Acai berries – properties, action, side effects

Acai berries are small (smaller than grapes), round and dark purple. They grow on palm trees in the Amazon rainforests.

Acai berries – properties

Acai Berries they are real nutritional bombs – they contain vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins. But they do not end there – their fruits hide minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper), amino acids and healthy fatty acids. In addition, they contain almost all types of antioxidants that inhibit the growth of cancer cells and delay the aging process (such as resveratrol, cyanidin-3-glucoside, ferulic acid).

Acai berries – effect on the body

Thanks to the large amount of polyphenols, Acai berries facilitate blood flow, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, coronary diseases and the formation of blockages. They also contribute to reducing bad cholesterol and increasing the level of good cholesterol in the blood.

The content of a large amount of fiber accelerates the metabolism and the digestive process, which in practice gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety, allowing you to gradually reduce the amount of calories consumed. Moreover Acai berries stimulate and reduce fatigue. They have a positive effect on regeneration after physical exertion and increase endurance, which is why they are recommended for people who work hard physically.

Another advantage Acai berry it has a beneficial effect on the immune system – which is possible thanks to vitamins, minerals and active plant substances in their composition. And because they also contain calcium, they help fight osteoporosis and make bones stronger.

Acai Berries – Side Effects

Acai Berries They have no side effects, although excessive consumption may lead to gastrointestinal problems such as gas or diarrhea. Some people may have an allergic reaction with a rash on the skin and difficulty breathing.

Acai berries – reviews

A remarkable amount of positive properties Aca berryand scientists confirm. That is why they are one of the most desirable fruits for cosmetic and supplement companies. After starting their systematic consumption, however, do not expect spectacular, quick changes – their health effects manifest themselves over time. Among consumers Acai berries the opinions are positive – which can be checked by visiting forums related to healthy eating.

Acai berries – where to buy?

In Poland and European countries we will not buy fruit, but already prepared products – Acai berries they are usually sold in the form of juices or tablets. You can also find dried fruit. Acai Berries they are sold both by online and stationary stores. When buying on the Internet, you should first read the opinions about it, because it happens that so-called fakes or tablets and juices that with the real thing jagodami acai they have nothing to do.

At Medonet Market you will find Acai Intenson berry extract, which you can buy at a promotional price. Also try Acai extract – YANGO dietary supplement available in the form of capsules. An interesting form is also the preparation of Acai BIO powder, which can be used as an addition to various types of dishes.

If we prefer to buy in brick-and-mortar stores, many pharmacies have on offer Acai berries – in both tablet and juice forms. Purchase in a pharmacy, supplement store or health food store should guarantee the authenticity of the preparation.

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