The quality of the skin directly depends on the quality of nutrition. There are no categorical restrictions in the diet, but it has been proven that some food groups provoke the development of new rashes and contribute to skin deterioration. Let’s figure out how to adjust the usual menu so that inflammation passes faster and the skin remains healthy and smooth for a long time.
How malnutrition can cause acne?
Normally, sebum is secreted by the skin to maintain its protective functions, as it is an important component of the hydrolipid mantle and protects the epidermis from dehydration and negative environmental fusion. With increased work of the sebaceous glands, problematic skin secretes excess sebum, which clogs the pores and creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, the appearance of black spots.
In order for the skin condition to improve and acne recurrences to decrease, it is important to regulate the production of sebum, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands and nourish the skin with the missing vitamins and elements – this is an excellent diet for the treatment of acne.
Solving the problem from the inside, the diet will help the whole body as a whole, and a noticeable improvement in overall well-being will be a pleasant bonus to clear skin. Remember that every body is different and, if possible, work with a nutritionist to create a personal nutrition plan aimed at combating rashes.
What food most often causes acne on the face and body?
Products that provoke acne can be divided into four groups:
- “too fatty” (fast food and various snacks, animal fats);
- “too sweet” (foods with a high sugar content and a high glycemic index, sweets, cakes and pastries);
- “too milky” (hard cheeses);
- “too coffee” (drinks based on coffee beans).
Fatty and fried foods often contribute to the appearance of rashes
“Too fat.” It is known that fast food and snacks are unhealthy food even for an absolutely healthy person, as they contain a large amount of trans fats. Excess saturated fats in the diet can provoke inflammation of the skin. In other words, pizza, chips, hamburgers, french fries, onion rings, crackers do not directly cause acne, but create all the conditions in the body for the appearance of rashes.
One trip to a fast food restaurant is unlikely to change, but with regular consumption of trans fats, acne recurrences will not be long in coming.
Acne on the face from sweets is not uncommon
“Too sweet.” We understand that it is always easier said than done, but still, for the sake of the health of your skin, try to remove simple sugars and white flour from your diet (cakes, pastries, white bread, sweet soda), replacing them with fiber-rich foods (whole grain bread and beans).
If you really want sweets, then replace harmful sweets with healthy ones and eat a muesli bar made from dried fruits and nuts or a salad of fresh vegetables or berries.
Milk and dairy products are also on the list of foods that cause rashes.
“Too milky.” Many do not attach importance to how much they consume dairy products, because it is believed that cow’s milk and cottage cheese are good for the body. Acne patients should be aware that increased consumption of dairy products can trigger acne.
The most dangerous dairy product is fatty hard cheeses. Against the background of acne treatment, reduce the consumption of any dairy products and look at the dynamics of rashes and skin condition.
Remember (!): whey-based shakes act like super-concentrated milk. By eliminating them from your diet, you will quickly get rid of rashes.
Coffee not only invigorates, but also causes acne breakouts
“Too coffeey.” A cup of coffee in the morning is great invigorating, but it can provoke acne. The fact is that coffee beans contain an organic acid that increases the level of cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol stimulates the sebaceous glands, so coffee and coffee drinks (even decaffeinated coffee) should be avoided. Switch to tea, herbal infusions or chicory.
What other foods are dangerous for acne?
You may be surprised, but there are several products that are considered dietary and very useful, but are categorically contraindicated in the treatment of acne – these are spinach, peanuts.
- Spinach is good for its high iron content, but it is also high in iodine, which causes skin imperfections if accumulated in large amounts in the body.
- Peanuts contain a substance that increases the production of sebum, so it is better not to replace them with almonds or cashews.
Also, exacerbation of rashes can provoke excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and flour products:
- Alcohol is not recommended. It has the ability to dilate blood vessels, which leads to redness and dehydration of sensitive skin, so be careful and follow the measure!
- White bread, pasta, white rice, pastries based on wheat flour – these products provoke the release of insulin into the blood. Pasta and white can be replaced with any of the cereals or brown rice, baked goods can be replaced with products made from rye or whole grain flour.
When following an acne diet, eat small meals. Overeating can trigger the production of excess sebum, due to an overabundance of which increases the likelihood of new rashes.
What diet can help fight acne?
Pay attention to such elements in the composition of products as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, vitamins A, C, D, E and B – they resist oxidative stress, break down elastin, produce collagen, and with sufficient consumption of them, the skin will retain beauty for a long time, natural radiance and health.
Also enrich your diet with antioxidant foods that will help cells fight the damaging effects of free radicals from the inside, prevent premature aging and improve problem skin.
The necessary components are contained in sufficient quantities in the following products:
- mushrooms;
- spices (ginger, turmeric, cinnamon);
- whole grain cereals, bran;
- nuts (walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts), legumes and seeds;
- fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, forest and garden berries;
- soy and soy products;
- seafood and seaweed.
This article is informational material. The content of this article is not medical advice and should not replace it. The use of information from the article, as well as any recommendations or advice, is at your discretion. The site owner is not responsible for any harm resulting from the use of information from this article, including tips and recommendations. If you have any questions related to skin health, please contact your doctor. La Roche-Posay products are cosmetic products.
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At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces
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At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces
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At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces
Cleanses the skin and pores from impurities. Removes excess sebum.
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At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces