Acetic acid (E260)

Food preservative E260 – acetic acid. It is known to all people who know at least a little about the art of gastronomy.

It is formed as a result of the natural souring of natural wines. During this period, alcohol and carbohydrates begin to ferment. In addition, acetic acid is directly involved in the metabolic process in the human body.

The food preservative has a strong odor. The pure species acts as a colorless liquid that absorbs moisture from the environment.

It can freeze only at a temperature of -15 degrees. When freezing, many transparent crystals form.

Vinegar is 3-6% acetic acid. A 70-80% solution is already called vinegar essence. E260 is used not only in industrial production, but also in home cooking of various dishes.

Vinegar is a carbon representative with the ability to exhibit a high reactive function. As soon as it enters into reactions with other substances, it begins to initiate compounds of functional derivatives. As a result of such reactions, salts, amides and esters are formed.

It must dissolve in water and at the same time not create mechanical impurities, and also have an established proportion of quality components.

Where is it applied?

Basically, acetic acid is used in the manufacture of various preservatives and marinades.

In addition, it is also used in the industrial production of canned vegetables, mayonnaise and confectionery.

Often, a food preservative is used as a disinfectant and disinfectant.

However, acetic acid is used not only in the preparation of various foodstuffs, but also in other industries.

E260 in food production

Its scope of activity depends on the properties of acetic acid. Its main value lies in its palatability and acidic nature.

Vinegar is divided into several types, namely: apple, balsamic, beer, cane, date, honey, raisin, palm and many others.

Often acid is used in the manufacture of marinades, which later serve as the basis for canning vegetables.

Even the most famous recipe for marinating meat for barbecue is to add vinegar.

It has strong antibacterial properties. Therefore, all marinades are prepared on its basis. Thanks to this, canned vegetables are stored longer without conditions of a certain temperature.


Vinegar is a toxic substance, so the use of large doses and improperly concentrated can lead to serious disorders in the human body. In simple terms, the degree of danger depends on how correctly you dilute it with water.

The most dangerous solution for humans – the concentration of which exceeds 30%. If such a solution comes into contact with the mucous membrane and skin, it can cause a severe chemical burn.

The use of vinegar is allowed in industry all over the world, as it is completely safe when used correctly.

Experts categorically do not recommend eating dishes or products containing vinegar for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pathological liver dysfunctions. It is also worth refraining from children under six or seven years of age.

NameAcetic acid
A typeFood supplement
DescriptionThe additive, which is responsible for the long storage of products, is able to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and fungi. Chemical sterilizing additive that stops the maturation of disinfectants and wines.

Where else is it used?

It is used not only in the production of various foodstuffs, but also in:

  • domestic conditions (effectively eliminates scale inside kettles and cares for work surfaces);
  • chemical industries (acts as a solvent and chemical reagent);
  • the medical field (medicines are made on its basis);
  • other areas of industry.

What is the use?

Acetic acid is involved in the process of splitting carbohydrates and fats that enter the human body with food.

Daily rate

To date, experts have not determined what the daily rate of this food preservative is. Despite the fact that it is very popular in cooking, scientists have not calculated how much a person needs or can use such a substance.

In medical practice, there have not yet been cases when a person had a lack of a substance in the body, which leads to any serious disorders. But at the same time, there is a certain group of people for whom this preservative is contraindicated. Doctors do not recommend it to patients with inflammation of the gastric mucosa, ulcers and inflammation of the digestive system.

Experts explain this by the fact that the preservative is able to irritate and destroy the gastric mucosa. At best, if the patient experiences only heartburn, and at worst, a burn of the digestive system.

In addition, there is another reason why it is worth abandoning such substances – the individual intolerance of the body. To avoid such complications, it is better to refuse such foods.


Vinegar affects human health in the same way as hydrochloric, sulfuric or nitric acid. The only difference from the above acids is the surface effect.

After scientific experiments, scientists came to the conclusion that a lethal dose for humans is 11 ml. This is about one glass of table vinegar or 30 ml of essence.

When vapors of the substance enter the lungs, they can provoke serious inflammation of the lung tissues with serious consequences.

Another serious consequence of an overdose is tissue death, complicated cirrhosis, and death of kidney cells.

How it interacts with other substances

Excellent interaction with proteins is noted, while the body absorbs proteins more easily.

A similar interaction with carbohydrates. It helps the body to more easily absorb meat, fish and vegetable foods.

But remember that such positive moments are possible only with the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Often people use this substance as the basis for the preparation of drugs. It effectively relieves inflammation and lowers body temperature.

The preservative additive with the digital number E260 has been officially approved and allowed to be used in the production of various foods throughout the world.

After conducting a large number of experiments and laboratory studies, scientists came to the conclusion that the correct use and the permitted dosage does not have a negative effect on the human body.

The body completely absorbs acetic acid. This is a kind of intermediate metabolite (a product of the metabolism of any compounds), which performs energy and structural functions in most metabolic processes. In order not to harm your health, you need to be able to properly dilute E260 with water. A 30% solution is a great danger to humans. Follow all rules of use.

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