Acidophilus: the benefits and harms of a fermented milk product. Video
Acidophilus is the best combination of the qualities of yogurt and kefir. In its production, a complex starter culture from acidophilic bacillus, kefir fungus, mesophilic streptococci, etc. is used. Microorganisms perfectly complement each other and jointly have a beneficial effect on the human body. Adherents of a healthy diet should include acidophilus in their diet.
Why acidophilus is useful
The composition and useful properties of acidophilus
One of the main points of the benefits of acidophilus is its ability to enzymatically break down lactose, this is what determines its easy absorption in the body. In fact, lactose (milk sugar) itself is not harmful if enough lactase is released in the human gastrointestinal tract, an enzyme that is designed to digest milk sugar. But with a lack of it, symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder arise: bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. If you use acidophilus in reasonable amounts, such situations will be excluded.
Of course, the benefits of acidophilus are not limited to this. Acidophilus bacillus, which is the basis of the starter culture, is characterized by the property of releasing antibiotics, which act overwhelmingly on pathogenic microorganisms that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract and provoke putrefaction processes. As a result of the work of these natural antibiotics, the microflora of the stomach and intestines returns to normal, the state of health and the state of human health as a whole improves.
Of course, acidophilus and the vitamins present in its composition are valuable: – vitamin A in the form of retinol; – B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, cyanocobalamin, choline); – vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Acidophilus is also rich in such rare vitamins as H (biotin) and PP (niacin), which the official medicine equates to a medicine. These fighters of the invisible front take care of the liver, nervous system, brain
As for the presence of macro- and microelements in this fermented milk product, we can say for sure that this drink is just a storehouse of these substances, which are so necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.
Acidophilus contains:
- calcium and potassium (in large quantities)
- phosphorus
- magnesium
- sodium
- sulfur
- fluorine
- iodine
- copper, etc.
An important point: in acidophilus, all macro- and microelements are in proportions that best meet the needs of the human body. As they say, no more is needed, but less too. Everything is in perfect proportion, and therefore it is useful exclusively for all organs.
Classic acidophilus (no sugar and no flavors) is a low-calorie product: ≈ 59 kcal per 100 grams with a fat content of 3,2%. Thanks to this miraculous indicator, acidophilus is welcomed in the diet of overweight people. Of course, you don’t need to sit on this drink alone, albeit very useful, it is wiser to include it in complex diets. It should be borne in mind that different types of acidophilus have different calories. The determining factor is the percentage of fat. The higher it is, the higher the energy value of the drink, but the less it is shown to lose weight. When losing weight, you should opt for a product with a lower fat content (for example, 0,05%). Detailed information on calories can be found on the package.
Acidophilus is widely used in baby food. And here’s why: acidophilus bacillus, which is involved in the production of the drink, is similar in composition to those microorganisms that are present in the intestines of babies during the first months of life during breastfeeding. With regular use of acidophilus, living cells of lactic acid bacteria accumulate in the child’s body in sufficient quantities. They are fixed on the walls of the intestinal epithelium, filling almost the entire surface, as a result, there is simply no room for pathogenic microorganisms. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle should remember this when organizing the nutrition of their children, and they themselves should include acidophilus in their daily diet.
Making acidophilus at home
Self-preparation of acidophilus is quite difficult, but if you are determined to drink only a homemade drink, then, having carefully studied the technology, you will definitely learn how to make a healthy and tasty drink. Of course, without using a special starter culture, you will not get a complete product that has all the properties of a classic acidophilus. But, even having it (it is sold in pharmacies and health food stores), you have to work hard.
Making homemade acidophilus is not limited to simply adding the purchased starter culture to milk, the process is much more complicated, it consists of several stages and requires strict compliance with stringent conditions.
At the initial stage of making homemade acidophilus, you have to deal with the destruction of all lactic acid bacteria present in milk, otherwise you will end up with ordinary sour milk. To do this, the milk must be pasteurized. Not boiling, in which a significant part of the useful components is lost, namely pasteurization, in which losses are minimal.
To prepare acidophilus, you need the following ingredients:
- milk – 1 l (for primary fermentation)
- milk or reverse – 1 l (for secondary fermentation)
- pure culture of acidophilus bacillus (starter culture) – 5 g
Pasteurize the milk for half an hour at a temperature of 90 ° C (make sure it does not boil). Then quickly cool it down to 40 ° C by placing the dishes with milk in a container of cold water. Add the starter you bought at the pharmacy, mix and put in a warm place for 10 hours (for a more precise fermentation time, see the instructions for the acidophilus bacillus culture). Stir occasionally. Next, pasteurize milk or inverse, prepared for fermentation in the same way as before, after cooling, add the primary ferment in a proportion of 50 ml per 1 liter. The fermentation procedure should last at least 5-6 hours. Milk (or return) should turn into a dense mass – this is the ready-made acidophilus. When preparing subsequent portions of a healthy drink, it can be used as a primary ferment.
Drink acidophilus, like kefir, in a slightly warmed form in small sips with short pauses. On its basis, you can prepare delicious and healthy cocktails with fruits, berries or vegetables (for an amateur).
There are almost no contraindications for acidophilus, it is indicated for use even for babies. However, excessive consumption (more than 2 liters per day) can increase the level of acidity in the stomach, which will not slow down the manifestation of abdominal discomfort and heartburn. In extremely rare cases, acidophilus causes idiosyncrasy – a reaction to an individual intolerance to the product and food allergy in the form of urticaria.