Action “Immortal Regiment” in 2023 in Our Country
The action “Immortal Regiment” in 2023 is an event that has already become traditional for our country, the states of near and far abroad. About the idea of ​​the procession and its little more history – in the material of ” Healthy Food Near Me”

How the Immortal Regiment campaign will take place in Our Country in 2023

The traditional procession will take place 9 May. Everyone who wants to take part in the event can register on the official website of the project.


The action originated in 2011 in Siberian Tomsk. It was initiated by three friends, local journalists Sergei Lapenkov, Sergei Kolotovkin and Igor Dmitriev, who took to the streets of the city on Victory Day with portraits of their warring relatives. And a year later, in 2012, six thousand residents of Tomsk on the May holiday carried portraits of their relatives who fought on the fields of the Great Patriotic War.

The organizers of the procession of the Immortal Regiment wanted to get away from organized processions as much as possible, to make it a truly nationwide action, similar to the so-called “human sea of ​​generations”. The earliest forerunners of the Immortal Regiment appeared on the twentieth anniversary of the Great Victory. It is interesting that peculiar actions were born both in the western part of our country, which experienced all the horrors of the fascist invasion, and in the east of the USSR, which served as a reliable deep rear. They were held under a variety of names, but had one common goal – to preserve the grateful memory of those who brought us this Victory.

In many cities of Our Country, various clubs of military memory were created. The leaders of the Zemlyanka Museum of Military Glory of Siberian Warriors in the Soviet District of Novosibirsk claim that the very first Immortal Regiment was held in 1965 by students of the one hundred and twenty-first school in the Nizhniye Chemy microdistrict. The following data on such actions date back to the 80s. The village of Tatsinskaya in the Rostov region, the Permian Solikamsk and even the village with the folklore name Kon-Kolodez in the Lipetsk region. From these addresses began the Immortal Regiment in the Soviet Union. In history, the geography of such local predecessor actions included northern Ukhta (the beginning of the 2010s), Kuzbass, Tyumen, and even Sevastopol, which at that time was not part of the Federation. In XNUMX, the XNUMXth march “Heroes of Victory, our great-grandfathers and grandfathers” took place on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. In total, such events before the Tomsk initiative were held by about two dozen regions.


In 2014, the Immortal Regiment social movement was formed, which has the status of a people’s movement. Each region has its own organizers of the action. The interregional historical and patriotic public movement “Immortal Regiment” (Council Chairman – Sergei Lapenkov) has a coordinating headquarters and its own Charter. The official symbol of the nationwide action was born in Altai – a crane in the sky against the background of a five-pointed star on a soldier’s grave. The idea of ​​the logo refers to the legendary song by the composer Yan Frenkel with lyrics by Rasul Gamzatov. The image of flying birds, associated with soldiers who did not return home, was adopted in other cities during processions.

The main goal of the Immortal Regiment, as a public civil-patriotic movement, is to preserve the memory of the feat of our ancestors during the Great Patriotic War. “The regiment is the millions of those who have left and their descendants,” the organizers of the action characterize their ranks in this way. The theme of the memory of the feat of the Soviet people in the bloody battle with the fascist armada is also relevant among the public of foreign countries. The geography of the event is expanding year by year. Therefore, the movement with the same name can be interpreted not as an all- or interregional, but as an international one.

The form of realization of the idea of ​​the Immortal Regiment was the folk chronicle on the site, as well as processions and meetings of the descendants of the defenders of the Motherland on May 9 in various cities of the former Soviet Union and other countries. The established Interregional Search Center of the Immortal Regiment is designed to help search for people and establish the fate of their loved ones who took part in the war. On the account of the Center – the restoration of the stories of the missing, finding cards of prisoners of war, establishing burial sites, editing the folk chronicle on the Polk website, and arranging it in the form of family histories. Such a database is created by the grateful descendants of those who went through the most terrible war of the last century.

Where is

You can also find out where the actions of the Immortal Regiment take place on the website. There are two menus in the upper left corner of the page: “Regiment deployment” and “Go to the region page”. From this navigation, you can select a country, region, and locality. The database contains about one hundred and fifty states, regions and cities of the Federation. In a number of countries, such large ones as the United States of America, there are up to thirteen settlements and territories. People, our compatriots and foreigners, enter on the site information about their relatives and friends, Soviet soldiers. Thus, it is believed that the visitor who told the story of the warrior joined the action of the Immortal Regiment.

When studying the eye falls on a cell indicating an African country, one of the poorest countries in the world – Mauritania. We click on it, the name of the capital appears – Nouakchott. The coordinator of the Immortal Regiment International Historical and Patriotic Public Movement, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Our Country to Mauritania Vladimir Chamov registered two soldiers who died in the war on the website, thus adding those who died to the Immortal Regiment. Far from Our Country and Argentina. The coordinator on the banks of La Plata is Silvana Yarmolyuk-Stroganova, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Compatriots in Argentina.

In the cities of the Federation, historical parts and central highways are always given under the procession of the Immortal Regiment. In Moscow, this is usually Tverskaya Street (former Gorky Street) with Belorussky Railway Station and part of Leningradsky Prospekt from the Dynamo Stadium.

How to take part

The action to preserve the memory of the feat of our ancestors is truly a popular movement that arose at the behest of the hearts. However, the Immortal Regiment also has a number of rules that are not difficult to follow these days. As noted above, in order to participate in the action, it is necessary to contribute to the creation of the annals of the regiment. By registering on the movement’s website and telling the story of loved ones, you enroll your relatives in the regiment. The awards and degree of participation of your ancestor in the events of the Great Patriotic War are not paramount. It is important that your relative brought our common victory as close as he could: whether it was participation in hostilities or work in the rear.

Detailed instructions on how to record a story on the website are provided by the link. Everything is described in it step by step, the information is not much different from similar instructions for registering on sites. This should not be a big deal, since the basics of computer literacy are available today to representatives of different generations.

It is advisable to tell the story of the defenders of the Fatherland from members of your family, it is better to do this together with schoolchildren. In this way, family memory is passed on from generation to generation. Today’s children of the XNUMXst century should know and remember the history of their family.

How to make your own signs

This year, joining the Immortal Regiment along with a portrait of your relative or good friend will not work. However, you can prepare a pillar – the most important element of the action, a banner with a photo that will come in handy next year. The fact that the word “pillar” today is firmly connected with the action “Immortal Regiment” is also evidenced by the fact that when you start a search for the term in Internet search engines, the combination “pillar for the immortal regiment” immediately flies out to you. Again, on the site, as in the case of writing a story, there is a step-by-step instruction. True, at the same time, it is warned that in order to create a layout of your pavement sign for the Immortal Regiment campaign, you must register on the website of this movement.

Also on the Internet you can find tips on how to make a pavement sign yourself. It must be taken into account that the portrait of a soldier of the Immortal Regiment must be large in order to be clearly seen on the procession. Pictures from the family album can be enlarged to the desired size (the most popular size is A4 format – 20×30 centimeters). Given the possibility of rainy inclement weather, as well as damage due to the accumulation of a large number of people, it is desirable to laminate the portrait.

Popular questions and answers

Is the action “Immortal Regiment” held in other countries?

Currently, the action “Immortal Regiment” covers more than eighty states and territories. The mention of the last geographical formations is not accidental. Two years ago, the worldwide action reached Antarctica. In 2018, the event took place at the polar station Novolazarevskaya. On May 20, thirty-two employees of the station walked along the snow-covered continental shelf at a temperature of -8 with portraits of front-line soldiers. Indian scientists joined them at the gala dinner. A year later, according to media reports, the frost was even tougher, but the action again took place at the south pole of the Earth.

Having started in 2012, a year later the Immortal Regiment crossed the borders of those states that are mentally and historically strongly connected with Our Country – Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Israel. In Ukraine, the action is held under the motto “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” In Belarus it is held under the name “Belarus Remembers”. In 2015, the action was already held in seventeen states, a year later this number increased to forty-two. At the moment, in addition to sovereign countries and Antarctica, the “Immortal Regiment” takes place in unrecognized and partially recognized states, such as the people’s republics of the southeast of Ukraine, Abkhazia, South Ossetia. The latest to date, the May processions were joined last spring in Columbia and in the US state of Alaska. At the same time, in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia – Uzbekistan and Tajikistan – the authorities abandoned the idea of ​​​​officially holding the Immortal Regiment for religious reasons.

In a number of states of Southeast Asia, similar mass actions are held related to the commemoration of human victims. They are held according to Muslim customs and have nothing to do with the Immortal Regiment. Despite this, some countries in the region, such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand, are on the list of countries of the international movement “Immortal Regiment”.

What to do if there is no photo of a front-line soldier?

The growing popularity of the Immortal Regiment campaign makes one question the most popular – how to go to the procession (even in person, even online) without having a photo with you? Still, the collisions of many decades in our country could well not save family photo archives.

You can indicate on the pillar the surname, name, patronymic and military rank of a soldier. The site suggests this option of participating in the action. One of the solutions is to replace photographs of already distant war times with “civilian” photographs.

There is some difference of opinion regarding the use of small photographs. Of course, they will be almost invisible in the human sea. However, this is also a popular movement, in order to find the most unexpected ways out. Sergei Borodulin, coordinator of the Immortal Regiment branch in St. Petersburg, also suggests using the veteran’s portrait. It doesn’t matter if it’s colorful or graphic. You can also perform a modern portrait from the memory of the descendants of a warrior. But the organizers do not recommend going to the action with photographs of prominent commanders and Joseph Stalin. With these historical characters, the procession takes on a clear political coloring. The event is aimed primarily at the memory of the deceased relatives.

Someone is ready to stand in the columns of the Immortal Regiment with pillars of people completely unfamiliar to them. For such s, the goal of participating in the action is to strengthen patriotic education in their families. You can also carry portraits of unfamiliar veterans by becoming volunteers of the Immortal Regiment. Volunteers, as a rule, help the elderly participants in the procession.

Is it possible to enroll in the Regiment those who did not participate in hostilities?

Yes, you certainly may! Victory Day is a sacred holiday for several generations of Soviet people. Home front workers, partisans, prisoners of concentration camps are enrolled in the Immortal Regiment as participants-heroes – all those who fought together with the whole country during the Second World War. Of course, there is a place in the history of the Immortal Regiment for those who fought in foreign resistance movements, as well as employees of our internal organs and foreign intelligence.

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