Acne after 25 years: how to deal with it

Adolescence, along with acne and rashes left behind? It pleases, but it is too early to calm down. In recent years, acne has ceased to be a problem for teenagers and is increasingly a concern for adults. What to do?

Causes of acne

According to statistics, every fifth woman aged 25-50 suffers from rashes on her face. Some say that sex is to blame for this – or rather, its absence. Others consider illiterate skin care to be the main reason. “Folk Wisdom” declares Demodex skin mite acne and chocolate to be the culprits – allegedly, acne appears more often in sweet teeth.

But recent scientific evidence refutes all these speculations. The causes of acne are internal, scientists say.

  • Increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to steroid hormones in 90% of cases.

  • Hormonal disorders.

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Our test will help you figure out how to care for acne-prone skin.

Acne can worsen on certain days of the cycle, with malnutrition and against the background of stress – especially chronic. The stress hormone cortisol triggers the production of sebum and, as a result, rashes. That is why, and not according to the law of meanness, pimples appear on the eve of an important trip, date or interview.

With acne, you can not squeeze acne. You will drive the contents of comedones deeper, and there will be more rashes.

If you have acne, the first thing to do is to go to a major medical or dermatological center, where you can get advice not only from a dermatologist, but also from a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, and possibly even a neurologist and psychologist. And only after the doctors find the cause and prescribe treatment, you can connect cosmetics and salon procedures.

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Acne skin care tips

How do acne appear? The sebaceous glands work too intensively, as a result, sebum clogs their ducts and inflammation begins. The internal state of the body is corrected with medicines: retinoids, antibiotics, hormonal drugs (just do not self-medicate: only a doctor can prescribe pills and a regimen). Outside, the necessary support will provide competent daily care for problem skin. There are three main stages of care.

  • Exfoliation. It is necessary to remove the layer of dead cells, open the pores.

  • Cleansing. Excess fat and bacteria are not needed by the skin: if they are not, there will be no inflammation. But cleansing should be as gentle as possible, not irritating.

  • Moisturizing. Many people skip this stage, considering it superfluous – supposedly the cream only clogs the pores, so acne reappears. As a result, dehydration is added to acne, with which the skin struggles with increased sebum production, which only aggravates the situation. Therefore, even oily skin should be regularly moisturized, but at the same time choose light creams for problem skin. They are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and, among other things, mattify the skin well.

After the cream, you can use mineral powder. She fights with an unpleasant shine and dries pimples.

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Recommendations of cosmetologists

Acne effectively fights cosmetics based on thermal water, convinced the expert of La Roche-Posay Alexander Prokofiev. “For example, the water of the French springs of La Roche-Posay has healing properties,” says Alexander. – Soothes and moisturizes the skin, has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to it, the composition of the brand’s cosmetics includes several more effective components.

  • Neurosensin – a peptide that has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces skin reactivity.

  • Сввалан softens the skin and restores the hydrolipidic film.

  • Shea butter has a softening and moisturizing effect, relieves irritation.

  • hyaluronic acid moisturizes and regenerates.

  • Vitamin E — antioxidant.

All these active substances allow you to comprehensively deal with the problem of rashes.

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Acne skin care products


Problematic skin must be cleaned very gently, without irritating or drying. This is how it works, for example Toleriane Cleansing Gel by La Roche-Posay: gently removes impurities and does not violate the natural protective barrier of the epidermis.

Effaclar Gel Cleansing Foaming Gel for Oily Acne-Prone Skin by La Roche-Posay suitable for sensitive skin, effectively eliminates impurities.

Day care

For skin care during the daytime, choose products aimed at correcting imperfections. Among the active ingredients corrective cream-gel for problem skin against imperfections and post-acne Effaclar Duo, La Roche-Posay there is Aqua Posay Filiformis and Mannose. The first component restores the skin microbiome, the second promotes regeneration.

Useful if your face is flaky repairing agent Effaclar H for skin that has been overdried as a result of too much care. Its formula restores the hydrolipidic mantle and enhances the protective functions of the epidermis.

Night care

After cleansing in the evening, apply a product that will help restore moisture balance and relieve discomfort. For this purpose, for example, La Roche-Posay Toleriane Ultra Nuit Night Revitalizing and Soothing Treatment with neurosensin, well soothing the skin.

Additional care

To prevent the appearance of acne, 1-2 times a week arrange a “general cleaning” for problem skin with cleansing masks. In the La Roche-Posay line, for example, Effaclar Purifying Mattifying Mask, which includes two types of mineral clay. It removes excess fat, tones.

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Salon procedures

An effective fight against acne can only be complex. Many procedures give good results.

  • Mesotherapy activates metabolic processes and increases the protective functions of the skin.

  • Dermabrasion and peels: 3-5 sessions are enough to noticeably improve the skin condition.

  • Photothermolysis — photopneumatic therapy regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminates small scars.

  • Ozone therapy improves blood circulation, regulates the production of sebum.

    The sebaceous glands work too intensively, as a result, the ducts become clogged and inflammation begins.

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Safety measures

What not to do if you have acne?

  • Squeeze pimples. You can damage the surrounding tissues and spread the infection, resulting in more breakouts.

  • Apply alcohol-containing cosmetics. It breaks the protective barrier of the skin, making it more vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria.

  • Use cosmetics with menthol and eucalyptus oil in the composition. These substances irritate the skin and provoke inflammation.

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