“Acne map” of our face

Almost every woman has acne on her face before her period. We say “this is hormonal”, carefully cover up pimples with a masking cream and wonder to ourselves: they continue to pop up in the same places and do not disappear in any way from the best lotions and disinfectants.

Acne map of our face

From the point of view of oriental medicine, any skin problem is a reflection of some kind of inner trouble. According to the localization of acne, we can assume which organ is floundering, what mistakes in nutrition and lifestyle we make.

  • A dermatologist will prescribe disinfecting lotions and creams. In case of especially severe acne, she will recommend antibiotics: more often for external use, less often inside. He will tell you the right diet, recommend how to make up for the deficiency of vitamins.

  • Specialists in the field of oriental medicine offer herbal teas and preparations for cleansing the body, diet. Sometimes acupuncture.

  • A gynecologist with a pronounced hormonal imbalance prescribes a special type of contraceptive pill that relieves acne.

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