • malignant and benign tumors
  • tuberculosis, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer
  • blood diseases
  • deep lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
  • presence of mental disorders
  • fever and high temperature
  • pregnancy

In addition, acupressure should not be performed on an empty stomach, after taking alcoholic beverages, as well as during and immediately after menstruation. It is also undesirable to do acupuncture during sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.

The age restrictions of Chinese acupressure apply to the elderly and children under one year of age.

During the massage course, the use of coffee, strong tea, alcoholic beverages, as well as spicy and salty dishes is prohibited. Instead of a hot bath, it is better to give preference to a short warm shower.

In classic acupressure, there are the following techniques:

  • kneading
  • pressure
  • stroking
  • trituration
  • push
  • piercing
  • vibration
  • cutting

Kneading is performed with the pad of the thumb, while the rest of the fingers are brought into a free bent position and do not touch the surface of the skin. The thumb is placed in the center of the affected point and slowly makes a circular motion.

Pressure, or hard pressing, is one of the main acupressure techniques. It is carried out with the pad of the thumb, which is located perpendicular to the massaged point. It is performed smoothly, the intensity increases gradually.

Rubbing is performed to enhance lymph flow and blood circulation. A numb or swollen leg is treated with a rubbing massage, as a result of which the skin is toned and nerve endings are stimulated. Rubbing with the palm or the back of the hand.

The pushing technique is carried out by the palmar and radial surfaces of the thumb, the movement of which is directed to the center of the massaged point. In this case, the patient should feel warmth, numbness and pleasant aches at this point.

Stroking in acupressure is performed only with the pad of the thumb, which moves in two mutually intersecting directions. During the massage, a uniform force of movements and a gradually increasing intensity are observed.

The thrust is done with the thumb or forefinger, straightened out. Reception is performed slowly, the intensity of movements gradually increases. The patient should feel pleasantly numb and warm.

The vibration is performed with the pad of the thumb or middle finger and is used after each piercing. Reception enhances the feeling of numbness and distention in the massaged point, spreading it over a considerable distance from the massage zone.

Receiving vibration is always performed on the patient’s exhalation and can be combined with a thrusting technique to enhance the effect

And finally, cutting. It is performed with a thumbnail and resembles a thrusting technique. It is performed carefully so as not to injure the patient or cause him pain. It is usually used for fainting and shock conditions in order to bring a person to life.

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