Acne scars and scars on the face
Sometimes pimples just beg to be squeezed out, but is it worth it? Scars and scars on the face from acne are not uncommon with such “amateur activity”, and getting rid of them at home is not easy.

Causes of scars and scars

Eels are eternal friends of youth. They especially bother people aged 15 to 24 years, it is during this period that the body is going through a powerful hormonal restructuring. But sometimes they pop up in adults.

There can be many reasons for their appearance:

  • inflammation of the skin;
  • disturbed work of the sebaceous glands;
  • a large number of sex hormones;
  • hyperkeratosis (thickens the keratinized layer of the skin);
  • disturbed fat metabolism, due to which the glands and pores become clogged);
  • stomach and intestinal diseases;
  • endocrine system disorders.

Pimples always appear at the wrong time and in the most unfortunate places – either on the forehead or on the nose. It is not surprising that many try to get rid of them as soon as possible, using improvised means. But haste in this case can only exacerbate the problem.

– Scars on the face appear, as a rule, when the inflammation is squeezed out on its own. At this moment, the blood vessel bursts and the collagen fibers break, and the mouth is not cleared. The inflammatory process in such cases does not just continue in the deeper layers, but can spread to neighboring areas of the skin, explains cosmetologist Ekaterina Abdrakhmanova.

Whether a scar appears at the site of the extruded pimple or not depends on many factors: the strength and depth of the inflammatory process, the individual characteristics of the body, facial care during this period.

Types of scars and scars

Acne scars are called acne scars. They remain in places where the skin was damaged the most. Doctors distinguish four types of scars:

  • normotrophic scars (they do not require correction, as they are almost invisible);
  • atrophic scars;
  • hypertrophic scars;
  • keloid scars.

– Most often, after acne, atrophic scars remain on the face. They are represented by depressions with rounded or chipped edges. Such scars appear due to a lack of collagen during wound healing. Bulging acne scars indicate that keloid or hypertrophic scars have developed – the results of a large amount of connective tissue, says dermatocosmetologist Kristina Nurieva.

Hypertrophic scars are usually dense to the touch and rise above the surface of the skin due to the fact that the collagen has not completely resolved. The most difficult type of scars to correct is keloid. They are characterized by a strong proliferation of connective tissue that captures intact areas of the skin. These are rough scars that are reddish in color and can itch.

How to get rid of scars and scars at home

If you do not pay due attention to acne scars and scars and do not start timely treatment, they can stay with you for life.

It will not be possible to completely get rid of scars on the face at home; this problem cannot be solved without a visit to a beautician. But doctors recommend doing some procedures at home regularly.

– If you want to get rid of facial scars, first of all you need to start strictly following a diet – completely eliminate sweets (including chocolate), fatty, smoked, overly spicy foods, dairy products, strong tea and coffee, carbonated drinks. The basis of the diet should be cereals, vegetables, fish, lean meat, fruits, explains cosmetologist Kristina Nurieva.

In addition, at home you can use cosmetics that suit your skin type. For example, use cleansing gels for oily skin, which regulate the work of the sebaceous glands: tighten pores, moisturize, and eliminate inflammatory elements. In everyday life, it is recommended to give preference to creams that do not clog pores.

Cosmetic procedures

Fortunately, today there are several answers to the question of how to get rid of facial scars.

The most common way to correct scars is laser resurfacing. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in autumn or winter, when the sun does not shine so intensely. Depending on the depth of the scar, the cosmetologist will select the required number of procedures and the type of laser, explains cosmetologist Ekaterina Abdrakhmanova.

After such a procedure, the skin in the problem area will become smoother and the scar will be less noticeable.

You can resort to mechanical or chemical peels. In this case, experts suggest using special products to exfoliate the upper stratum corneum of the skin. This will make the skin more elastic.
Kristina NurievaCosmetologist
  • Another popular method of getting rid of scars on the face is collagen injections. Collagen is injected into the atrophic scar, which fills the cavity and thereby corrects skin irregularities.
  • In getting rid of scars on the face, ozone therapy and mesotherapy are also used.
  • Much less often, surgical dermabrasion of the skin in the scar zone is now used. This is a deep effect, involving the mechanical removal of the top layer of the skin.

The method of correction is usually selected together with the doctor, based on many aspects.

Folk remedies

You should not rely on the miraculous effect of folk remedies in the fight against scars, but there are recipes that can improve the appearance of the skin.

– Rubbing the face with ice cubes from a frozen parsley broth gives a good effect. For a decoction, you need to boil a tablespoon of herbs in a glass of water, cool and freeze in ice molds. Wipe your face with such cubes should be twice a day, says cosmetologist Kristina Nurieva.

With scars on the face, it is important to clean the skin in a timely manner. For this, special cosmetic foams and gels are suitable.

If you do not have such an opportunity, periodically use boiled cooled water with lemon juice mixed in a 4:1 ratio. Wash your face with this solution in the evenings for two weeks. Naturally, if you do not have allergies
Inna LashinaCosmetologist

Medical preparations

The pharmaceutical market today is full of various anti-scar remedies. Doctors admit that not all of them are effective, so trying to recover without medical help is risky for both your health and your wallet.

Quite effective in the fight against acne scars are silicone gels and patches, which are sold in any pharmacy, as well as products based on collagenase enzymes. The latter destroy pathological collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid can give a good effect.

Also, cosmetologists recommend, if necessary, to undergo a mesotherapy procedure using drugs that fill in defects.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

It is advisable not to bring to scars on the face and consult a doctor at the first manifestations of acne. Then you will immediately pick up the treatment and you can forget about skin problems. If the scars on the face have already formed, the more you should hurry.

“The fresher the scar, the easier it is to deal with it, therefore, as the scar heals, after a month and a half we immediately run to the dermatocosmetologist for examination and drawing up a treatment plan,” advises cosmetologist Kristina Nurieva.

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