Acne on the face can appear not only in adolescence. Quite often, this cosmetic defect affects the skin at a more mature age. It is not uncommon for acne to leave scars and scars that last forever. It is necessary to treat even the smallest pimples competently and very carefully. Time-tested folk remedies can help you with this.
Competently carried out peeling of the skin of the face helps not only to prevent the appearance of acne, but also speeds up the process of getting rid of them.
Cleansing scrubs and masks should be used no more than 3 times a week. With more frequent use, the protective layer may be damaged, and the skin becomes an entry gate for infection. In addition, with frequent exfoliation procedures, microdamages appear on the skin, in which inflammation may develop.
Making an effective face scrub at home is easy. To do this, mix a small amount of corn flour and honey in equal proportions and stir until smooth. The scrub should be applied to the face immediately after its preparation. Pay attention to those areas on the face where the sebaceous glands are most abundant:
- forehead area;
- wings of the nose;
- the chin;
- zygomatic areas;
- the border of the scalp.
Take a medium-sized onion, wash it and bake it in the oven. Cut in half, let cool slightly. Apply the slightly cooled half of the onion to the pimple and allow to cool completely.
Warming is especially effective for purulent acne or boils on the face.
Use an aloe leaf. It must be cut lengthwise and warmed up in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Place a piece of leaf in the middle on the pimple on your face and fix it with a plaster for several hours.
Such warming up will speed up the process of maturation of acne and pull the rod to the surface of the skin, where it is easier for it to go outside on its own.
It is not necessary to squeeze out the purulent contents of the boil, since there is a risk of aggravating the process of inflammation in the surrounding tissues and bringing the infection into unaffected areas. Facial tissues have a well-developed vascular network, through which the infection can even pass to other organs.
Daily washing with decoctions of medicinal plants will help to quickly get rid of acne on the face.
To do this, you need to brew 2 tablespoons of chamomile and calendula flowers in a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. When the infusion has cooled, use it to wash your face.
Chamomile and calendula have strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Daily use of decoctions of these herbs will help to quickly get rid of acne and prevent the appearance of new ones.
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