Acne on the face, causes and treatment: which foods cause acne

Acne on the face, causes and treatment: which foods cause acne

The cause of acne is unhealthy diet. What products cause acne, and what, on the contrary, treat – read in our article.

One of the common problems of girls is acne. Some have almost none of them, or they appear before the menstrual cycle, while others have constant companions in life, from which it is not so easy to get rid of. It turns out that acne most often occurs in girls who suffer from seborrhea (increased sebum secretion). Because of this, open and closed comedones (blackheads and blackheads) appear on the skin of the face (in the area of ​​the nose, cheeks, forehead, chin). We decided to figure out how the appearance of acne is related to nutrition and whether it is possible to treat acne using all the same foods.

Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist at the TORI Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine.

As you know, our skin is the body’s litmus test, so the slightest rash on it is a signal for a person: something is wrong.

The relationship of food with the appearance of rashes is obvious, but it should not be argued that it is mandatory. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism.

For example, one person may eat wrong all his life and not even know what acne is. And someone feels this connection on himself instantly, as soon as he begins to eat junk food. Although this is individual, as practice shows, in the presence of problem skin, first of all, you need to pay attention to the nutritional characteristics.

Foods that provoke inflammation

Caffeinated drinks

Coffee and tea are favorite drinks of many. But not everyone knows that they not only invigorate and cheer up, but can also lead to the appearance of acne, which is most often localized in the forehead area.

This is because coffee contains substances that increase blood levels of cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress. The nervous state is known to be the cause of many diseases.

There is a so-called permissible norm, that is, the amount of coffee or tea that you can afford to drink daily without negative consequences for skin health. This “norm” is individual for each person. If rashes begin to appear, the first step is to stop drinking tonic drinks and monitor the body’s reaction.

Sweet and flour

These foods are considered to be among the most unhealthy. These include not only candy, muffins, ice cream or cakes, but also juices that contain sugar, which do not provide any benefit to the body. It must be remembered that sugar provokes an increased work of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which sebum begins to be produced in too large quantities. As a result, the pores become clogged and breakouts appear. I repeat: “sweet” means not only desserts, but also drinks – for example, juices, soda, and so on.

Dairy produce

Previously, it was believed that kefir, cottage cheese and milk do not belong to the category of foods that cause a rash, but according to the results of the latest scientific research, it has been proven that all dairy products provoke the appearance of a rash to one degree or another.

Not only foods with a high fat content are banned, but also sweet foods based on milk. Without a doubt, this group should include ice cream, sweet fat yoghurts, and fatty cheeses. However, prohibited fermented milk products are much healthier than flour products, so sweets from the first group, if urgently needed, can be replaced with products from the second, that is, it is better to eat milk mousse than a bun with jam.

Fatty and fried

This category directly affects sebum production. With excessive consumption of fried foods, sebum is produced more actively, which, in turn, clogs the pores of the epidermis and creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms. All this taken together is a favorable environment for the appearance of new rashes.

Smoked meat

Smoked products are not only fatty (in the “fried food” format), they are also saturated with carcinogens, which directly affects human health. Carcinogens affect not only the growth of cancer cells, but also the condition of the skin, in the first place.

Mayonnaise and various sauces based on it

In addition to the fact that mayonnaise is a fatty and high-calorie product, it also contributes to an increase in blood cholesterol levels, which cannot but affect the skin. High cholesterol levels increase testosterone levels, which in turn causes acne. This group includes not only mayonnaise, but also all sauces prepared on its basis. There is also nothing useful in them, so the use of these products should be minimized.

Spicy and spicy dishes

It is believed that these dishes improve digestion, so many spicy lovers add seasonings everywhere and everywhere. In fact, a large amount of spices makes the sebaceous glands work in an enhanced mode, which, again, clogs the pores and rashes appear.

Products to help get rid of breakouts

Lemon juice

It plays a vital role in eliminating waste and cleansing the liver. Lemon juice contains citric acid and creates special enzymes in the body that cleanse the blood from toxins and also free clogged pores.

Olive oil

It is very useful for the skin both as a cosmetic product and as a food product. This oil does not clog pores and allows them to breathe. It is very effective in preventing new breakouts.

Antioxidant foods

These include oranges, melons, tomatoes, which are rich in vitamin C, which strengthens cell walls and protects the skin from blemishes. You should also eat almonds, eggs, strawberries, green leafy vegetables, which are sources of vitamin E. These antioxidants are very useful for treating damaged skin and scars caused by various rashes.

Green tea

It has numerous health benefits, and fighting rashes is no different. This drink contains the antioxidant catechin, which has anti-inflammatory effects.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Oysters, beans, poultry, salmon, flaxseeds, sardines, and mackerel are rich sources of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. These foods help in the absorption of vitamin A, which is very beneficial for the skin. Omega-3 fatty acids relieve inflammation and prevent acne.


It is a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells from inflammation and maintains skin elasticity while treating acne. Selenium works well with vitamins E and A, which can be found in Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, and red peppers. Selenium is high in fish, poultry, onions, garlic, and whole grains.

Fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain many essential compounds that keep the skin clean and healthy. They need to be included in your daily diet to keep your skin glowing and smooth. In particular, it is necessary to eat more apples, rich in pectin, which is a well-known aid in the fight against breakouts.

Natural food supplements

Poor digestion can cause breakouts, clogged pores, and other skin changes. Hence, it is recommended to take nutritional supplements such as digestive enzymes or whole grains for example. They are high in antioxidants, fiber and selenium, which help maintain healthy skin cells.


It is the most important remedy that helps the body get rid of toxins. You need to drink at least 8-10 glasses of still water a day. It is worth remembering that dehydration makes the skin saggy and causes acne.

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