Acrophobia – definition, symptoms, treatment

Acrophobia is nothing but a phobia, which consists of the fear of gaining heights and being at high altitudes. It manifests itself in a morbid fear of falling and of suffering an injury. Acrophobia is very often associated with unpleasant experiences from the past that affect further life and behavior. It should be added that among many phobias and fears, acrophobia is one of the most common, next to claustrophobia and arachnophobia.

Acrophobia – causes

Acrophobia it occurs quite often. As the most common cause acrophobia unpleasant experiences from the past are mentioned, especially from childhood. People suffering from acrophobia they may have experienced a fall from a height, e.g. from a swing, which affects their current attitude. Cause acrophobia there may also be another traumatic experience that happened in the recent past and caused, for example, an injury to the body. Cause acrophobia can also be the so-called survival instinct, which will guide the human psyche towards giving up risky situations.

Some scientists say the cause acrophobia they do not have to be previous traumatic experiences, but physiological disorders. The aforementioned disorders refer to impaired cooperation between the organ of sight and the inner ear (labyrinth) while staying at height.

Acrophobia – symptoms

Regarding acrophobiasymptoms are primarily a strong reluctance to stay at high altitudes. This applies to both being in the high mountains and, for example, climbing the aforementioned ladder. However, alone acrophobia it is not only about feeling negative emotions about it, but also symptoms concerning disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. People who suffer from acrophobia, may experience severe anxiety, restlessness, headaches and dizziness, increased heart rate, increased respiratory rate, dry mouth, severe sweating, muscle tremors or the feeling of so-called soft legs. Such a person, fearing for his own health and life, gives up situations that could lead to the above-mentioned symptoms. A person who suffers from acrophobia, fearing heights, he may go mad, cry hysterically, which sometimes leads to a nervous breakdown.

Acrophobia – treatment

Acrophobia can be treated. One thing you should do is see a psychologist or psychotherapist. It will help you deal with your fear of heights. During therapy, questions will be asked about unpleasant experiences from the past in order to implement appropriate treatment. One of the stages psychotherapy it will also be trying to overcome acrophobia by gradually getting used to fear. It may take the form of a short trip to not very high mountains, climbing a ladder, etc. It is important to implement the so-called small steps to avoid a major shock to the person suffering from acrophobiawhich can only make her anxiety worse. In advanced states, it is necessary visit to a psychiatristwho will prescribe medications.

Acrophobia – prognosis

In the case of acrophobia a lot depends on the technique and method of treatment, on the level of experience and approach of the psychotherapist. It is very important for the person suffering from acrophobia she did not remain alone with this problem and that she would have a sense of support from her relatives. It is worth remembering that this type of person requires a lot of empathy and understanding, because the methods of treatment themselves can arouse impatience on the part of others, and even expose them to ridicule, which will certainly not help in overcoming fear.

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