Acacia tree: description

Acacia tree: description

White acacia is a wonderful tree with medicinal properties. This tree belongs to the legume family. Representatives of this species are very often used in non-traditional methods of treatment. White acacia is also called robinia and false acacia. The historical homeland of Robinia is North America. The plant got its name in honor of Jean Robin, who brought the false acacia to Europe.

Description and characteristics of the white acacia tree

The acacia tree was brought to the territory of Russia in the XNUMXth century and immediately earned universal recognition due to its peculiarities.

Acacia tree is an unpretentious plant

False Acacia Characteristics:

  • The leaves of the plant are light green, oblong. Each leaf has a pair of thorns.
  • The height of acacia can reach 25-30 m.
  • Barrel thickness reaches 80 cm.
  • The flowers are white or pale pink. Fragrant buds are collected in tassels.
  • Robinia blooms from May to June.
  • Acacia fruits are beans with seeds that are often dark brown in color. Ripen in early autumn.

White acacia has unique characteristics. Robinia differs from many plants in the content of organic acids, essential and fatty oils, aromatic substances, thanks to which acacia has an unforgettable aroma. Robinia is a very unpretentious plant and does not require frequent and abundant watering. Prefers a dry state more.

The healing and not only properties of the white acacia tree

White acacia has medicinal properties to all its external advantages. False acacia:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antipyretic.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Hypotensive.

And also robinia has the property of a laxative. It is used in case of problems with the stomach and intestines. Its use can alleviate food allergies. Saves from colds, coughs and improves immunity.

White acacia is a melliferous plant. Bees collect up to 8 kg of honey from a large tree

Robinia honey is distinguished by a spicy aroma of herbs and flowers, as well as a mild taste. In a liquid state, honey is transparent. For many years it can retain its original state and not crystallize. An indispensable element in acacia honey is glucose and fructose.

False acacia honey is beneficial even for children. It does not contain allergens harmful to the child’s body

White acacia is an amazing plant that gives people not only its external beauty, but also a fragrance. The unforgettable aroma of white acacia will give a surge of strength and vigor, improve mood and well-being.

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