Acne, especially on the face, can appear at the most inopportune moment, for example, before any celebration or date. Recipes of traditional medicine will help you quickly cope with these uninvited guests and not darken your mood.
Acne on the face: how to get rid of it in a week
To use one or another recipe for getting rid of acne should be based on their type. Common blackheads, or acne, differ from deep blackheads and boils in their appearance, but they have a common cause.
Acne occurs when there is an excessive accumulation of sebum in the lumen of the sebaceous glands and there is no sufficient cleansing of the skin against the background of an infection
Blackheads in the form of blackheads are easier to remove from the skin in a few days than all other types of acne. For this, it is necessary to carry out a deep cleansing procedure. Pour 2 cups boiling water over 3 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Then you need to thoroughly steam your face over the chamomile broth. After 15–20 minutes, you can start cleansing. To do this, mix the same amount of sea salt and ground coffee and exfoliate your face with this scrub. After the end of the procedure, rinse off the product with cool water and wipe the skin with a lemon wedge.
Exfoliating products should be used no more than twice a week. Avoid exposure to the skin around the eyes and lips
When a pyogenic infection is attached, acne with purulent rods appears on the skin. At the initial stages of this flowering, inflammation is not very pronounced.
You can get rid of this type of acne with the help of compresses with aloe leaves. Slice the aloe along the leaf. Apply a soft middle to the pimple, cover with compress paper and fix with a plaster. The compress should be left overnight. Usually, with such procedures, acne disappears in less than a week.
Boils are acne with pus inside, pronounced edema along the periphery and sharp soreness.
Often permanent boils may indicate the presence of certain diseases of the endocrine or reproductive systems, reduced immunity
At home, you can use a salt solution in order to accelerate the ripening process and excretion of the contents of the boil. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Fix a gauze swab soaked in a salt solution to the boil and moisten it throughout the day.
If the body temperature rises, the appearance of a headache and malaise against the background of an existing boil, you should consult a doctor. Purulent acne on the face is the most dangerous in terms of spreading the infection to the brain.
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