Action hybrid Strawberry Fields (Strawberry Fields, Strawberry Fields): planting and care

Action is a perennial plant belonging to the Hortensia family. The shrub was brought to Northern Europe at the beginning of the XNUMXth century by merchant ships from Japan, where the action adorned the imperial gardens. The main varieties, which later formed the basis of decorative breeding forms, came to France and England in the middle of the XNUMXth century from China. Strawberry Fields hybrid action is one of the few varieties of culture that can adapt to climatic conditions.

Action hybrid Strawberry Fields (Strawberry Fields, Strawberry Fields): planting and care

Description of action Strawberry Fields

Strawberry Fields (pictured) is a deciduous tree plant popular with landscape designers and florists. Shrub 1,5 m high with a dense, spreading, voluminous crown formed by numerous thin shoots. The main increase occurs in the first three years of vegetation, the action adds 20-25 cm in height and width. The culture is perennial, the average duration of the biological cycle is 25 years.

Description of the Strawberry Fields action:

  1. The crown is rounded, sprawling, the shoots are thin, tubular, hollow, arched with drooping tops, the first stems are low-lying, often bending to the surface of the soil under the weight of the inflorescences. Perennial branches of gray color with exfoliating bark, young stems of an olive shade.
  2. The leaves are light green, arranged oppositely, in the form of an elongated oval with a sharp tip. The length of the leaf plate is about 7 cm, the leaves have serrated edges and a rough surface. In autumn, the color of the foliage turns yellow.
  3. The root system is mixed, the central roots are deepened, the lateral fibrous superficial ones.
  4. Seeds are small, dark beige boxes that ripen in late August.
Important! Seeds of deutsia Strawberry Fields germinate well, suitable for hybrid breeding.

How hybrid action Strawberry Fields blooms

Flowering action Strawberry Fields lasts 2 months from June to July. Buds are formed from leaf axils along the entire length of last year’s shoots. Flowering is plentiful. The flowers are large five-petalled, collected in inflorescences-panicles.

Decorative color gives the flower. The outer side is light burgundy, the inner part combines all shades of pink. The petals at the base and along the edge are light, closer to the top the tone darkens, turning into a bright, dark pink fragment. Anthers yellow, located on white filaments.

Deutsia Strawberry Fields becomes decorative during flowering. Shrubs are used in landscape design for tamping tree groups, as a tapeworm, to create hedges. Used for landscaping gardens, home gardens, suburban areas.

A hybrid of Strawberry Fields planted in rockeries gives the rock garden an oriental touch and a finished look. The culture is used to make bouquets, included in the composition with various types of flowering plants. In the photo, the action of the hybrid Strawberry Fields during flowering, the exotic beauty of the plant will impress even the most sophisticated florist.

Action hybrid Strawberry Fields (Strawberry Fields, Strawberry Fields): planting and care

Features of reproduction

According to gardeners, you can propagate Strawberry Fields hybrid action in any way possible. With generative breeding, the characteristics of the parent plant are fully preserved. Seed germination is high, young shoots growing by self-sowing near the bush are suitable for transplanting. You can grow seedlings on your own or increase the number of action bushes in a vegetative way.

Propagation Methods for Deutsia Strawberry Fields:

  1. Planting seeds. The material is harvested in early autumn, sown in the spring in a mini-greenhouse or container. After 20 days, shoots will appear, when the seedlings grow to 5-7 cm, they dive into separate containers or a larger container. Plant the action of Strawberry Fields on the site at the end of next spring.
  2. Cuttings, which are harvested from the top of last year’s shoots in early August. By this time, the action will fade. The length of the planting material is 15-25 cm. The sections are treated with a growth stimulator and placed in a fertile substrate. By spring, the cuttings will take root and be ready for planting.
  3. Layers. Work is carried out in the spring, when the soil has warmed up to +6 0C. A furrow 10 cm deep is made near the shrub, the lower perennial shoot is bent into it, fixed with metal staples. From above, the furrow, along with the shoot, is covered with soil. At the end of July, the number of plots will be seen. The material is cut and planted in a permanent place. Sheltered for the winter.
Important! The most productive and fastest way to breed the action of Strawberry Fields is root shoots.

The material is planted in the spring, the next year the first flowers will appear.

Planting and caring for Strawberry hybrid action

The hybrid form of action Strawberry Fields is an unpretentious plant, subject to the planting dates and proper subsequent agricultural practices, the shrub takes root well in a permanent place and begins to bloom at the age of 3.

Recommended dates

The planting time of Strawberry’s action depends on the weather conditions of the region. In the South, ornamental shrubs are planted in the spring, approximately in the middle or early April, autumn planting is carried out a month before the onset of frost in October.

The winter hardiness of the action of Strawberry Fields is average, autumn planting in regions with a temperate climate is not considered, because young seedlings will not have time to fully take root before frost, even with the most conscientious shelter they will not be able to overwinter. The action of Strawberry is planted in the spring in early May, the terms are conditional, they are different for each locality. A prerequisite is that the temperature of the soil must not be lower than +60C.

Site selection and preparation of soil

Strawberry Fields root system of mixed type: surface provides the plant with nutrients, deepened with the necessary moisture. This feature is taken into account when choosing a place, the site must be well-drained, without stagnation or close water occurrence. Action Strawberry is a light-loving plant, the lack of lighting affects the vegetation, in the shade the color of the flowers is pale, they are smaller. Strawberry Fields hybrid does not resist the wind well, the branches are hollow, brittle. The landing site is chosen from the south or east side, protected from drafts and strong gusts of wind.

Deutia Strawberry Fields will not grow on acidic or slightly acidic soils, the composition must be neutral, slightly alkaline is allowed. If the soil is acidic, lime is added to the hole when planting. A nutrient substrate is preliminarily prepared, 1 part of humus or compost is mixed with two parts of soddy soil, ¼ part of sand is added.

Action hybrid Strawberry Fields (Strawberry Fields, Strawberry Fields): planting and care

The photo shows a one-year seedling of Strawberry Fields, which, subject to the planting technology and proper care, will bloom next season.

How to plant

Before planting, you need to take care of the material for the drainage cushion. Use pebbles, gravel, broken bricks or expanded clay. You will need material of a larger fraction and fine.

Landing Strawberry Fields:

  1. They dig a hole with a diameter of 50 * 50 cm, are guided by the size of the root, the distance to the walls of the recess should be about 15 cm free. Depth – 65 cm, if the seedling is small and the hole is deep, add more nutrient substrate.
  2. A large fraction of material is placed at the bottom with a layer of 10 cm, and the same amount of fine fraction is placed on top. A layer of the prepared nutrient mixture is poured, taking into account that after planting the root neck remains on the surface.
  3. The action sapling is set in the center, the substrate layer is covered, compacted, watered.
Advice! The trunk circle is covered with peat mixed with sawdust, the mulch retains moisture and protects the roots from overheating.

Growing rules

Action hybrid Strawberry Fields does not require increased attention from the gardener. Caring for a flowering shrub is standard. They use action for decorative design of the landscape, so the shrub should have a well-formed crown and bloom profusely. Following certain rules, there will be no problems with growing.


Deutsia Strawberry Fields is a drought-resistant plant, it perceives a moisture deficit much better than an excess. The monthly rate of water consumption in an adult shrub is 12 liters. Watering is guided by seasonal precipitation. In seedlings, the central root is not yet deep enough to fully support the plant. Up to 2 years, the action is watered 2 times a month with a small amount of water.

Mulching and top dressing

Mulching for the action of Strawberry Fields is a mandatory measure, relevant at any age. The cover layer does not allow weeds to grow, retains the necessary moisture, protects the root system from overheating, a layer of colored wood chips or bark serves as an element of decor. For mulching, peat, sawdust, straw, and crushed cones of coniferous trees are used. In autumn, the layer is increased with needles; in spring, the material is completely renewed.

Feeding the action of Strawberry Fields begins during flowering. In the spring, when buds are formed, compost and ash are added. At the beginning of flowering and after 1 month, the bush is fertilized with complex mineral agents. Young seedlings do not need additional nutrients, they have enough fertile substrate introduced during planting.

Action hybrid Strawberry Fields (Strawberry Fields, Strawberry Fields): planting and care

Trimming rules

During the spring-summer season, pruning of the action of Strawberry Fields is carried out twice. The first is sanitary in nature, the second is formative. In the spring, before sap flow, twisted, frozen stems are removed, dry areas are cut off. Get rid of last year’s shoots with tops tilted inside the bush. Form a crown after flowering. All stems are shortened to the first strong branches, 2 buds are left on them, the rest is cut off. Until autumn, the shrub will give young shoots that will bloom the next season. Every 4 years, rejuvenating pruning is carried out, removing old stems.

Preparation for winter

The degree of winter hardiness of the action of the hybrid Strawberry Fields is not so high that the plant can endure low temperatures without loss. With an indicator of -28 0C and below, without prior measures, the crop may not overwinter, especially seedlings. The stems of young bushes are carefully bent to the ground, fixed. Arcs are installed with stretched lutrasil or spunbond, covered with leaves from above. The stems of adult Strawberry action cannot be bent down, they are fragile and break easily. Shrub shoots are collected in a bundle, tied with twine or rope. From above I wrap it with burlap, around the bush they install supports in the form of a hut, they put spruce branches on them.

Pests and diseases

Hybrid varieties of action differ from varietal representatives of the culture in their high resistance to infection. With a properly chosen landing site and compliance with the conditions for care, Strawberry’s action does not get sick. In case of waterlogging of the soil, the root system may rot, in which case it is necessary to reduce watering or move the shrub to another place. In the shade with high humidity, spotting appears on the leaves. Get rid of the fungus with products containing copper.

The only pest that parasitizes the action of Strawberry Fields is the bumblebee proboscis, insect caterpillars feed on leaves. The plant is treated with “Kinmiks” or “Decis”.


Strawberry Fields hybrid action is one of the varieties of crop grown in Our Country. The plant is drought-resistant, well tolerates moisture deficiency. Frost resistance allows the use of Strawberry action for landscape design in a temperate climate zone. The shrub retains its decorative effect during the period of abundant flowering (for two months). The hybrid is undemanding to care, has a strong immunity to infections, and is practically not affected by pests.

Spring planting action


Lyubov Titova, 32 years old, Kazan
At the dacha, the action of Strawberry Fields was propagated by seeds. I tried it for the sake of experiment. I was confused by the word “hybrid” when I acquired the first seedling in a local nursery. Seeds collected in early August, next spring sown in a container. The sprouts sprouted together, in warm weather they took out the container in the sun. I dived the strongest seedlings into cropped plastic bottles. The action wintered on my insulated loggia. Planted in the spring. Now I have six flowering bushes in my dacha, which do not differ at all from the mother’s.
Ruslan Samoilenko, 48 years old, Moscow
At their summer cottage, I planted 4 bushes of Strawberry Fields around the perimeter of the rock garden. When the plant bloomed, the composition took on a complete look, reminiscent of a corner of Japanese culture. Shrubs bloom profusely, completely covered with pink inflorescences.

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