Acceptance Psychology

Acceptance Psychology

Although it can sometimes be confused with resignation, acceptance goes much further and is a key tool for emotional well-being. Definitely, it’s about recognizing unwanted situations that you cannot change to learn to assume them. In this way, tolerance to vital losses or disappointments and failures is strengthened.

The basic difference with resignation has to do with the consequences. While resignation leads to inaction, acceptance leads us to open ourselves to other possibilities that can improve our situation.

When we think about personal well-being we can make the mistake of believing that it is essential to always be well, however, sadness, frustration or anger are also part of our life and fighting against them can lead to states of greater frustration or anger. anxiety. But nevertheless, acceptance is the first step to overcome negative situations. When it is achieved, the real change takes place since the energy destined to fight against what causes those negative emotions or to complain continuously goes on to promote the overcoming of the misfortune opening up to new possibilities.


The acceptance of oneself or self-acceptance means feeling as we really are, without trying to change our experience. The unconditional affection towards oneself in our totality, including the capacities but also the limits. This deep approval does not lead us to conform but to recognize what can be changed from what cannot and fostering the true potential for change. In this way, I can accept myself as a person but I don’t have to settle for my insecurities or deficiencies since by accepting myself I find the path to personal evolution.

To work acceptance improves self-esteem and it is the way to forgive ourselves for past mistakes and manage to deal with the present by developing the true sense of identity. In addition, it favors the establishment of healthy relationships with other people without idealizing or underestimating them.

The power of acceptance

Acceptance is part of personal development and favors profound change and improvement. Acceptance recognizes that a person is more than emotion, the negative thought or behavior that you may have or perform.

The steps of acceptance

Acceptance is key to overcoming tragic situations such as the deaths of loved ones or the discovery of a chronic illness. In general, five stages are established for the acceptance of emotional pain:

Negation: The person rejects reality

Go to: Anger at the reality that seeks to understand what happened

Negotiation: Back to the past in which everything is tried to be as before

Sadness: Help self-knowledge

Acceptance: Process culmination

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