Theater and film actress Oksana Stashenko told Woman’s Day about her female secrets.
It is impossible to choose – just as it is impossible to protect yourself from what is prescribed for you. It’s like a small child walks! He cannot choose whether to fall or not. The most important thing is to do what your heart tells you. I don’t have one recipe for all women.
My husband and I are not apart, and, fortunately, I am not faced with this choice. We are united by both personal and creative life. Vlad is the owner of a recording studio, where, by the way, my discs appeared. He is responsible for all my programs of creative meetings, concerts – he completely prepares the necessary video and sound.
It seems to me that a person does not invent anything. Everything happens when there is an inner need. As for the book “My Nepal”, this was the first experience. I wrote down travel notes for myself on everything that came to hand, I really did not want to forget my impressions of the trip. When I returned, I realized that all this needed to be reprinted, otherwise it would fade and be lost. When I reprinted it and read it to my friends, they said: “God, this is a book! Why do we only hear this? ” My husband helped me here too. He made a layout for the book. To do this, he had to learn the printing business. In general, for my creative desires, Vlad uses more strength, mind and hand. After Rostov, we fly to Turkey for the festival, so he sits day and night with a computer, fills my personal karaoke, edits a medley that I will sing. I gush with ideas, and my husband sits at night and brings them to life! It seems to me that women, after reading this part of the interview, can say: “Well, she is so lucky with her husband!” But in fact, I’m more likely to be rewarded for my previous years. As a child goes to school, first to the first, then to the second, third grades … So Vlad is my diploma!
Oksana with colleagues in the workshop, actors Alexander Nosik and Anatoly Zhuravlev
I am very glad that it is no longer fashionable to be bad. Ten years ago there was such a trend. You had to smoke – to show that you are an adult; you had to drink – to show that you are not subject to alcohol; you had to swear – to show that you are extraordinary; I had to go with some incomprehensible hairstyles in order to somehow distinguish myself! And finally, the time has come, which destroys all these external factors and leaves only the inner essence of a person. But it is really easier to be a bad person, and it is more difficult to be a good person. Self-improvement is the most difficult job in the world, the most difficult profession. It is unprofitable, uncomfortable to be good. Sometimes you look – a person is capricious, harmful, and they are worn with him, he is taken care of. But this person is good, flexible, understanding, responsive, and receives less attention! But the tinsel goes away, disappears and is sifted. After all, a person forgets the bad faster, our memory is a gift. To be good, you have to work hard, accustom yourself to this until it becomes your essence. No one will teach you to love for you. To love the world, people, life, yourself. But this is a wonderful return! The world expects from you some kind of statements, manifestations, harm. But when he realizes that there is no need to expect trouble from you, the world relaxes and a real feeling of love appears. If a person is in love, then he is safe, and security is one of the most important feelings that a person aspires to. I performed in high security men’s prisons where repeat offenders are sitting. If you go to these people with love and absolute acceptance, then these feelings are like a huge current, against which nothing can break through. We do not end with our skin, we are much more. So working on yourself is something that unconditionally gives a result. But this only comes with personal experience. No matter how much a person listens to advice, recommendations, until he begins to accept those around him without any conditions and requirements, nothing will work. Only you yourself can make this world bring you happiness.
In Moscow, I visit the center of traditional oriental medicine. In general, I am connected with the East, for a long time I was filming in Hong Kong, I speak Chinese. The Eastern culture of personal care is one of the oldest. I love to visit the hammam, I try to go there at least once every ten days. But there are times when there is no way to get in for two months. I try not to change the massage master, and not because I am shy. It’s just a very intimate moment: when you are used to one hand, and then another specialist, then there is no way to relax, and this is no longer good. Manicure and pedicure are obligatory, I prefer unedged European, so as to injure and penetrate my body as little as possible. On trips, be sure to take creams and cleansers. I try to sleep at least eight hours, so I quietly run away from evening events. Sleep guarantees a clear and bright mind, and this is important for a public person!