Acid phosphatase in the body. When should an acid phosphatase test be performed?

Acid phosphatase is an enzyme that determines the hydrolysis (decomposition) of phosphate ester compounds. The source of phosphatase in the human body is the prostate, thrombocytes, erythrocytes, the kidney intestine and the pancreas. The activity of acid phosphatase is higher in children up to adolescence.

Acid phosphatase in the human body

Acid phosphatase is enzymethat is produced by the body. In the human body, the source of acid phosphatase is the prostate gland, osteoclasts, erythrocytes, thrombocytes (platelets), pancreas, intestine and kidneys. It is made of proteins that influence individual biochemical processes in the human body. The main task of acid phosphatase is to break down phosphate derivatives. The acid phosphatase produced by the cells of the prostate gland is sensitive to the action of tartrate. Therefore, by determining the total activity of phosphatase and the activity of the part that is inhibited after the action of tartrate, we can determine the fraction of the enzyme coming from the prostate gland. Acid phosphatase testing is performed when diseases such as Paget’s disease, prostate cancer, prostate inflammation and Gaucher disease are suspected. Excess phosphatase is stored in the lysosomes and is therefore considered a lysosome marker enzyme. The activity of phosphatase in children until adolescence is much greater.

Acid phosphatase – types

Phosphatase has several features:

  1. as bone fractions: osteoclasts,
  2. as a prostate fraction in: the prostate gland,
  3. synthesized in: bone marrow, kidneys, intestines, pancreas, organs, tissues, blood cells (erythrocytes, thrombocytes),

Acid phosphatase is often referred to as the “marker enzyme” of lysosomes because it is held in the lysosomes.

When do we do the acid phosphatase test?

  1. Prostate diseases – benign hyperplasia, adenoma, prostate cancer.
  2. Suspicion of bone diseases (with the following symptoms: bone pain, pathological fractures, changes in bone radiographs, calcium disorders).
  3. Assessment of health status after heart, liver or kidney diseases.
  4. Suspicion of metabolic bone diseases, e.g. Paget’s or Gaucher’s disease.

Acid phosphatase – study

Material for acid phosphatase testing: serum.

Preparation for the test: on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours).

The course of the acid phosphatase test: one-time blood sampling from a vein in the arm.

Time to wait for the result: 1 days.

Notes: After rectal examination, the concentration of acid phosphatase increases without any pathological significance. Therefore, the determination of the acid phosphatase level should not be performed in the period immediately following the rectal examination!

This enzyme is measured in blood serum from a vein in the arm. As with most blood tests, also in this case, you should arrive on an empty stomach (8 hours without a meal). Test results are available in one to two days.

Acid phosphatase and norms

The concentration of acid phosphatase in the blood depends largely on the age of the patient. The highest levels of this enzyme are found in children in adolescence, in whom phosphatase is involved in the growth process.

  1. total acid phosphatase activity (in adults) – 30-90 nmol / l / s,
  2. prostatic acid phosphatase fraction – 50-60% of total phosphatase activity.

due to the division into age groups:

  1. adults: 0,1 – 0,63 U / l;
  2. children: 0,67 – 1,07 U / l.

As indicated by an abnormal level of acid phosphatase

Inadequate acid phosphatase levels in the body may be related to:

  1. anemia,
  2. with infection,
  3. with phlebitis.

High levels of the acid phosphatase enzyme are particularly associated with:

  1. prostate cancer,
  2. inflammation of the prostate gland,
  3. acid phosphatase increases during prostate massage,
  4. certain bone diseases, including Paget’s disease, osteoporosis, overactive parathyroid glands,
  5. haemolysis, breakdown of thrombocytes during diseases,
  6. bowel cancer
  7. breast cancer.

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