Achilles tendon – common injuries and their treatment
Achilles tendon - common injuries and their treatmentAchilles tendon – common injuries and their treatment

Achilles tendon – this interesting, ancient expression refers to a very important part of the human body, a structure that makes it possible to stand on your toes, bend your feet, raise and lower them when taking subsequent steps. The proud and honorable name of the Achilles tendon, made up of the two muscles that make up the calf, is therefore a name given to a deserved name. So what happens when the largest tendon in the human body is damaged? What are the typical injuries that happen to this part of the body? What treatment should be taken in case of such an injury?

Achilles tendon strain – what to do with such an injury?

Contrary to appearances, it is not difficult to stretch the Achilles tendon. This is especially common for people who have not led an active lifestyle before, and in an attempt to change it, they undertake intense exercise. Usually they do it without preparation, without a proper warm-up before exercise. And this is just a very simple way to stretch a tendon. In addition, it is much easier for middle-aged people to get such an injury, in whom the blood supply to the musculoskeletal structure, which is easily damaged, deteriorates. In this case, when the tendon is only strained or partially torn, it is enough to put on a cast for a few weeks and after its removal undergo rehabilitation. A completely ruptured tendon is, in turn, a specter of necessary surgery.

Pain – a natural companion with a pulled Achilles tendon

Achilles tendon – although the largest in the body, it is not at all protected against numerous injuries. Even the constant repetition of a certain movement or excessive effort while walking can lead to minor injuries. We will quickly find out when there is a tendon tear injury – the calf will swell, turn red, and sometimes a bruise will also appear. There is always pain with this type of injury. Initially, making itself felt only during some movements of the foot, in the next phase occurring constantly and gaining strength. If, in addition, there is also inflammation, we will also hear scratching when moving the injured foot. It is the result of a buildup of fluid surrounding one of the muscles and the tendon. Such a condition requires the application of a cast, immobilization of the foot, and the use of a selected form of physical therapy (laser, ultrasound, cryotherapy).

Achilles tendon – treatment

Since we are aware of how easy it is to injure this sensitive part of our body, the question remains, what to do when we get such an injury? For minor injuries, it is enough to use special ointments – lubricate the painful part: calves or feet. Such agents can be easily purchased at the pharmacy, used as indicated on the leaflet – usually it is recommended to apply the ointment three times a day. It fulfills its function – analgesic and anti-inflammatory. However, it is not enough to use the ointment regularly, it will also be necessary to refrain from activity for some time to give the foot a chance to regain full efficiency. Altacet compresses will also be helpful in reducing the pain symptom.

Another injury directly related to the functioning of the Achilles tendon is bursitis. There are two bursae in each foot that can become inflamed from wearing uncomfortable shoes. Pain appears, making it difficult to move the foot and causing the Achilles tendon to fail.

If we have the most dangerous injury related to this part, i.e. a complete rupture of the Achilles tendon, we will not avoid surgery. This will consist in joining the tendons by connecting their ends. After this procedure, it will be necessary to immobilize the leg for a few weeks and then rehabilitate it. Rehabilitation methods must be adapted to the patient’s current physical condition and capacity.

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