Acne treatment – effective tips to fight acne
Acne treatment - effective tips to fight acneAcne treatment – effective tips to fight acne

Acne is a problem faced by virtually every teenager and more and more adults. Its course may vary as well as the causes of the disease. Much depends on individual predispositions. However, the effect of acne is always the same – lowered self-esteem, which can lead to many other, not only physical, consequences. How to deal with this unpleasant skin problem and what to do to prevent it from returning? You will learn everything from this text.

Where does acne come from?

It is very difficult to answer such a question, because it is impossible to determine one specific cause of acne. Usually it’s about the individual predispositions of a given person. However, it is also common for acne to be hereditary. The problem is that the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum. In the event that a person still has a predisposition to keratinization of the skin, acne appears. The epidermis, which has already peeled off, clogs the mouths of the glands, and in this way, the so-called blackheads are formed. These little pimples are the perfect breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria that are found in the hair follicles. In the case of teenagers, acne is usually caused by a sharp increase in the secretion of sex hormones. It is related to the maturation process. Due to such a large emission of hormones, the sebaceous glands are stimulated to work and acne is ready. In most cases, after the age of 20, when hormone levels stabilize, acne disappears.

Acne in adults

While in the case of teenagers the causes of acne are quite clear, in the case of adults the situation is not so clear. Doctors are now pushing the theory that the appearance of acne in adults may be related to the individual tendency to produce sebum. There was also a relationship between high stress and the appearance of pimples. Acne caused by antidepressants or hormonal drugs is also popular.

Acne – treatment

The first thing you need to do if you are struggling with acne is to see a dermatologist. Only a specialist in skin problems can determine what your problem is and how to deal with it. Otherwise, your fight may be ineffective, and what’s worse, poorly used agents may aggravate the symptoms of acne. Your doctor may prescribe:

  • antibacterial ointments – they are used to lubricate skin lesions. The main task of this type of specifics is to empty the sebaceous glands of excess sebum and reduce its production. Preparations that are most often prescribed for all-trans acid and vitamin A. When using the ointment, it is important to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. Otherwise, acne symptoms may worsen rather than subside
  • zinc based creams – This method has been known for many years and is very cheap. Creams with the addition of zinc are very effective in the fight against pustules and help to deal with the problem quickly. They are usually used in mild acne, because they do not treat the cause, only the effects. Zinc creams are therefore therapeutic aids, and we do not eliminate the cause of acne.
  • Changing your diet – the basis when it comes to treating acne. Very often, the problem is caused by poor nutrition, so it happens that just changing your eating habits can help to repair the condition of the skin. The first thing you need to do is eliminate hot spices, sweets and fatty foods from your diet. These three things contribute to the formation of acne.
  • face wash cosmetics – agents of this type have a very good effect on the condition of the skin and should be part of any anti-acne therapy. Since there are many agents of this type on the market, use only those that are known and their composition does not raise any suspicions. He remembers not to be tempted by colorful advertisements and flashy billboards. It is best if you consult your dermatologist before buying cosmetics.

Do not give up

So as you can see, fighting acne does not have to be very difficult. The basis is a visit to the doctor and determining the causes of pimples. Otherwise, there is no chance to cure this troublesome problem. It is also good when a sick person knows his own problem. To understand acne, go to the page where you will learn more about the effective treatment of acne with gel. You will find interesting there tips and methodshow to treat acne. Remember that acne is not a sentence and you can easily deal with this condition. All it takes is a little self-denial.

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