Name of the breed | Abyssinian cat |
Country of origin | Abyssinia, now Ethiopia |
The time of the birth of the breed | 1882 year |
The weight | 4 – 6 kg |
Height (height at the withers) | Cats 32 cm, cats 28 cm |
Lifespan | 15 – 20 years |
Price of kittens | 10 – 000 rubles |
Most popular nicknames | Abram, East, Homer, Jean, Zephyr, Cairo, Magellan, Bagheera, Diana, Cleopatra, Laura |
History of origin
Since ancient times, this breed has been held in high esteem in any Egyptian family, where they were valued and loved.
They were first bred in the second half of the 1896th century in England. The kind that we see to this day, appeared thanks to English breeders. It is worth noting that Abyssinian cats are the first breed culturally bred in Europe. It received its official name in XNUMX.
To date, the breed is well distributed in Europe, America (here it is included in the list of the most popular breeds) and, more recently, in Our Country. The number of nurseries is growing every year.
Breed description
Description of the breed today:
Height – the growth of cats can reach 32 cm, and cats – 28 cm. The head has the shape of a blade, the neck is long and graceful. The eyes are expressive, large, almond-shaped. Eye color is amber or green. The ears are large and wide, set far apart.
The body is of medium length, muscular. The coat is thin, but dense, silky and close to the body. Colors can be different: wild, sorrel, blue and fawn.
Despite the fact that cats are royal, they do not behave like a king, but at the same time they love respect for their person. If you do not like nimble and active, then this breed is definitely not for you. The Abyssinian will not sit still, she is playful, active, loves to climb high and sit on high ground.
These cats are very curious. They are always next to their man, no matter what he does. They are ready to watch TV with you, take apart food from packages, read a book with you, watching the owner’s eye movement.
Cats don’t like being alone. If you are often away from home, it is better to get another animal for the company. Cats get along well even with dogs.
Abyssinian cats are smart, sociable, loyal, not capricious. They get along well with children and will bring a lot of love, tenderness and joy into your life.
Care and maintenance
You need to prepare for the move of the animal in advance – purchase a scratching post so that they do not damage the fresh repair, tray, slicker, toys, bed with their claws.
In food, cats are unpretentious. They will happily eat both homemade food and special food. But it is better to choose one thing so as not to injure the gastrointestinal tract. Experts recommend feeding premium dry food. From it the animal will receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
Since cats have short hair, brushing them once a week is enough. They should be bathed very rarely.
Education and training
Abyssinians are the most intelligent and loyal cats. With a little effort, they can be easily taught to perform various simple commands. These cats are capable of fetching objects and even following “doggy” commands such as sitting and giving a paw. Many cat owners have trained them to go to the toilet.
You can start raising a kitten as early as two months. Initially, small tasks are set, and with each training session, the complexity increases.
Classes should be in the form of a game. By seven months, a cat should have good manners. You can’t shout at the Abyssinian and raise your hand, because the kitten will start to be afraid of everyone. But a lot can be achieved with caress. Bad habits, like biting, scratching, should be stopped immediately with the “No” command.
A kitten can be taught to respond to the name, go to the call, calm behavior, punctuality, walk on a leash.
Health and disease
Abyssinians are strong, healthy animals. They live for a long time – with proper care up to 15 – 20 years.
But this breed can develop gum disease, so from time to time you should brush their teeth and monitor their oral cavity.
Popular questions and answers
We talked about keeping Abyssinian cats with veterinary dermatologist from the European Veterinary Center EVC, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics Olga Nesterenko.