Acne on the face: the main causes

To effectively fight acne, it is not enough to know a good dermatologist and acquire an arsenal of special cosmetics. Ideally, the problem is better to prevent, and for this you need to be aware of its causes.

Why do acne appear

Not so long ago, recurrent acne on the face received the status of a disease called “acne”, or “acne disease”. Attitude towards them has also become more serious, not just as a local cosmetic defect.

A pimple is an inflammatory element. The process of inflammation is associated with the sebaceous gland. When the outflow of sebum is disturbed for some reason, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged, and propionbacteria acne begin to multiply in them (most recently they have been called cutibacterium acnes (Cutibacterium acnes).

These microorganisms constantly live in human skin, but when the ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged, an ideal environment is formed for their reproduction, since the bacteria that cause acne are anaerobes, that is, they do not need air oxygen for energy synthesis.

You have problematic skin – find out if you care for it properly.

Some of the causes of acne – both internal and domestic – are reflected in the video.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons. Which ones are “suitable” for you? Draw conclusions: what needs to be changed in the usual way of life.

Scientists have a lot of thoughts on this subject, here are some of the most studied factors that provoke a violation of the outflow of sebum and inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Improper diet

Flour, sweet, fatty are blamed for the appearance of acne – however, this trinity is responsible for almost any health problem. And indeed, if you remove these products from the diet, the skin will become noticeably cleaner. Recent studies indicate that in addition to the well-known and mentioned “harmfulness”, milk may contribute to the development of acne, as well as the abuse of omega-6 fatty acids. By the way, they often predominate in the diet compared to omega-3 fatty acids, which just have a beneficial effect and help improve the situation with acne problems. This was written by Polish researchers.

Prevention of rashes includes a healthy, balanced diet and the presence of essential vitamins in the diet. In particular, vitamins A, C, group B. To compensate for the deficiency of nutrients, you can take them in tablets or capsules.

Illiterate care

Oily skin is prone to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. That is why she needs special care products. Cosmetics for a different type of skin is not suitable – it is not able to remove excess fat from the surface of the epidermis and properly moisturize it. And hydration is necessary for the full functioning of all skin types.

The ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged with excess sebum, which mixes with dead epidermal cells, make-up particles, and everyday pollution. In this regard, when caring for oily skin, special emphasis should be placed on cleansing.

Obviously, touching your face with dirty hands or using unwashed makeup brushes means provoking acne.

My friend Natasha shares her rich experience. The period of her struggle against acne is already in the past, but nevertheless there is something to share. “I came to the conclusion that the most important thing is cleanliness. And not only washing (this goes without saying) and wiping with “talkers”, which were once prepared a long time ago in a pharmacy, but the cleanliness of everything that touches the face: pillowcase, scarf, hat, scarf, etc. Well, there’s bound to be some kind of bug. To funny. It even seemed to me that in a dusty, untidy apartment my unfortunate face was getting worse.

Hormonal imbalance

It is he who explains the occurrence of acne in adolescence, when there is a powerful hormonal restructuring. Acne is traditionally associated with an excess of male sex hormones (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone), which are also abundant in the female body.

And if estrogens (female sex hormones) suppress the production of sebum, then androgens (male hormones), on the contrary, stimulate it. In addition, the matter is not so much in an excess of androgens, but in the sensitivity of the sebaceous gland receptors to them. Therefore, at the same level of hormones, one person will have acne, and the other will not.

Acne in a woman after 20-30 years is a reason to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist.


Basically, these are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In case of malfunctions in the work of digestion (including as a result of malnutrition), the balance of microflora is disturbed. This also affects the condition of the skin. Several studies have already found differences in the composition of the gut microbiota of people with and without acne. Which, of course, raises new questions for researchers, but also hypothetically opens up new interesting opportunities in studying the problem (we present a study by Beijing scientists).

Digestive disorders lead to an excess of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, from where they enter the bloodstream and can negatively affect the condition of the skin, contributing to inflammation.

Emotional condition

For a person with problematic skin, stress is a powerful risk factor. A pimple jumps up at the most crucial moment, because this moment is associated with feelings and excitement. This has been proven by research by the American Academy of Dermatology.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep, in terms of physiology, the same stress. Therefore, the connection between the deterioration of the quality of the skin and lack of sleep is obvious. “I remember very well how the hated teenage acne worsened during the session,” recalls my friend Natasha. – And at the same time, not only excitement, but also lack of sleep clearly played a role. And even years later, literally every sleepless night left a mark in the form of a pimple somewhere on the chin. And it was always terribly insulting that the night lasts several hours, and the pimple lives on the face for several days.

climate factor

In the heat, acne on the face appears more often. At high temperatures, more sebum is released. Mixing with sweat and cosmetics, it provokes inflammation. In addition, an excess of ultraviolet radiation contributes. On the one hand, there is an opinion that the sun “dries” acne. But this is a temporary “success”, fraught with increased problems.

Subcutaneous mite

Demodex (subcutaneous mite) is a rather controversial cause of acne. It lives in the skin of 80% of people, but provokes troubles, including acne, only against the background of additional health problems or allergies to its waste products.

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Acne face map

Most often, the localization of the rash suggests that it is in this area that the sebaceous gland receptors are very sensitive to the effects of hormones. It is believed that the localization of rashes can determine the nature of the malfunctions in the body. In fact, dermatologists do not support this theory, but for general information, we will still write about it.

Favorite acne spots are the forehead, nose, and chin.

  1. Forehead

    Part of the so-called T-zone. There are many sweat and sebaceous glands here, so the skin is often oily. It is believed that rashes on the forehead indicate diseases of the large and small intestines.

  2. Cheeks

    In adolescence, acne on the cheeks predominates in boys. If acne appears in this area in women, it makes sense to check the hormonal system and intestines.

  3. Nose

    The nose is also part of the T-zone, where there are many sebaceous and sweat glands.

  4. Chin

    Here, acne no longer appears in adolescence, but after 30. They are usually associated with hormonal disorders and gynecological problems.

From the latest and very original hypotheses: hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands on the face, which is characteristic only of people, is associated with … the relatively large size of the head of newborns – sebum plays the role of a kind of lubricant when passing through the birth canal. This hypothesis belongs to an Australian scientist. The turn is unexpected, but indeed the activity of the sebaceous glands in newborns is as high as in adolescents, who mainly suffer from acne. You can approach the issue philosophically and assume that, passing through adolescence, the child is reborn into an adult. However, that doesn’t make it any easier.

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Determining the severity of the disease

The more rashes and inflammations, the more severe the disease. If we are not talking about single pimples, you should contact a dermatologist.

Preventive measures to fight acne

A clean face in people whose skin is prone to rashes is the result of daily thorough care. It looks like this.

    1. Purification using a special tool: it will remove excess sebum, pollution, makeup.

    2. Washing using a gel or foam for oily or problem skin and toning. Deep cleansing with clay-based masks is recommended once or twice a week (an example of such cleansing is given below).

    3. humidification – an essential step in the care of oily skin. Lack of moisture provokes increased production of sebum. Due to the use of aggressive cleansers, oily skin often becomes dehydrated. She is in dire need of moisture to maintain the hydrolipid balance. Moisturizing normalizes sebum secretion, which helps to resist inflammation and infection.

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Camouflage prevention, of course, can no longer be called, but often foundations, correctors or powders designed specifically for problem skin not only hide imperfections, but also help keep acne under control. pay attention to BB-cream “Clean skin”, Garnier.

A separate topic is SOS-remedies or point-of-care agents that help stop inflammation.

Modern manufacturers offer products that are suitable for teenagers with their fairly dense skin, and adults with a tendency to dehydration and wrinkles.

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Funds overview


Facial Cleanser 3-in-1, Garnier

As a cleansing gel, cleanses and removes excess sebum. Used as a scrub, it exfoliates and fights clogged pores. In the role of a mask mattifies the skin and visually narrows the pores (apply for 3 minutes, rinse with warm water).

Micellar water for face, eyes and lips “Clear Skin”, Garnier

Suitable for pre-cleansing before washing: removes makeup, removes impurities.

Cleansing tonic “Clean skin” against blackheads and oily sheen, Garnier

Completes the cleansing process, tightens pores. Contains salicylic acid, zinc.

Ultra-cleansing gel against acne and blackheads with absorbent charcoal “Clean Skin. Active, Garnier

It cleanses the skin of excess sebum and impurities, reduces blackheads, acne and traces of them. The composition includes coal, salicylic acid, blueberry extract.

Facial cosmetic product with charcoal “Clean skin. Active 3-in-1, Garnier

Exfoliates the skin, effectively cleanses the pores, prevents the appearance of acne and fights existing ones.


Mask Effaclar, La Roche-Posay

Intensively cleanses problematic skin with two types of mineral clay and soothes with thermal water with selenium.

Corrective care Normaderm Phytosolution, Vichy

Reduces imperfections, moisturizes the skin, restores its barrier function. Enriched with salicylic and hyaluronic acids, bifidobacteria extract, thermal water.

BB-cream “Clean skin. Active, Garnier

It tones the skin, hides and helps fight acne, and also protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight. Doesn’t clog pores.

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