We will pay about PLN 30 for 100 tablets for the capsules containing the Acai berry extract. This price is completely adequate to the healing and slimming properties of Acai. The berries themselves come from a tree of the forests of the northern Amazon. So these are extremely exotic fruits, naturally unheard of in Poland. They contain a lot of minerals and nutrients, they are great for weight loss.
Acai fruit: what do they contain?
- First of all, antioxidants, i.e. anthocyanins and polyphenols. They help in inhibiting the aging process and in inhibiting the development of cancer cells, thanks to which it can be said that Acai berries have anti-cancer effects. The antioxidant effect of Acai berries has been scientifically studied. The fruits are on the ORAC list, i.e Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
- Acai berries also contain the power of amino acids
- Acai berries also contain fatty acids, e.g. oleic and linoleic acids, which help to lower “bad” cholesterol and protect the heart and circulatory system
Why are Acai berries recommended for weight loss?
Acai berries can be purchased in the form of tablets or in powdered form, which can be dissolved in water or juices. The slimming effect of Acai berries is primarily due to their appetite-suppressing properties. In addition, these fruits improve and accelerate the body’s metabolism, making weight loss more effective. This is due to the high fiber content (17g/100g). Some of the properties of Acai berries also affect the acceleration of fat burning, especially if the slimming person does not forget about physical activity when taking them.
Healing with Acai Berries: The Science of the Wild Tribes
Indians use Acai berries to treat diarrhea and to eliminate parasites from the digestive tract. In tropical forests, it is also a medicine for all kinds of hemorrhages, also helping in the treatment of ulcers. Interestingly, Peruvians use Acai berries to reduce too much fever. Therefore, these fruits can also be useful in temporary health problems related to the autumn and winter period: influenza or cold.
Acai Berries: What Else Can They Help Us?
- They protect against cardiovascular diseases
- They are used in the prevention of atherosclerosis
Note the quantity!
However, you should use processed acai berry products sustainably. Using them too often can cause unpleasant bloating, gas and diarrhea. In addition, Acai berries can cause allergies. The symptom of allergy is a skin rash, but there may also be temporary breathing difficulties.