Achieving goals involves work, here you need to do something: namely, set a goal correctly, think over a plan, organize (motivate) yourself to fulfill the plan. As a rule, perseverance and strong-willed efforts are needed here.
This is certainly adult and business-like, this is not an easy study, and serious uncles at business trainings are ready to pay money for this.
Wish fulfillment is something easy and magical. Some magician himself will guess what you really need, and it will provide you with it in the right form on a silver platter.
Interest in the fulfillment of desires — interest is often childish and cheerful, not serious, but joyful. Wish fulfillment training is more in demand as an entertainment option on vacation, and there it is more in demand than serious goal achievement training. At such trainings, you need to think and work less, more often they use relaxing and group-friendly shamanic techniques with common singing, clapping and dancing.