Accelerate the elimination of alcohol from the body

Knowing how to remove alcohol from the body can be useful when you need to quickly sober up and recover. All methods of accelerated elimination can only bring a person to their senses, but they cannot hide the fact of drinking alcohol from a breathalyzer or a urine and blood test. Therefore, for those who are going to drive, they are practically useless.

The average time to remove alcohol from the body is 0.1-0.15 ppm for men and 0.085-0,1 ppm for women. With large amounts of alcohol consumed, when the concentration of alcohol in the blood begins to threaten life, the natural process of purification for some time can be accelerated to 0,26 ppm per hour.

These are average theoretical values ​​for a healthy person, in practice the indicated time is different, first of all it depends on the state of the liver.

To make it easier to sort, I propose to consider a table that indicates the total time for the elimination of alcohol in men, depending on the strength of the alcoholic beverage. For women, these values ​​u20buXNUMXbshould be increased by XNUMX%. For automatic calculation, you can use our online alcohol calculator.

alcohol withdrawal table

Alcohol is excreted from the human body in only three ways: through the lungs (breathing), skin (sweating) and kidneys (urination). It is on these physiological features that all express analyzes of the degree of intoxication are based.

Methods for the accelerated elimination of alcohol

one). Cleanse the stomach. This method is useful only if the alcohol was drunk recently (up to half an hour) and has not yet had time to be absorbed into the blood.

To cleanse the stomach, you need to induce vomiting, and then drink a few tablets of activated charcoal. In difficult cases, other medications may be needed, but this is up to the doctors.

2). Drink more liquid. Well suited mineral water and citrus juices, which make the kidneys work harder. Residues of alcohol are excreted in the urine.

Accelerate the elimination of alcohol from the body
Water makes the kidneys excrete alcohol faster.

3). Diuretics. The best option is a decoction of herbs, but if there is no time to prepare it, you can use special preparations sold in pharmacies.

4). water procedures. A warm shower will help cleanse the skin and open the pores to remove any remaining alcohol. Baths and saunas should be avoided, as the high temperature creates an additional burden on the heart for a drunk person.

5). Walks in the open air. Improve ventilation of the lungs, and alcohol comes out faster. To sober up, you need to move more. But these should be slow walks that do not burden the body.

6). Dream. This method cannot be called fast, at the same time it is the most effective. In sleep mode, a person recovers faster. To recover, you should sleep at least a few hours.


one). To remove alcohol, it is not recommended to drink tea and coffee, which only stimulate the nervous system. This is a deceptive sobering up, after a while it will only get worse.

2). “Antipolizei” and other similar products, consisting of vitamins and aromatic substances, only interrupt the smell of alcohol, but do not contribute to sobering up.

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