Accidents in life are not accidental: the story of one family

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! Friends, it has long been proven that accidents in life are not accidental, and this real story again confirms the law of the Universe and the materiality of thought.


One autumn evening Valeria went to throw out the trash. He opens the lid of the container, and there is a cardboard box in a pile of rubbish, and there is clearly someone moving inside. Valeria first of all thought of a homeless cat who was looking for something to profit from.

But something made her take out this box, open it and see what was in it. “If a kitten or a puppy, I’ll take it for myself,” the girl thought. She opened the box – and in it … a child! Completely naked, newborn baby. Boy. She lies, smiles, pulling her little hands to her.

Lera’s heart almost stopped from such a surprise. She urgently called an ambulance. The arriving team found that the baby was three hours old and he was very lucky that he was found on time.

Otherwise, it would freeze – it’s still autumn in the yard. And so – like a normal child, healthy. In a state of shock, Valeria returned home. After waiting for her husband from work, she told about the incident. Then for a long time I could not recover after what happened.

Accidents in life are not accidental: the story of one family

The girl did not sleep all night – this little boy, who was so ruthlessly thrown into the trash can, did not go out of his head, as if it were an unnecessary thing. She looked at her husband – Sergei also did not sleep, lay and silently looked out the window. His face was visible in the light of the lantern – pensive and sad. Suddenly he turned to his wife and asked:

“Are you thinking the same thing as me?

Lera silently nodded, swallowing tears …


Early in the morning, the couple found out which ambulance team was leaving for this address. Then they found the doctors who came to the call, then they found the baby’s ward. Probably, they stood for half an hour and silently looked at this unfortunate boy whom fate had so disliked.

The investigator who conducted the case on the “foundling” told the couple that the unfortunate mother had not yet been found. And when they find them, they will certainly deprive them of parental rights, and the child will be sent to the baby’s house.

Valeria and Sergei did not have children: the woman had health problems. Numerous examinations, expensive treatment in the best clinics did not lead to anything. The doctors’ words sounded like a sentence: “You cannot have children.”

It was then that the couple first thought about the adopted child. They began to “break the ground”: to find out what documents are needed and where to apply. And here – once, and such a “gift” in the trash can! Fluke!

Accidents in life are not accidental: the story of one family

The spouses immediately realized that accidents in life are not accidental – this is fate. They began to draw up documents. Of course, it took a long time. But at the end of this chilling story, a child thrown to die in a trash can found real parents.

He was not needed by his own mother, but fate did not allow him to perish. And, as it turned out, not in vain: after all, there were people who, without knowing it, were very, very much waiting for him …

This story is a little over ten years old. Today “foundling” is an average teenager with a happy fate of his beloved son. The boy does not yet know the story of his appearance in the family. He successfully learns English, visits the pool and dreams of becoming a civil aviation pilot …

Dear readers, write in the comments of the story when accidents in life are not accidental. It’s always fun! Until next time! 😉 Come in, crawl in, run in, drop in!

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