The film «Fashionable Mom»

I’m afraid. I will never dare to do it!

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The state of the Victim can be both in a passive and in an active form, where the passive and active forms alternate and complement each other.

Watch the video from the movie «Fashionable Mom». Helen portrays a helpless unfortunate Victim and harshly, forcefully confronts Jenny with a fact: in this critical situation, I will not act, I shift the responsibility onto you. Jenny suffered for a couple of moments (she showed that it was also difficult for her and strained Helen with this in retaliation), after which she turned on the Actor in herself and began to solve the situation.

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The unfortunate Victim leech is in the most active position in life, demonstrating his suffering.

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​​​​​​​In the active form, the state of the Victim is accusations, tantrums, revenge, threats (including suicide threats) and other options for defensive-aggressive behavior.

With an excuse: “What else can I do? I have no other choice!”

As long as the Victim has strength, at the slightest opportunity she turns into an Aggressor (Predator, Persecutor), takes revenge on the Persecutor and Savior (because she saved badly). See Karpman triangle

If the Victim does not have the strength for active aggression, the Victim takes revenge with autoaggressions (aggression directed at himself). The realization of a childhood dream of revenge: “So you offend me, but I’ll die to you, and I’ll lie dead, and you will cry and regret!” Watch Games Victims Play


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