Actor Nikolai Dobrynin: biography, roles and personal life

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Biography of Nikolai Dobrynin

He was born on August 17, 1963 in Taganrog. Father is a policeman, mother is a salesman. His brother Alexander at this time was already seven years old (later he would become a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater).

Little Kolya, putting on his father’s cap, could look in the mirror for hours. He imagined that when he grew up, he would arrest all the hooligans and criminals. And in order to detain some bandit, he will certainly learn to shoot accurately …

Neighborhood boys looked at him with undisguised envy, because he had real handcuffs and even a pistol in his house. And they were completely offended when Kolya talked about how he and his father locked themselves in the barn so that no one inadvertently looked in, and fired at different bottles and vials.

Kolya was a mischievous boy. With her brother, they constantly got involved in fights and caused a lot of problems for their parents. His father played the button accordion and instilled in children a love of music.


The brothers went to music school and sang in the church choir. Nikolai never graduated from music school, after another fight, he was expelled for “unworthy” behavior. Then tragedy struck. Father crossed the road at the green light, but some reckless driver did not stop, trying to slip … Father was only 24 years old.

The boys, left without a father, got used to helping their mother from childhood. Kolya was not even 5 years old when a neighbor, with whom his mother sometimes left him, when leaving for work, taught him to sew bags with a special gypsy knot.

When the guys ran down the street, Kolya sat at home, diligently sewing together a stubborn fabric, rubbing a delicate child’s hand to calluses. For each bag he was given 10 kopecks.

The beekeeper grandfather taught them and his brother how to handle bees. Without bites, this science was not given to them.

After the 6th grade, when all the classmates went to pioneer camps for the summer, Kolya worked part-time by making mailboxes. The next summer I got a job as a loader in a store.

Bright colorful plastic bags brought from abroad were in vogue. The teenager started his own business for a while, reselling them at a premium.

Things were not going well at school. But Nikolai took part in amateur performances – he sang and even enrolled in a ballroom dancing circle. After school, he was going to sail, but Alexander, already a student at the Moscow Conservatory, persuaded him to enter GITIS. It was accepted on the 3rd attempt.


After studying at GITIS, since 1985, Dobrynin worked for Konstantin Raikin at the Satyricon Theater. For four years he danced in crowd scenes. And the first role with a short phrase: “You are playing with fire!”

In the next performance, where he already had no words for the role, he played an orderly and had to take the hero to a clinic for the mentally ill. The hero was played by Konstantin Raikin. Dobrynin squeezed his hand so that he cried out in pain.

Then the young actor received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. He served two years in the Air Defense Forces and returned to Satyricon.

In 1989, Dobrynin moved to the studio of Alla Sigalova, at the same time participating in the performances of R. Viktyuk. The actor earned popularity among Muscovites for the role of Claire in Viktyuk’s play “The Handmaids”.

His film debut took place in the film “Necessary People” (1986). A year later, the audience saw him in the title role of the movie “Goodbye, Zamoskvoretskaya punks …”.

Actor Nikolai Dobrynin: biography, roles and personal life

Dobrynin and Dobronravov in the TV series “Matchmakers”

Since 2009, many viewers have enjoyed watching the TV series “Matchmakers”, where Dobrynin played Mityai Bukhankin.

An interesting story is connected with this series. When the actor was called and offered the role, he refused, because he did not want to go to the shooting in Kiev. And already saying goodbye, he suddenly asked: “Who is in the lead role?” – “Fedor Dobronravov …”. – “Oh, that changes things, because we are both from Taganrog.”

Please note what wonderful surnames are from the words “good” or “kindness”: Dobrynin and Dobronravov. They are good people! It is known that the surname affects the character of a person.

Nikolai Dobrynin: personal life

Nikolai Nikolaevich was married three times. “I have always married for love and sincerely believed that this union is for the rest of my life. But it didn’t work … “

With their first wife, Ksenia Larina (daughter of diplomat A. N. Barshev), they studied together at GITIS. To provide for his family, Nikolai spent four years working at the subway as an auxiliary worker at night. They got married at the age of 18 for great love, but after five years the family broke up.

In 1986 he met actress Anna Terekhova (daughter of actress Margarita Terekhova). Nikolai adopted Misha (born 1987), the son of Anna. But after a few years, the wife filed for divorce.

Actor Nikolai Dobrynin: biography, roles and personal life

Nikolai Nikolaevich with his wife Ekaterina Komissarova

In 1998, fate brought the actor together with the flight attendant Ekaterina Komissarova. She works in the theater of R. Viktyuk as an assistant director. In 2002 they got married, and in 2008 their daughter Nina was born.

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