Acryflavin as a new drug for coronavirus? Poles involved in the research. Promising results
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The world is still looking for a cure for COVID-19. Acryflavine, known for over 100 years, may turn out to be a hope. Research by Polish and German scientists has shown that it inhibits the protein that allows the coronavirus to multiply. Prof. Pyrć, however, reminds that in clinical practice, this molecule may or may not be effective and warns against rash use of acryflavine.

  1. Acryflavin may prove effective against SARS-CoV-2. prof. Krzysztof Pyrć: this must be confirmed by clinical trials
  2. Acryflavine has been known for a long time for over 100 years. It is used in the treatment of parasitic infections, has anti-cancer properties, and is used against HIV-1
  3. In Poland, acryflavine is not approved for systemic use
  4. Prof. Pyrć warns against self-administration of acryflavine: we do not know the effectiveness or the correct dosage, and we know that in higher concentrations, acryflavine may have a mutagenic effect
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Drug against COVID-19. Acryflavin effective against SARS-CoV-2?

The search for antiviral drugs that could be useful in the treatment of COVID-19 is underway around the world. The hopes of Polish and German experts aroused acryflavine, used orally in some countries, incl. to treat urinary tract infections.

As noted by the biotechnologist and virologist involved in the research, prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, already in June 2020, the Małopolska Center of Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, together with specialists from the Helmholtz Institute in Munich, started looking for a drug that could potentially inhibit infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. – The target was one of the virus proteins called PLpro. It is a multifunctional protein necessary for the coronavirus to multiply, but at the same time it is responsible for “turning off” our natural defense systems in the cell, he explains.

Polish and German researchers conducted a review of almost 6. drugs that are approved for use or are on the way to registration as candidates for new drugs. It turned out then that acryflavine can actively inhibit the mentioned PLpro enzyme at a very low concentration (several nanograms per milliliter; 1 nanogram is one billionth of a gram). – Initial research is encouraging, acryflavine may prove effective against SARS-CoV-2 – said Prof. Thry, adding, however, that this must be confirmed by clinical trials.

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Acryflavin in the fight against COVID-19. Prof. Pyrć: I strongly advise against using this substance on your own

The inhibitory effect of acryflavin was maintained in cell cultures infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus. They were also observed in tissue cultures of the respiratory system and in an animal model. According to the expert, this is a strong signal that this effect can also occur in humans.

– So we have very interesting, but still only scientific information. A molecule that may or may not prove effective in clinical practice – emphasizes Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć. The specialist also warns against taking this drug too hastily until such tests are carried out. – We do not know the effectiveness or the correct dosage, and we know that at higher concentrations, acryflavine may have a mutagenic effect. Therefore, I strongly advise against using this substance on your own – argues prof. Krzysztof Pyrć.

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The specialist reminds that in Poland, acryflavine is not approved for systemic use and should not be used. In some countries, incl. In Brazil, this compound is used in over-the-counter medications for urinary tract infections. – But even in this country, I would not recommend taking acryflavine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus without any control – adds the scientist.

Acryflavin in the fight against COVID-19? What’s next

The virologist said there was a chance to conduct clinical trials and verify that acryflavine actually helps with SARS-CoV-2 infections. Initial talks are being held on this matter with Brazilian companies, which could possibly undertake analyzes.

Acryflavin at a concentration of ~ 50nM (several nanograms per milliliter) inhibits the replication of the virus by 50%, it also has a wide specificity for many coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV and seasonal viruses.

Acryflavin has been known for a long time – it was discovered over 100 years ago and has been used in a variety of indications, ranging from the treatment of parasitic infections, through anti-tumor activity, to anti-HIV-1 drug. In higher concentrations, due to its antibacterial effect, it is still used as an antiseptic for topical use.

A team of Polish and German specialists is currently working on acryflavine derivatives to reduce the toxicity of this substance. It is therefore hoped that acryflavine will be used in the future to design and develop new, improved active molecules, incl. against COVID-19.

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PAP / Zbigniew Wojtasiński

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