Accountant’s Day 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
There is no official professional celebration for accounting specialists. Therefore, modern treasurers can celebrate their holiday almost the whole of November, because the last autumn month has three related celebrations at once. We talk about what days you can congratulate accountants in 2022

There are three holidays in November: the International Day of the Accountant, and the unofficial Day of the Accountant, and even the Day of the Moscow Accountant.

The day of the accountant in our state is not enshrined at the legislative level. In other words, you won’t find it on the official calendar of holidays and observances. However, accountants only benefit from this, as they can celebrate their triumph several times a year.

So, the main (it is also the most popular) date for celebrating the Day of the Accounting Specialist is 21 November. On this day in 1996, the then leader signed the federal law “On Accounting” No. 129-FZ (now this document has already lost its force). As follows from the above, November 21 is not an official holiday, so accountants, as a rule, celebrate the celebration at the workplace, and rest only if their holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday.

In addition, in some collectives it is customary to honor accountants also 25 November, and at the same time 28-th. These days, the Federal Law “On Accounting”, which was already mentioned above, was published, which means it entered into force.

In addition, accounting workers can safely celebrate and 10 November – International Accountant’s Day.

And Moscow debit and credit professionals have their own holiday – the Day of the Moscow Accountant, celebrated 16 November. By the way, not only the capital has its own date of celebration. A number of other regions of the Federation also preferred to do the same. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory, treasurers are honored later than everyone else – on the first Sunday of December, and in the Yaroslavl Region – before anyone else (on the first Sunday of the second spring month).


November 10, 1494 is considered the beginning of the formation of the accountant profession all over the world. It was then that the Venetian mathematician Luca Pacioli, who is also called the “father of accounting”, published the book “The sum of arithmetic, geometry, ratios and proportions”, which, among other things, talks about the principles of accounting and the double-entry bookkeeping method, and also describes how to use accounting registers and registration of order journals.

That is why International Accountant Day is celebrated on November 10th. This holiday was established by the United Nations, but it was done on the recommendation of UNESCO.

But in our country, the day of accountants has been celebrated since 1996 – after the appearance of the Federal Law “On Accounting”, however, unofficially and not on November 10, but on the 21st – on the day the document was signed. However, all this does not mean that the treasurers did not try to establish a celebration in their honor at the legislative level. So, they made their first attempt in 2000. That year, the participants of the Second All- Congress of Accountants applied to the Ministry of Finance of the Federation with a corresponding initiative, but then that was all.

The second attempt was made 14 years later. In 2014, the union of accountants sent the same proposal to the same ministry. This time, the department promised to think about a new holiday and bring this issue up for discussion in the Cabinet. However, the authorities still cannot decide on the date of the celebration: some advocate the 21st day of the last autumn month, others – the 10th day of the same month.

Meanwhile, in 2002, the Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors (IPA) created even more confusion. In May of that year, the association of accounting specialists decided to annually celebrate the Day of a professional accountant on November 28 – the day the Federal Law “On Accounting” was published. So, the ISP recognized this particular date as its corporate holiday, but he did this on the basis of the decision of his presidential council.


On their holiday, accountants, as a rule, arrange feasts in their department at the end of the working day, during which congratulations, best wishes and, of course, words of gratitude for their hard work are addressed to the heroes of the occasion. In addition, colleagues from other departments usually prepare small but pleasant presents for those who calculate and pay them salaries, and managers present certificates of honor, diplomas and, of course, cash bonuses to their best treasurers.

As for gifts, flowers, sweets and postcards have already become traditional on this holiday (after all, almost 90% of accountants in our country are women). In addition, it is customary for accounting workers to give diaries, notebooks, souvenirs with the company logo, etc.

It is worth noting that in companies where accounting employees are held in high esteem, a full-fledged holiday is usually arranged. For example, a corporate party is organized with contests and dances.

In addition, there are often events in November where leading experts in the financial industry discuss the problems and future of accounting. Lectures, various seminars and advanced training courses are also organized for the main heroes of the occasion.

And in educational institutions where future specialists study, concerts are usually arranged. Specially for this day, students prepare sketches and quests that have been fashionable lately.

The media are not left out. On television on November 21, you can see programs about accounting and reports about accountants and their holiday. And on the pages of newspapers on this day there are articles dedicated to everyone who knows how to reduce debit with credit.

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