Acne on the back

Acne is one of the most annoying skin problems. When ill-fated blackheads appear on the back, we do not see them, but this does not make it any easier. We propose to fight.

Acne forms

For such a phenomenon as acne on the back, dermatologists in the West have already come up with a special term – “bakne”, from the English. back (“back”) and actual acne. In fact, the localization of acne is not of fundamental importance. Acne is a single problem, a common disease, which is distinguished by the severity of the manifestation, that is, the intensity of the rashes.

Our test will tell you how to care for acne skin.

Wherever they are, pimples behave the same way. At the same time, black dots (comedones) and red rashes appear. Often, internal pimples that develop under the skin are also disturbing. They can be quite painful to the touch as they put pressure on the nerve endings.

The most unpleasant thing is ripe pimples with a white head that you really want to squeeze out. But this should not be done in order not to aggravate the situation.

You will most likely think about the problem of acne on your back only by wearing an open dress.

So, the main forms of acne:

  • non-inflammatory: closed and open comedones;
  • inflammatory: pustules, papules, spots, cysts.
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Why acne appears on the back: causes

The main cause of back acne in teenagers and adults is excess sebum production.

  • The pores through which this fat comes to the surface of the skin are often clogged.
  • In the clogged duct of the sebaceous gland, opportunistic propionobacteria acne actively develop. They are part of the microflora of the skin and do no harm as long as the skin’s natural cleansing processes are not disturbed. But in the absence of oxygen, these anaerobic bacteria begin to multiply intensively in a nutrient medium, which is sebum.
  • As a result, inflammation begins and a pimple forms.

Since the sebaceous glands are most of all just on the face, shoulders and back, acne occurs in these areas.

What provokes malfunctions in the sebaceous glands? For treatment to be effective, it is important to understand the causes, which fall into two categories.


  • Genetic predisposition to increased sebum production.

  • Hormonal surges. Normal for teenagers, in adulthood they signal problems in the body in both men and women.

  • Disorders in the digestive system. For example, an imbalance in the intestinal microflora leads to the activation of pathogens in general. Among the reasons may be poor digestibility of certain substances, lack of vitamins, especially A, as well as groups B, C, D and E.

  • Stress and lack of sleep. Stress hormones have been proven to increase sebum production.

Acne on the back is harder to control than on the face. Because in addition to internal causes, there are specific external ones.

UV rays injure the skin, as a result of excessive sunbathing, its local immunity decreases.


  • Clothes and underwear

    Dresses and shirts made of “non-breathable” synthetic fabrics (we are not talking about high-tech synthetics) create a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmful bacteria. Indeed, in addition to the sebaceous glands, a lot of sweat glands are concentrated on the back.

    The strap of a tight bra or top can also unsuccessfully rub the skin, thereby provoking inflammation.

  • Ultraviolet

    The sun, as is commonly believed, dries out acne. But this, unfortunately, is an illusory effect. UV rays damage the skin. Excessive sunbathing reduces the local immunity of the skin. And after trying to fight acne with the help of the sun or – even worse and more dangerous – tanning beds, acne returns in an expanded composition.

  • Improper care

    It turns out that even the shower can be taken incorrectly. If you first wash your body, and then start washing your hair, then dirty water with the remnants of shampoo and balm will flow down your shoulders and back, increasing the risk of inflammation.

    The use of body oils in this area is also inappropriate.

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Bakne in women and men

There are no cardinal differences by gender in the formation of acne. Although there are some features.

In women, acne on the back, as a rule, indicates a fairly serious form of the disease. It is important to consult a dermatologist, undergo an examination by a gynecologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.

Often, acne in women is associated with diets that lead to hormonal imbalances. Health and beauty go along with extra pounds.

In the representatives of the stronger sex, acne is most often more pronounced than in women, and in most cases is associated with jumps in the level of male sex hormones.

In the representatives of the stronger sex, acne is most often associated with jumps in the level of male sex hormones.

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  1. For cleansing, choose shower gels that are fragrance-free, acid-based, enzyme-based, or triclosan-based.

  2. Use a body scrub several times a week, then apply a toner to your shoulders and back, and then a product to care for problem skin.

  3. It only makes sense to disguise the bakne if you are planning a ceremonial exit in a dress with an open back. For camouflage, a corrector with a dense texture is suitable.

  4. To eliminate single acne, you can use SOS products for local application.

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Cosmetics Review


As an addition to shower gels (or instead of them), it makes sense to use cleansers designed for problem skin.

Ultra-cleansing gel with a brush “Clean Skin Active Exfopro”, Garnier

Gel based on salicylic acid provides effective cleansing with 170 elastic bristles, does not injure the skin.

Gel, scrub, mask “Clean Skin 3-in-1”, Garnier

This universal remedy can be used for washing, exfoliating, intensive care as a mask (apply for 3 minutes, rinse with warm water).

  • Due to the extract of eucalyptus and zinc mattifies the skin, reduces excess sebum production, cleanses pores.
  • Exfoliation is provided by pumice microparticles, they also help fight black spots.
  • White clay deeply cleanses the skin, evens out the complexion and relief of the face.


Since the skin on the back is dense, scrubs can be used daily. The exception is products with hard abrasives, they are best used 1-2 times a week.

In no case do not use scrubs if the skin has pustules or inflammatory processes are pronounced.

Exfoliating Scrub “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier

Charcoal in the product absorbs impurities and excess sebum. Salicylic acid promotes skin renewal, cleanses pores. Apply up to 2 times a week.

Additional care

Serum for the correction of acne and age-related skin changes Blemish & Age Defense, SkinCeuticals

Copes with the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, visibly cleanses the pores, reduces the likelihood of imperfections. Recommended, including before cosmetic procedures. Among the active ingredients are salicylic, glycolic, citric acids, as well as dioic acid, which fights acne-causing bacteria. Apply morning and evening 4-5 drops on the face and problem areas of the body after cleansing the skin.

Corrective cream-gel for problem skin Effaclar Duo +, La Roche Posay

It has a drying effect, has antibacterial abilities. Thanks to Prokerado, it prevents post-acne spots.

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