acid cream reviews

So why should we buy creams, tonics, lotions, gels and tons of other acidic face products? First of all, they solve the following problems:

· Fight scars, post-acne, any spots and irregularities on the face;

· Eliminate acne and rashes on the face;

· Improve oxygen access to the skin;

· Smoothen wrinkles and, in general, smoothen the skin’s relief.

As you can see, acids are really multifunctional, and therefore are so popular among women.

Having decided that acids really will not harm your skin and will help solve some of the problems, we move on to the next step – choosing the optimal type of product. In each pharmacy, in the line of products with acids, there are at least three or even more types of product – usually a mask, gel for washing, tonic or cream. Let’s think logically: in order for acids to work, they need to stay on the skin, and not “wash off” 10 seconds after application. That is why products for washing with acids are far from so effective, it is much better to choose a face cream with acids. Here you can be sure that the cosmetics will really work and work out every ruble given for it.

The next step is to choose an active substance that will become our ally in the difficult fight against the above problems. There are many types of acids, but we will conventionally divide them into the three most popular types that are heard by all beautiholics: hyaluronic acid, AHA acids and BHA acids. Let’s figure out what’s what.

I haven’t heard of hyaluronic acid, probably only the laziest one – it is one of the most popular means for maintaining youth and beauty of the skin, which is indiscriminately shoved into all creams and serums.

It is believed that hyaluronic acid is absolutely useless for the skin in all its forms, except for injections – this is the only way it really penetrates the skin and acts effectively. It’s hard to say if this is true, but let’s hope that our favorite creams are still effective. The main function of hyaluronic acid is to retain moisture, so all victims of dehydration and skin dullness should pay attention to creams with this particular component. In addition, it is ideal for those with dry and thin skin who, in principle, will find it difficult to choose a gentle acidic cream.

Next, let’s deal with fruit acids (AHA and BHA acids).

The fundamental difference between the two is how they dissolve: AHA acids dissolve easily in water and are generally lighter and more versatile. It is these acids that are advised to choose if you do not know how to approach this mysterious section of the cosmetic store, because they will suit absolutely any type of skin (except, perhaps, irritated, allergenic and very thin). Because of this feature, manufacturers and cosmetologists do not recommend applying cream with fruit acids to wet skin – this reduces the effectiveness of the product and some of the acids simply dissolve.

As for BHA acids, they dissolve only in fat, which makes them an excellent treatment for oily problem skin prone to all sorts of rashes. Therefore, if your main task is to combat enlarged pores, oily sheen and acne, then take a closer look at face creams with BHA acids in the composition. This includes salicylic acid, which is well known to everyone from childhood, but you need to be careful with it – the risk of burns is very high.

Using products with acids, you need to know a few simple, but very, very important rules, without which it is better not even to open a jar of cream.

1. Be sure to test the new cream on the bend of the elbow – it is important to make sure that it does not cause allergies, which is likely enough (as a part of natural ingredients that are allergenic in themselves).

2. Try not to use acidic cosmetics in summer and generally in sunny weather – acids under the influence of ultraviolet rays can leave scars and pigmentation on the skin. By the way, winter sunny days are also considered, so it is best to use sunscreen with SPF 30+, no less.

3. Use creams with acids not constantly, but in courses – so the skin will not get used to the action of the components. And in general, acid therapy is quite rough and tough, therefore, during the period of using acids, the skin should be pitied and not once again tormented by additional peels, an abundance of cosmetics or something else.

You will find a large selection of creams on our Online.

Do not forget that any skin treatment is a complex of measures, so you should not rely on acids if you have advanced gastritis, you drink little and do not wash off the foundation at night. Take care of your skin – you have one!

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